Tuesday , March 4 2025
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Värdex bietet Krypto-Gutscheinkarten neu auch in allen Postfilialen an – und ergänzt das Angebot mit neuen Währungen

Der einfachste, bequemste und sicherste Weg zu Kryptowährungen: Neu gibt es die cryptonow-Gutscheinkarte für Kryptowährungen auch in den knapp 800 Postfilialen der Schweiz zu kaufen. Das Sortiment umfasst zudem neu die digitalen Währungen Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot und Avalanche. Eine Kundenumfrage von cryptonow hat ergeben, dass die Kundschaft die Gutscheinkarte sich am häufigsten selbst schenkt. Das Schweizer Blockchain-Unternehmen lanciert die Retail Gutscheinkarte für Kryptowährungen...

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First Rugpull on Aptos? Aptos Chimps Reportedly Drained

Right as the weekend was about to start, crypto Twitter sounded the alarm on a possible rugpull scam on Aptos. A relatively new blockchain environment touted as a “Solana-killer,” Aptos is a Layer-1, PoS blockchain built by two former devs from the Diem Group, Mo Shaikh and Avery Chang. The pair reportedly worked on developing Libra/Diem, Meta’s now-defunct stablecoin project. Although Diem was halted due to regulatory pressure – who worried that allowing Meta to create its...

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Make Giving Pay: DeVO’s DVO DIGITAL ASSETS (Token) Revolutionise Charitable Giving and Reward Investors

The philanthropic sector is a $2.3 trillion economy. Giving money away is not as easy as it sounds. There exists an entire subsidiary engine of value – volunteers, charitable organizations, and logistics, that helps facilitate the movement of money from donor to cause. It is value which is under-monetised and under-rewarded. Volunteers don’t volunteer for rewards, but there is no reason they shouldn’t receive them, especially when there is so much funds in the ecosystem...

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Crypto Mining Firm Argo Blockchain Garners Nearly $30 Million

Argo Blockchain – a top crypto mining firm in London – has raised more than $27 million. The company garnered the funds after agreeing to sell about 87 million stock shares to a single investor. Argo Blockchain Makes a Lot of Cash The move is interesting, to say the least. During a time when most crypto mining companies aren’t doing so well – with the price of bitcoin falling so drastically, for example, it’s been said that the costs of mining crypto outdo the rewards...

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