Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 737. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: China erlässt Blockchain-Gesetz ab Januar 2020 & Bitfinex distanziert sich von Crypto Capitol und den mutmasslichen Drogengeschäften. 1.) China erlässt Blockchain-Gesetz ohne Bitcoin – Tritt ab Januar 2020 in Krafthttps://bitcoin-kurier.de/china-erlaesst-blockchain-gesetz-ohne-bitcoin-tritt-ab-januar-2020-in-kraft/ 2.) Bitfinex distances itself from Crypto Capital,...
Read More »Mike Novogratz’s Galaxy Digital Schedule to Unveil 2 New Bitcoin Funds in November
On October 23, a severe crypto crash struck leaving Bitcoin hovering around the $7,500 level. Many of the investors said that they never thought this kind of buying opportunity would come again. Now, market leaders believe that the Bitcoin price may slide further before regaining its upward momentum.The fundamentals also have a lot to improve on and if the commentators are right, a further drop may happen before the end of the year. Notably, the latest Bitcoin drop has taken a huge toll on...
Read More »#736 Venezuelas BTC Baby, Bakkt Bitcoin Optionen & Crypto Capital Drogen und Geldwäsche
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 736. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Von Bitcoin leben: Venezuelas BTC-Baby, Bakkt kündigt Bitcoin-Optionen ab Dezember an & Crypto Capital Drogen und Geldwäsche. 1.) Von Bitcoin leben: Venezuelas BTC-Babyhttps://www.btc-echo.de/von-bitcoin-leben-venezuelas-btc-baby/ 2.) Bakkt kündigt Bitcoin-Optionen ab Dezember anhttps://blockchain-hero.com/eilmeldung-bakkt-kuendigt-bitcoin-optionen-ab-dezember-an/...
Read More »Bitcoin Price & Technical Analysis: BTC Cannot Help Selling
Photo: ShutterstockBy Dmitriy Gurkovskiy, Chief Analyst at RoboForex.BTC/USD tech analysisThe US authorities could influence the BTC rateOpera has started supporting the BTCOn W1, the Bitcoin keeps developing a downtrend inside the previous channel. The quotations have neared another target level of 61.8% ($7215.00) Fibo. Upon reaching this level, the quotations will be heading for 76.0% ($5700.00). However, the main goal of the mid-term wave is the long-term minimum of $3121.90.The last...
Read More »Binance Launches Support for Nigerian Naira in Partnership with Flutterwave
Photo: Binance / TwitterBinance, easily the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange platform, has announced today that it has opened deposits for users in Nigeria, to easily trade cryptocurrencies, using the Nigerian Naira (NGN). Binance has stated that deposits are immediately open for users to directly use the NGN to buy and sell select digital assets. This new feature was made possible through a partnership with the Nigerian payment technology company, Flutterwave.According to an...
Read More »#735 Bitcoin Bärenmarkt voraus, Coinbase 2 Milliarden verdient & Zuckerberg Kongress Libra
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 735. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bullenmarkt vorbei – Bitcoin Crash auf $7400, Coinbase hat seit 2012 über 2 Milliarden verdient & Zuckerberg steht dem Kongress bzgl. Libra Rede und Antwort. 1.) Bitcoin-Kurs fällt massiv – Das steckt hinter dem Crashhttps://www.btc-echo.de/bitcoin-kurs-faellt-massiv-das-steckt-hinter-dem-crash/ 2.) Coinbase Generated Nearly $2 Billion in Transaction Fees Since...
Read More »Fällt der Bitcoin-Kurs auf 300 Dollar?
Dass der Bitcoin-Kurs in den vergangenen Jahren nicht gerade stabil war, ist kein Geheimnis. Von Höchstwerten von über 20.000 Dollar bis zu Tiefstwerten von gerade einmal 3.000 Dollar, war nur Unbeständigkeit eine Sicherheit. Dass dieser Trend auch weiterhin nicht zu Ende ist, schätzen viele Experten. Doch ein Analyst der Kryptowährung zeichnet eine weitaus dramatischere Entwicklung des Wertes auf. Laut ihm könnte der Kurs der weltweit größten Kryptowährung auf ungefähr 300...
Read More »INX Crypto Trading Platform Will Use Brave New Coin’s BTC and ETH Indices for Forthcoming IPO
Photo: ShutterstockPer a recent announcement, blockchain and cryptography data and research company Brave New Coin (BNC) has said that its cryptocurrency indices will now be applied by crypto trading service INX, as it prepares to launch its first fully approved security token sale. INX is focused on making sure that its offerings and practices are strict and as transparent as possible, a decision that has pointed the digital asset trading service in the BNC direction.According to BNC, INX...
Read More »Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC Could Tumble Below $7,700
Bitcoin price failed to surpass $8,350 and $8,400 resistance levels against the US Dollar.The price is currently declining and it is trading below the $8,080 and $8,000 support levels.There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $8,280 on the 4-hours chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair is likely to continue lower and it might revisit the $7,800 and $7,700 support levels.Bitcoin price is trading with a bearish bias below $8,350 against the US...
Read More »#734 Bitcoin Death Cross, Anonyme Coins auf Vormarsch & Trump hat Bitcoin gezähmt
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 734. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Kurs bedroht durch das Death Cross, Kriminelle werden in anonyme Coins getrieben & Trump Administration hat Bitcoin Blase zum Platzen gebracht. 1.) Bitcoin Kurs bedroht durch das Death Cross? Bearisher Indikator bahnt sich anhttps://cryptomonday.de/bitcoin-kurs-bedroht-durch-das-death-cross-bearisher-indikator-bahnt-sich-an/ 4.) Bitcoin Informant bei iTunes als...
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