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Tag Archives: Libra

ECB Exec: Libra Could Address Global Payments System Problems

Speaking to the German federal parliament Bundestag on Wednesday, Benoit Coeure, a member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) said that Facebook’s currency Libra could possibly fix some of the troubling issues that exist at the international payments market. However, he warned that, on the other hand, it might create other problems that will need regulators to act more liberal and creative. He said:“Libra has undoubtedly been a wakeup call for central banks and...

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Zuckerberg ‘Really Focused’ on Launching Facebook’s Crypto Libra

Mark Zuckerberg, the co-creator and CEO of Facebook, a $521 billion tech conglomerate, has said in an interview that the team is “really focused” on launching its crypto project Libra - and doing it right.Speaking to Nikkei, Zuckerberg said:"A lot of people have had questions and concerns, and we're committed to making sure that we work through all of those before moving forward. Obviously we want to move forward at some point soon [and] not have this take many years to roll out. But right...

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U.S. Congress Hearing With the SEC: The Journey So Far

About a week ago on Thursday the 19th of September, the Committee on Financial Services scheduled Tuesday 24th, as the day for a Congress crypto hearing. Tagged “Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission: Wall Street’s Cop on the Beat”, the hearing was arranged to discuss several crypto-related issues including the SEC’s regulation of the sector, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Facebook’s Libra, and also a possible categorization of digital assets as official securities.The hearing...

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Libra Association: Facebook baut in Genf ein Team auf

Libra: Die neue Weltwährung von Facebook. Am Ende des Jahres ist es so weit: Die Libra Association macht sich endlich selbst an die Arbeit. Bis dahin soll ein Verwaltungsrat und ein operativer Direktor gewählt werden so der derzeitige Leiter und Facebook-Manager David Marcus. Solange leitet er und Facebook noch das Projekt, dann soll die Libra Association in Genf selbst...

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IBM Indicates Willingness to Work with Facebook on Libra

One of the greatest technology companies on the face of the earth IBM has indicated its willingness to work with social media giant Facebook on its cryptocurrency Libra. In a CNBC interview on Monday 23rd September 2019, the Blockchain services of the firm Jason Kelley indicated his organization’s willingness to work with just about anybody in the crypto space. He said:“Blockchain is a team sport… Our clients are ready to work with (Facebook) and we’re ready to work with all of them to bring...

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Facebook Agreed to Acquire Brain Computing Startup CTRL-labs

Photo: CTRL-labsFacebook said on September 23 that it agreed to acquire New York-based CTRL-labs. The acquired startup is creating a wristband that will let people communicate with computers using brain signals. Thus, the new device will let people control digital devices using their minds.CNBC reported that the deal is estimated to be worth around $1 billion. However, a Facebook spokesperson said that it is lower than the reported $1 billion. Andrew Bosworth, the Facebook Vice President of...

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Bitcoin and Altcoins Lose Steam as Bakkt Records Poor Start Amidst Today’s Crypto Congress Hearing

When Bakkt was first announced last year, the entire crypto community welcomed it as a great addition to the sector, hoping that it will have enough power to propel the industry considerably higher. However, even though many think it’s still a little too soon to judge, the first day of Bakkt’s launch has not exactly been encouraging as the overall market has dropped in valuation in response to Bakkt’s weak first day.After the first hour, Bakkt recorded only about five contracts and even 9...

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Facebooks Kryptowährung: Libra wird mit Währungskorb gedeckt doch kein Yuan

Facebook Libra: Facebook plant die Einführung einer Weltwährung. Der Start erfolgt im Januar 2020. Was ist das Problem von Bitcoin? Er schwankt im Wert. Deshalb hat Facebook jetzt seinen Währungskorb vorgestellt, um seine Digitalwährung Libra abzusichern: Der ganze Korb soll aus Bargeld und Staatsanleihen bestehen, die jeweils in Prozent auf einzelne Währungen verteilt sind 50 % in US-Dollar aus den USA, 18 % aus dem Euro-Raum, 14 % aus...

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PBOC: China’s Digital Currency Not Launching in November

The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) announced that the long-awaited central bank-issued digital currency will not be ready in November as it had been predicted in crypto circles. From the bank, they added that reports saying Alibaba and Tencent are among the first financial institutions to receive the currency was incorrect.This came as a surprise because just few weeks ago we could hear that it will “be better than Libra“, and they even enthroned their new digital currency chief Changchun Mu...

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Is This Facebook’s First Step Towards Replacing the U.S. Dollar With Libra as Global Reserve Currency?

Reports indicate that the U.S. dollar will have the largest representation in the basket of currencies that will underpin Facebook's forthcoming Libra cryptocurrency, sparking renewed fears that the greenback's reserve-currency status will be upended by the social media network. Dollar Will Dominate Libra’s Basket of Currencies According to Spiegel Online, the U.S. dollar will make up half of the basket. The other currencies that will make up the rest of the basket are the euro (18%), yen...

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