Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 867. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Chinas CBDC-Launch zu Olympia 2022, Private Zoom Call mit Kryptowährung zahlen & Tether Burn und Bitcoin Price Dump. 1.) E-Renminbi – Chinas CBDC-Launch zu Olympia 2022?https://www.btc-echo.de/chinas-cbdc-launch-zu-olympia-2022/ 2.) Zoom Calls werden mit Kryptowährung bezahlt – SmartSession liefert Paywall auf...
Read More »Bitcoin Sheds Another $200 Off Its Price
The price of bitcoin – the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap – has fallen to just over $6,800 at the time of writing following news that the oil market in America tanked two days ago.Bitcoin Takes Another TumbleDespite spending the last several days trading above the $7,000 mark – which it had crossed for the second time in a month – the digital asset that everyone has come to know and love is once again being affected by outside market commodities and has taken a turn for the...
Read More »Russell Okung: BTC Is the “Best Way” to Empower People
It’s not uncommon to see sports players and crypto working together, and in the case of offensive tackle Russell Okung of the Carolina Panthers, bitcoin is something he’s crazy about.Russell Okung Loves His BTCAfter shooting out a tweet last year that read “Pay me in bitcoin,” it can’t become any clearer than it already is that Okung is looking for additional ways to grow the crypto industry and his digital wealth. Recently, the NFL player announced he would be investing in a company called...
Read More »#866 Hacker Lendf.Me Krypto-Beute, Niederländische Zentralbank digitaler Euro & Ripple verklagt Youtube
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 866. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Hacker gibt DeFi-Plattform Lendf.Me Krypto-Beute zurück, Niederländische Zentralbank will Führungsrolle bei digitalem Euro & Ripple verklagt Youtube. Vielen Dank an den heutigen Sponsor XBTPROhttps://trade.xbtpro.com/sessions/signup/UlGty_VsZ 1.) Hacker gibt DeFi-Plattform Lendf.Me Krypto-Beute...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Could Dive To $6,600 Before Fresh Increase
Bitcoin price started a fresh decline and traded below the $7,000 support against the US Dollar.It is currently showing a few bearish signs below $6,965 and $7,000.There is a key contracting triangle forming with resistance near $7,220 on the 4-hours chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could decline further towards the key $6,600 support before it might start a fresh increase.Bitcoin price is struggling to remain in a positive zone above $6,800 against the US Dollar....
Read More »Could Bitcoin Drop All Over Again in the Next Few Weeks?
Bitcoin has exploded in recent days, jumping all the way to the $7,000 mark for the second time in a month. This is a solid improvement over where it stood just last week, and yet some are predicting that things are about to fizzle out all over again.Bitcoin May Take Another DipThis seems to be a running theme in the bitcoin arena. While BTC does well and many people seem to jump on board, there are others that refuse to see the light. Many still view bitcoin as a failing asset that has yet...
Read More »Are Stimulus Checks Being Used to Buy Bitcoin?
It looks like many Americans are potentially spending their newfound stimulus checks on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Several digital currency trading platforms, such Coinbase, are reporting purchases of exactly $1,200 over the past few days, the maximum amount of the checks that citizens are receiving from the federal government.Paper Checks Are Going Towards CryptoThese checks are designed to give Americans some relief from the coronavirus pandemic that first began wreaking havoc on...
Read More »#865 Bitcoin (BTC) ist Narrengold, Facebook Calibra Expansion & Historischer Crash am Öl-Markt.
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 865. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin (BTC) ist bloß Narrengold, Facebook Calibra sucht 50 Mitarbeiter in Dublin & Historischer Crash am Öl-Markt. 1.) US-Zentralbank: Bitcoin (BTC) ist bloß Narrengold!https://www.coinkurier.de/us-zentralbank-bitcoin-btc-ist-bloss-narrengold/ 2.) Facebook: Calibra sucht 50 neue Mitarbeiter in...
Read More »BTC-Intercepting Malware Uncovered On Ruby Gems
Crypto theft is quite common, and it’s no laughing matter. Recently, as many as 725 separate forms of malware were discovered on the Ruby Gems platform, which is typically used for downloading and offering Ruby programming language. The malware was widely designed to get in the way of bitcoin and crypto payments and potentially shift them over to wallets and addresses controlled by hackers.Malware Is Big… and DangerousIn all, there were more than 100,000 malware downloads, and all the...
Read More »Bitcoin ATMs Experience Heightened Usage Despite Stay-at-Home Orders
Bitcoin ATMs have come a long way in society. Many have expanded across the United States and abroad, giving more people the opportunity to potentially use crypto for the purchase of goods and services. While many people in the U.S. are stuck inside their homes and unable to move about much due to social distancing regulations, many ATM companies are reporting increases in transactions through their bitcoin machines.Bitcoin ATMs Are Growing Like CrazyThe consensus is that many people are...
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