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Tag Archives: upwork

LinkedIn plant neuen Marktplatz für Freelancer – Steht die Implementierung von Bitcoin bevor?

Linkedin plant Freelancer-Marktplatz LinkedIn plant einen neuen Marktplatz für Freelancer. Das Angebot soll den bisherigen Service ProFinder ersetzen und bereits ab September zur Verfügung stehen. Vorausgegangen ist eine steigende Nachfrage nach Freiberuflern im Zuge der aktuellen Wirtschaftskrise. Homeoffice und Freelancer sind im Trend. Dabei und gemäss einer Studie wollen...

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60 Million People in the U.S. Are Freelancing: Is It the Future of Labour Market?

In the modern world with an incredibly high level of technological development more and more people use tech benefits in building their careers. Instead of daily commuting to and from work, they choose to freelance. Some are quite skeptical about such a way of earning money and believe that freelancing is more about something you do when you can not get a real job. However, they are wrong, and we are going to prove it.Freelancing is a fast and affordable way to start earning an income from...

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