Bitcoin mining giant and competitor to Bitmain Canaan Inc. (aka Canaan Creative) is being sued by investors who claim that the company has violated several industry laws.Canaan Is Taking a Hard HitThe suit was filed in Oregon last Wednesday by investor Phillippe Lemieux, who believes the enterprise lied to shareholders following its recent initial public offering (IPO). Lemieux claims that the company presented false information about its financial well-being and about its status with the...
Read More »Greenidge Generation Extracts Lots of BTC in Upstate New York
A power plant in upstate New York known as Greenidge Generation says it’s mining up to $50,000 in new bitcoins each day.Greenidge Has the PowerThe average number of new coins extracted through the plant – which has been using its own energy reserves to get the job done – has been 5.5. Greenidge Generation says it’s looking to potentially put the U.S. on the map as a serious crypto competitor to China, which at the time of writing, controls much of the world’s bitcoin mining power.The company...
Read More »Layer1 Technologies, a BTC Mining Company, Officially Opens for Business
Layer1 Technologies – a bitcoin mining startup operating in West Texas – has opened its doors for business.Layer1: We Want to Compete with ChinaThe company has specifically mentioned that it’s looking to counter bitcoin and crypto mining activity in China, which up until this point, has long been considered the world’s number one bitcoin and digital currency haven. At the time of writing, Layer1 has unveiled several 2.5-megawatt containers and is extracting several new coins.The history of...
Read More »Crypto Miners Appear to Be Leaving China
Is China losing its grip on bitcoin mining? According to an executive at Grayscale, many bitcoin mining operations have shifted their attention from China to North America and have promptly moved to western territory to carry out their “currency extraction projects.”Is China Losing Its Mining Power?China has long had a very mixed relationship with cryptocurrency. This goes double for mining and currency miners, who at one time, didn’t know if they were going to have a job granted that they...
Read More »Unter dieser Bedingung ist Bitcoin Mining nach dem Halving noch profitabel
Das Bitcoin Halving rückt näher. Bei diesem Event wird die Belohnung pro BTC-Block, der beim Mining validiert wird, halbiert. Das Bitcoin Halving ist ein Prozess, der von Beginn an im Konzept des Bitcoins festgeschrieben wurde und alle paar Jahre erfolgen muss. Bleibt das Mining eigentlich nach dem Halving profitabel?Bitcoin News: Unter dieser Bedingung ist Bitcoin Mining nach dem Halving noch profitabelEs ist nicht nur die Belohnung für die Miner, die über die Profitabilität entscheidet....
Read More »#795 Bitcoin Mining Gewinne, Ethereum DEFI Wachstum & Maduro startet Petro Krypto Casino
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 795. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin Mining fährt fünf Milliarden US-Dollar ein, Ethereum durch DEFI zu 1 Billion Marktkapitalisierung & Maduro startet Petro Krypto Casino. 1.) Bitcoin Mining fährt fünf Milliarden US-Dollar ein 2.) Ethereum kann durch DeFi eine Billionen Dollar Marktkapitalisierung...
Read More »Whinstone Inc. Opens New Mining Facility in Southern U.S.
The world’s largest bitcoin mining facility has recently opened in Rockdale, Texas. The operation is owned by Germany-based Whinstone Inc., which will rent out the facility to both SBI Holdings Inc. and Japan-based GMO Internet Inc. Both will work to extract new bitcoins using Whinstone’s equipment and Texas location.Whinstone Is Becoming the Primary Mining CompanyBitcoin mining has been a big deal as of late. While always a main staple of the industry, two large events have occurred in the...
Read More »Japanese SBI and GMO to Mine Bitcoin at Texas Crypto Mining Farm
The Japanese financial giant SBI Holdings Inc. and internet corporation GMO Internet Group will mine the number one crypto. To mine Bitcoin, SBI and GMO will rent capacity of the world’s leading mining farm based in Rockdale, Texas. As Bloomberg has reported, the companies have agreed with Whinstone Inc., a subsidiary of Frankfurt-based Northern Bitcoin AG. Neither SBI nor GMO has commented on the announcement yet, but those familiar with the matter said that mining begins ‘within the coming...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining: Diese Coins könnt ihr auch heute noch mit Computer minen!
Als Satoshi Nakamoto, der Erfinder von Bitcoin, die digitale Währung einführte, erläuterte er, wie das Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk für digitale Zahlungen funktionieren würde, um schnelle, sichere und unzensurierbare Transaktionen zu ermöglichen. Im ursprünglichen Whitepaper erläuterte er das Protokoll, mit dem neue Coins im Bitcoin-Netzwerk in Umlauf gebracht werden. „Die erste Transaktion in einem Block ist eine spezielle Transaktion, die neue Coins generiert, welche dem Ersteller...
Read More »China to BTC Miners: Slow Your Operations a Bit!
Darn it! China was doing so well, too. Following all the hype and hoopla about China finally saying “yes” to bitcoin mining, it seems the country doesn’t have enough electricity to provide for all the new operations.China Says, “Slow Things Down!”China recently announced that all cryptocurrency mining activity would be legal within its borders. This was a big deal considering the country’s strained relationship with bitcoin and its altcoin cousins. For one thing, regulators were long debating...
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