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Argo Blockchain Looks to Become More Energy Sustainable

Crypto mining firm Argo Blockchain has become the first official company of its kind to release a climate plan to carry it through the future. Argo Blockchain Is Looking to Be More Environmentally Friendly The idea of crypto mining is necessary to ensure digital blockchains are consistently supplied with new tokens. However, the process has been quite controversial over the past few months given that it is allegedly causing irreversible damage to the planet according to...

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Ethereum Community Event EDCON Coming Soon, This Time Organized Online

EDCON2021 is coming! As one of the largest gatherings of the Ethereum and blockchain communities, EDCON (Community Ethereum Development Conference) has established a high level of popularity in the Ethereum and blockchain space. This year, due to COVID-19, EDCON2021 will be organized online from Aug. 27 to 29, and the live-stream presentation will be available at, which Ethereum and blockchain developers, researchers, scholars,...

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Walmart Is Looking to Hire a Crypto Product Specialist

Following in Amazon’s footsteps, Walmart – one of the biggest retailers in the world – has decided to hire a blockchain expert for its team. Walmart Is Building Its Blockchain Team The company is allegedly looking to get involved in the cryptocurrency space and has posted a job advertisement seeking out a qualified “cryptocurrency product lead.” The posting reads as follows: As an expert in digital currencies/ cryptocurrency and blockchain-related technologies, you will...

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New Bill Introduced in India That Would Regulate, Not Ban, Crypto

It looks like the Union Cabinet of India is ready to take on a bill that will potentially regulate cryptocurrency in the country. The Crypto Fight in India Continues The news came by way of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who explained on Monday morning: Cabinet note is ready on cryptocurrency bill. I am awaiting cabinet to clear that. The fight between India and cryptocurrency has been going on for several years. Things ultimately began in 2018 when the country...

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AOFEX Insight: Solana, Blockchain Dedicated to DeFi

Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...

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Die führende Schweizer digitale Matchmaking-Plattform für Verwaltungsratsmitglieder implementiert Zahlungen mit Kryptowährungen. bietet ab sofort die folgenden drei Kryptowährungen zum Bezahlen an: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) und Nimiq (NIM). Die Zahlung erfolgt ohne Mittelsmann direkt von der Wallet der Kundinnen und Kunden an die von Mit Kryptowährung werden jedem Internet-User Zahlungen ohne Banken...

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Tesla Ensures Using Blockchain Solutions to Source Sustainably Produced Cobalt and Nickel

Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...

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Anarchie ? Démocratie directe ? Technocratie ? Comment s’organise la communauté autour de Bitcoin ?

Entretien avec Yorik de Mombyne. « Sous ses attraits de monnaie révolutionnaire, de réserve de valeur digne de l’or ou encore d’une technologie aux promesses éternelles, bitcoin se révèle aussi être une formidable idée philosophique : et si un ordre mode de gouvernance que la démocratie ou la tyrannie était possible ? Et si l’auto-gestion fonctionnait réellement ? La blockchain offre cette incroyable possibilité. Il est à la fois possible d’aller dans le sens de l’évolution...

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What are Layer 2 Scaling Solutions?

Blockchain’s moon race is on as the ecosystem grapples with developing scalability solutions to meet demand without sacrificing security or decentralization – the classic blockchain trilemma. The rapid growth in decentralized finance, NFTs, and gaming has seen adoption congest the Ethereum network, in particular, leading to bottlenecks and high transaction fees given its capacity for processing only a few transactions per second, rendering many dApps usable at times....

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AtPay Introduces ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ Crypto and Blockchain Integration

[Featured Content] The explosive growth of the eCommerce industry has introduced consumers from all over the world to several ways to shop for their favorite products while saving both time and money. With the integration of options like cryptocurrencies and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL), both customers and merchants are exposed to additional benefits. Sadly, though, not many eCommerce platforms offer their clients these benefits, and that is why @Pay ( was launched....

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