Jack Dorsey, the controversial CEO of Twitter, needs to make up his mind once and for all about bitcoin. Last year, the social media mogul said that the currency would be the only form of money available to people in about ten years. Now, he’s saying bitcoin doesn’t work as money. Which one is it, buddy? Is bitcoin going to work as a currency or won’t it? Hey Dorsey… Which One Is It?Dorsey seems to be all over the map in many ways. For one thing, Twitter is still getting a lot of flack for...
Read More »Digitale Währungen: Deutscher Bundestag hält öffentliche Anhhörung
Deutscher Bundestag zum Thema Digitale Währungen Der Deutsche Bundestag führt am 25. September erstmalig eine öffentliche Anhörung durch, welche sich ausschliesslich dem Thema „Digitale Währungen“ widmet. Interessanterweise geht es nicht um Bitcoin oder Ethereum. Diese beiden Kryptowährungen spielen gemäss dem Fragenkatalog nur eine Nebenrolle. Es geht in erster Linie um die...
Read More »Digitale Währungen: Deutscher Bundestag hält öffentliche Anhhörung
Der Deutsche Bundestag führt am 25. September erstmalig eine öffentliche Anhörung durch, welche sich ausschliesslich dem Thema „Digitale Währungen“ widmet. Interessanterweise geht es nicht um Bitcoin oder Ethereum. Diese beiden Kryptowährungen spielen gemäss dem Fragenkatalog nur eine Nebenrolle. Es geht in erster Linie um die neue Facebook Währung Libra. Die Fragen sind höchst spannend und sehr intelligent gestellt. Es geht zwar...
Read More »Geheimplan „Gram“: Wird der Telegram Token das wahre Libra?
Telegram ist ein kostenloser, Cloud-basierter Instant-Messaging-Dienst zur Nutzung auf Smartphones, Tablets und PCs. Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin verbreiten sich immer schneller. Zugleich steigt die Anzahl an Unternehmen, welche ihre eigene digitale Währung herausbringen. Obwohl sich die Onlinemünzen nur eingeschränkt im Alltag nutzen lassen, nimmt die Anzahl an...
Read More »Geheimplan „Gram“: Wird der Telegram Token das wahre Libra?
Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin verbreiten sich immer schneller. Zugleich steigt die Anzahl an Unternehmen, welche ihre eigene digitale Währung herausbringen. Obwohl sich die Onlinemünzen nur eingeschränkt im Alltag nutzen lassen, nimmt die Anzahl an unterschiedlichen digitalen Coins stetig zu. Kryptowährungen wie Facebooks Libra dürften nun allerdings starke Konkurrenz durch Telegram erhalten. Der Token „Gram“ soll noch 2019 erscheinen und als...
Read More »Swiss Central Bank Dreads Scary Foreign Stablecoin Crypto
Switzerland's central bank is running scared over its control on monetary policies in the face of stablecoins pegged to foreign currencies. | Source: Shutterstock; Edited by CCNSwitzerland’s central bank is fretting over the possibility of stablecoins pegged to foreign currencies eroding its ability to use its monetary policy tools effectively, further complicating the path for cryptocurrency projects such as Libra.This was revealed by the chairman of the governing board of the Swiss...
Read More »Facebook’s Crypto Scheme Triggers Massive Regulatory Backlash
Facebook's crypto scheme appears to have spurred regulators to take the social media giant's privacy scandals more seriously. | Source: REUTERS / Aaron P. BernsteinFollowing reports earlier today that dozens of state attorney generals were set to officially commence antitrust investigations into Big Tech behemoths Facebook and Google, New York Attorney General Letitia James confirmed that at least one of the companies would indeed face government scrutiny.Unsurprisingly, it's the one that...
Read More »EU Antitrust Boss Flags Facebook Crypto Libra for Monopoly Risks
The European Union's AntiTrust Chief is scrutinizing Facebook's much-publicized crypto, Libra. | Source: ShutterstockEU regulators are investigating if the Facebook Libra "cryptocurrency" poses a threat to competition by being a potential monopoly.Margrethe Vestager is the outgoing antitrust chief of the European Union. She's gravely concerned that Libra could violate antitrust laws.EU: Facebook Libra must not stifle competitionTo address this, Vestager says European regulators are examining...
Read More »Amazon’s Secretive Crypto is Facebook Libra’s Biggest Threat: Report
Facebook's much-publicized and criticized crypto 'Libra' will see competition by one of the world's biggest tech companies, Amazon, a report has claimed. | Source: Shutterstock; edited by CCN.Since Facebook announced the Libra cryptocurrency, a couple of other similar projects have been unveiled with all of them being dubbed potential ‘Libra-killers’.They include Venus, an initiative by Binance to 'develop localized stablecoins and digital assets pegged to fiat currencies across the globe',...
Read More »Privacy Shocker: Did Facebook’s Libra Plans Just Go Up in Smoke?
By CCN.com: As if Facebook didn’t have enough privacy issues, the company now confirms that it has been transcribing the audio chats of its users for quite some time. Facebook Claims It Wasn’t Being Sneaky Facebook claims that the only conversations that were transcribed were from those users who selected that option in the Messenger app. Facebook also claims that it was on for the sole purpose of making sure the transcription application was performing properly. Needless to say, it is...
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