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Tag Archives: kim dotcom

#1038 Coinbase plant Börsengang & Kim Dotcom spricht sich für Bitcoin Cash aus

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1038. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Coinbase plant Börsengang – Erste Schritte in Richtung IPO & Kim Dotcom spricht sich für Bitcoin Cash aus. 1.) Coinbase plant Börsengang – Erste Schritte in Richtung IPO 2.) Kim Dotcom throws weight behind BCH, tips $3K price in...

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Bitfinex Will Not Host Upcoming Kim Dotcom ICO

Kim Dotcom will not be able to issue his new cryptocurrency.Dotcom Will Not Get His Upcoming ICOThe plan was that Dotcom would garner the funds he needs to launch the new currency through an initial coin offering (ICO) hosted by Bitfinex, a popular cryptocurrency exchange that is arguably surrounded by as much controversy as Dotcom himself.As it turns out, Bitfinex is getting a little worried about all the regulatory uncertainty meandering through the crypto space as of late and doesn’t want...

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#744 Nur 1 Prozent der Kryptos werden überleben, Elixxir Blockchain Messenger & IEO abgesagt

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 744. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: 99% Prozent aller Kryptowährungen werden scheitern, Elixxir veröffentlicht Blockchain Messenger, Bitfinex Kim DotCom IEO abgesagt. 1.) Ripple CEO Garlinghouse: 99% Prozent aller Kryptowährungen werden scheitern 2.) Elixxir veröffentlicht Messenger, der Metadaten...

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Kim Dotcom’s Token Sale Postponed, Reports Bitfinex

Controversial internet entrepreneur and founder of former content distribution site Megaupload Kim Schmitz, who is also known as Kim Dotcom has decided to postpone his token sale which was to occur on the cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. The token sale was for a new incentivized content sharing network which has been referred to as project was supposed to raise funding for the project on Bitfenex’s cryptocurrency exchange platform using an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) and...

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Bitfinex Postpones Kimcoin’s Token Sale Until Further Notice

Bitfinex postponed the sale of Kimcoin indefinitely. The regulatory framework in the industry is affecting initial exchange offerings. Kim Dotcom tried to avoid countries within the U.S. jurisdiction. Bitfinex, a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange, announced its decision to postpone the initial exchange offering (IEO) of Kimcoin, the native cryptocurrency of the content monetization platform Halting Kimcoin Token Sale On Nov 5, Bitfinex revealed in a blog post that the first IEO...

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Kim Dotcom Offers 10% of Bitcoin Fees to Julian Assange Ahead of $8M IEO

Entrepreneur and Bitcoin entrepreneur Kim Dotcom said his newly founded company is supporting WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. Yesterday we reported about how was created in order to merge internet with the Bitcoin so there could be a platform that allows artists, content creators and digital businesses to sell their content and digital goods without censorship, outside of monopolies and, what’s most important – without the middleman.In a tweet on the same day, Dotcom said 10% of...

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Bitfinex’ Publishing Platform Announces Private Proof of Concept Demos

Photo: Bitfinex / TwitterCryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex’s new token platform Bitfinex Token Sales recently announced its first project, K.IM, the decentralized new P2P digital content, and monetization platform brought to you by Kim Dotcom.In a press release that the company shared with the Coinspeaker, it is said that was created in order to merge internet with the Bitcoin so there could be a platform that allows artists, content creators and digital businesses to sell their content...

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Kim Schmitz: Jetzt kommt der KIM Token

KIM Kryptowährung basiert auf Bitcoin Der umstrittene Internetunternehmer und Hacker Kim „Dotcom“ Schmitz hat eine eigene Kryptowährung angekündigt. Der K.IM genannte Token soll ab dem 22. Oktober 2019 im Rahmen eines Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO) über die Handelsplattform Bitfinex angeboten werden. Ziel des Coins ist es, die Bezahlung von Medieninhalten im Netz zu vereinfachen. Künstlerinnen und Künstler sollen damit einen größeren...

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Bitfinex Registers a Big Win in the Tether Stablecoin Court Case

Its a big win for cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex on the long going Tether stablecoin case as the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court puts a stay on the filing by attorney general Letitia James in April 2019. Bitfinex currently shares leadership with stablecoin coin issuer Tether.James earlier accused Bitfinex of taking undue advantage of the partnership and borrowing $900 million USDT tokens without actually paying for it. In her complain, James wrote:“Our investigation has...

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#713 Bitfinex IEO mit Kim Dotcom & Bitcoin-Hashrate Einbruch um 40 Prozent

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 713. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitfinex startet IEO mit Kim Dotcom & Bitcoin-Hashrate stürzt plötzlich um 40 Prozent – was steckt dahinter. 1.) Bitfinex startet IEO mit Kim Dotcom 2.) Bitcoin-Hashrate stürzt plötzlich um 40 Prozent – was steckt...

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