About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »SEC gründet neue Cyber- und Technologieeinheit (CETU)
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »The Bitcoin Race: Der Wettlauf um die digitale Vorherrschaft
Lange Zeit galt Bitcoin als eine Randerscheinung, ein Experiment für Technik-Nerds und libertäre Idealisten. Doch in einem sich rapide verändernden globalen Finanzsystem ist die Kryptowährung zu einer geopolitischen Waffe geworden. Der Wettlauf um Bitcoin hat begonnen – und er wird mit einer Intensität geführt, die an das Wettrennen um Gold in vergangenen Jahrhunderten erinnert. Die neuen Bitcoin-Jäger Vor allem aufstrebende Wirtschaftsmächte haben erkannt, dass Bitcoin nicht nur digitales...
Read More »El Salvador: Bitcoin-Bildung in der Nationalbibliothek
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Kreiert Tether den digitalen US-Dollar? Zusammenarbeit mit US-Parlamentariern zur Stablecoin-Regulierung
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Krypto-Revolution: Coinbase-CEO prognostiziert Milliarden-Zukunft
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Blockchain-Technologie: Die Gamechangerin für Online-Casinos und die digitale Welt
Blockchain hat längst den Sprung von einer simplen Bitcoin-Basis hin zu einer der disruptivsten Innovationen der letzten Jahrzehnte geschafft. Sie räumt mit zentralisierten Strukturen auf und bringt mehr Transparenz, Sicherheit und Effizienz in zahlreiche Branchen. Gerade in der Welt der Online-Casinos macht sie sich bezahlt: Faires Spiel, blitzschnelle Transaktionen und maximale Anonymität – das sind die Trümpfe, die Blockchain hier ausspielt. Casinos wie Slott Casino setzen auf...
Read More »Deep Dive into Blockchain 2025: Cardano Foundation erneut Hauptsponsor
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Deutschland und die Bundestagswahl 2025: Welche Parteien Bitcoin stärken und seine Zukunft sichern
About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about...
Read More »Tether und Reelly Tech: Blockchain-Revolution im Immobiliensektor der VAE
Tether, der Herausgeber des weltweit größten Stablecoins USDT, hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Reelly Tech bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen, das auf blockchainbasierte Transaktionsinfrastrukturen spezialisiert ist, soll dabei helfen, digitale Assets in den Immobiliensektor der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) zu integrieren. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Effizienz und Transparenz von Immobilientransaktionen durch den Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie zu verbessern....
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