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Tag Archives: Liz Truss

Bitcoin Fell After the Resignation of Liz Truss

Despite all the economic and financial turmoil in the United Kingdom, bitcoin has not taken advantage of the situation and dropped even further in October, even though that period has historically been bullish for the world’s number one digital currency by market cap. Bitcoin Should Have Risen, but the Opposite Happened October saw the resignation of UK prime minister Liz Truss, who set a record after serving only 44 days in her post. The news brought an onslaught of new...

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Bloomberg-Analyse: Briten investieren massiv in Bitcoin

Das britische Pfund ist derzeit volatiler als Bitcoin. Das britische Pfund ist zurzeit starken Kursschwankungen ausgesetzt. Einer Analyse von „Bloomberg“ zufolge liegt die Volatilität momentan höher als die der Kryptowährung Bitcoin. Experten zufolge liegt der Grund hierfür in der hohen Inflationsrate in Großbritannien sowie der unsicheren Wirtschaftslage. Deshalb verwundert es nicht, dass immer mehr Briten Kryptowährungen halten. Schätzungen...

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Pro-Crypto Candidate Rishi Sunak Becomes Next UK Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak succeeds Liz Truss to become the next British Prime Minister. The crypto community celebrates Sunak’s pro-crypto stand while serving as the Chancellor in the Boris Johnson government. On Monday, October 24, pro-crypto candidate Rishi Sunak won the race to become the next Prime Minister of the UK. This happened as Boris Johnson and House of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt withdrew from the race.Sunak’s appointment to the office comes within just 7 weeks of Liz Truss becoming the UK...

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