Facebook’s Libra has no doubt incurred a mixed reception among crypto fans and regulators alike, but the fact that it could now be left in the dark by one of its biggest supporters – PayPal – doesn’t look good at all.Libra and PayPal Part WaysPayPal and Facebook are hugely connected through Libra in that former PayPal exec David Marcus is the leader of development with Facebook’s blockchain division. He’s the guy in charge of Libra, and he’s often the man who serves as the face of the...
Read More »Visa, Mastercard and Other Major Libra Backers Want to Pull Out from the Deal
Since its launch on June 18, 2019, Facebook’s Libra project has encountered mixed reactions. Now, four payment companies that had joined the social media giant as founding members of the Libra Association are hesitant. They have developed cold foot over whether to formally sign on to the crypto project. The issue was explained by people familiar with the matter.According to a new Bloomberg report, MasterCard, Visa, Stripe, and PayPal are allegedly stalling at officially joining the...
Read More »Libra Association Exec Claims Libra Will Not Replace Existing Money
Libra Association Managing Director Bertrand Perez said on Friday that the Facebook’s cryptocurrency Libra, that should be launched by a Geneva-based association next year, is not intended to replace existing currencies. He said:“We are not in the area of implementing any monetary policy with the (Libra) Reserve.”This confirms what Libra’s CEO David Marcus was speaking back in July at the hearings when he kept stressing that Libra is not an investment and it doesn’t want to conquer the...
Read More »Libra Is an Important Crypto Project, Coinbase CEO Says
A rather inspiring presentation from the head of Facebook’s Libra David Marcus seems to have inspired someone else as well and neither more nor less – Coinbase CEO himself. Yes, you’ve heard it right, Brian Armstrong came out as a real supporter of this, still developing stablecoin.The thing is that Libra is often represented as a project that carries labels such as “alienating”, “controversial” or even “poisonous”. Even though it still hasn’t come out at the light of the day, it has already...
Read More »Mark Zuckerberg Claims Facebook Has Matured and Is Ready to Become More Socially-Responsible
Everybody is aware of the scandals that undermined trust in the social networking giant Facebook. According to Mark Zuckerberg, the company didn’t pay proper attention to protecting privacy, that’s why the company had to deal with the consequences of data leak and the spread of fake news. To fix this, Facebook’s CEO is all set to make everything, including Libra, right.Speaking in an interview with Asia-based news outlet Nikkei, Mark Zuckerberg said:“In the last few years, there are a lot of...
Read More »ECB Exec: Libra Could Address Global Payments System Problems
Speaking to the German federal parliament Bundestag on Wednesday, Benoit Coeure, a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) said that Facebook’s currency Libra could possibly fix some of the troubling issues that exist at the international payments market. However, he warned that, on the other hand, it might create other problems that will need regulators to act more liberal and creative. He said:“Libra has undoubtedly been a wakeup call for central banks and...
Read More »Facebooks neue Kryptowährung Libra kommt 2020
Facebook Libra: Facebook plant die Einführung einer Weltwährung. Der Start erfolgt im Januar 2020. Die von Facebook geplante digitale Währung Libra hat weltweit kontroverse Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Trotz des Aufruhrs, den Libra in den USA und Europa erzeugt hat, behält Facebook den Launch der Kryptowährung jedoch fest im Blick. Während Frankreich noch schwor, Libra in Europa zu blockieren, wurde von anderer Seite bestätigt, dass Libra in...
Read More »Libra Still Set for a 2020 Release Despite Regulatory Hurdles
Despite all the regulatory hurdles and all that hate that has come from both domestic and international lawmakers, Libra, Facebook’s controversial new cryptocurrency, is still proceeding with a 2020 launch. Libra Is Still Moving AheadLibra was first announced in June to widespread criticism. As Facebook was just beginning to relieve itself from its previously embarrassing fiasco involving Cambridge Analytica in 2018, the company unveiled new plans for a cryptocurrency that could be used as a...
Read More »Facebook Kisses up to Banks as Pushback Threatens Libra Crypto
The conspicuous absence of even a single bank as a founding member of Facebook’s cryptocurrency project was never “intentional," according to the co-creator of Libra, David Marcus. Facebook, he said, would love to have banks involved. No banks in Libra Association? No worries In an interview with Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Marcus revealed that banks were put off by the lack of regulatory clarity. This could change when new members are inducted: "First of all, financial...
Read More »Twitter Rubbishes Libra Co-Creator’s Crypto-Fiat Pledge
David Marcus, CEO of Facebook's Calibra digital wallet service would rather have the Libra Association take the lead, if only to avoid Congressional hearings. | Source: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik An attempt by the co-creator of Facebook’s cryptocurrency to “debunk” the notion that Libra will not threaten the sovereignty of nations has been greeted with skepticism on...
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