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Tag Archives: deutsche bank

CBDCs Are Not That Stable And May Eventually Kill Bitcoin, Says Financial Expert

Edward Chancellor – a British journalist and financial historian, explained that the first central bank digital currencies are likely to raise inflation which can lead to the destruction of Bitcoin. He agreed that CBDCs are ”cool” but certainly not stable. CBDCs Would Mean The End Of BTC Nowadays, many central banks of numerous leading economies such as China, Japan, and the US, are researching the option of launching their own CBDC. In a recent interview for Reuters, Edward...

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Deutsche Bank: BTC Will Grow Because of Tesla

Tesla and bitcoin are far more connected than we realize, according to some analysts and financial institutions. Deutsche Bank, for example, has recently issued a statement saying that the next two to three years are likely to be real turning points for the world’s number one digital currency by market cap strictly because of the action Tesla has taken and will take in the future. Tesla and BTC Are Attached at the Hip The real relationship between bitcoin and Tesla began...

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Deutsche Bank: Tesla, Bitcoin Are Becoming “Bubbles”

Bitcoin and tech stocks like Tesla have had an extremely strong year in 2020, but according to a recent survey released by Deutsche Bank, both investing products are looking more like bubbles.Deutsche Bank Isn’t Crazy About Where BTC and Tesla Are HeadedBitcoin rose more than 300 percent since the beginning of last year, while Tesla surged even further and gained about 700 percent. Deutsche Bank and the respondents taking part in the survey – roughly 89 percent of them – believe that these...

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Central Bank Cryptocurrency Could Incite Social Unrest, Deutsche Bank Says

Deutsche Bank is out with it’s latest cryptocurrency report. The global banking giant has discussed central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in great detail, and their effect on central banks, individuals, and governments.In the discussion pertaining to individuals, DB says that CBDCs could encounter political resistance and encourage social unrest.Central Bank Cryptos Could Make A World Of DifferenceIn it’s latest CIO Special report, German banking heavyweight Deutsche Bank observed that...

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Deutschland: Müssen die Kunden der Deutschen Bank ihre Kredite stunden?

Deutsche Bank: Das Institut befindet sich mitten in einem radikalen Umbau. Die Bundesregierung hat im Zuge der Corona Maßnahmen für eine Entlastung der Kreditnehmer gesorgt. Es wurde das Recht erlassen, Kreditraten stunden zu lassen. Festgelegt wurde der Zeitraum 1. April bis 30. Juni 2020. Eine Verlängerung dieses Zeitraumes ist nicht vorgesehen. Dies gilt für alle Kredite,...

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10-Year Treasury Yield Dips Below 1% after Fed Presses the Emergency Button

The 10-year and 30-year Treasury bond yields are currently at their historic lows. Tuesday’s FED rate cuts have surprised traders as investors are now leaving stocks aside and moving for safer bonds.The economic effects of the rising coronavirus spread have forced policymakers to take instant corrective measures. Last week, the S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Dow Jones plunged around 10%, one of the nastiest corrections in the market after the 2008 financial crisis. To combat it, the Federal Reserve...

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Deutsche Bank: Bitcoin Is Too Volatile, Cash Will Survive

Bitcoin is yet too volatile to threaten the existence of cash, and the latter will survive, states a new report conducted by Deutsche bank. Moreover, the report claims that digital assets will help with rebalancing the global economic power.Deutsche Bank had seen better years than in 2019. The German bank had to layoff 18,000 of its employees during recent July as a part of a longer-term reduction plan to cut its workforce to 74,000 by 2022.As of writing these lines, the bank’s market cap is...

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Bitcoin Has (Finally) Hit $9,000 Again

It’s finally reached the pinnacle, folks. After months of waiting, bitcoin has shot beyond the $9,000 mark and is now trading for an impressive $9,039 at press time.Bitcoin Is Firing on All CylindersWhile this is relatively small compared to where the world’s number one cryptocurrency has been in the past, it does represent a shift of sorts for BTC and solidifies the bull market that enthusiasts have been so excited about for the past few weeks.BTC initially slumped to the mid-$7,000 range...

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Deutsche Bank Claims Cryptos Won’t Replace Cash But Could Be Mainstream in 2 Years

Ever since cryptos came into existence a decade ago, a lot has changed in the financial world. Many crypto proponents suggested a while back that digital currencies will soon take over the world. They said that cryptos will eventually render fiat currencies obsolete. However, new studies show that cash is unlikely to disappear ‘anytime soon.’Although there is declining use of cash as a payment method and the cryptos are surging, Deutsche Bank is convinced that money is here to stay. The...

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Tesla Outgrows Ford’s Record, Going to the Top

Tesla can definitely say that it began this year with a record being the highest U.S. automaker in history. The company’s recent stock rally pushed its market value to approximately $85 billion. Just on Tuesday’s close, it surpassed the $80.8 billion, the record previously set by Ford back in 1999.However, just for comparison, Ford had a market value of only $37 billion at the end of trading on the same day.Tesla’s shares continued to climb and traded up more than 4% on Wednesday and at the...

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