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Memenopoly Announces Strategic Partnership with Babylons NFT

Atlanta, United States / August 21, 2021 / Memenopoly, a new coming of age gaming NFT solution, has announced a strategic partnership with the first community-owned NFT marketplace Babylon. The partnership would allow Meme-themed Memenopoly NFTs to be auctioned on Babylons NFT marketplace. Memenopoly is a yield generating blockchain “play to earn” game. The platform aims to bring the next evolution of gamified yield generation, leveraging the power of NFTs to reward...

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Poly Network Offers Its Recent Hacker a Job with the Company

Not long ago, Live Bitcoin News reported a story that the Poly Network had been hacked. The organization lost more than $610 million in digital funds at the hands of a hacker who claimed in a future Q&A session that he was only doing it “for fun.” The Poly Network May Employ Its Hacker In a strange twist, the hacker ultimately returned more than half of the stolen money, saying that he was never about the riches but rather that he was interested in taking advantage...

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LOCGame x Ferrum Network Launch “MCW’s Rookie of The Year Pool” Staking Program

LOCGame has partnered with Ferrum Network, the deflationary cross-chain blockchain as a service DeFi company, to launch a unique staking program. LOCGame has claimed this to be its “superstar Edition” launch and will serve as a celebratory event commemorating the new partnership between the NFT-powered Card Game and NBA basketball star Michael Carter-Williams. The latest launch comes after an earlier announcement about the partnership with the basketball player, which is...

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Ekta’s Platform: Combine the Virtual and Physical Worlds Through

[Featured Content]  The emergence of bitcoin over a decade ago and the entire cryptocurrency and blockchain industry later on created vast opportunities for a decentralized space to thrive virtually. While that has merits of its own, human beings are still physical creatures requiring physical necessities as well. This separation by the digital and physical world has provided gaps, but this is where protocols like Ekta have emerged, intending to close those divides. Ekta aims...

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Chainlink: Swisscom to become part of the world’s largest oracle network

Swisscom is joining Chainlink, the world’s largest oracle network, as part of a pilot initiative. The Chainlink network provides important data for what are known as decentralised financial applications (DeFi), through which transactions worth several billion US dollars are now processed daily, such as on Aave and Uniswap. The rapid growth of this market is giving rise to new types of value chains and business models that could also gain relevance for the Swiss financial...

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SEBA Bank supports Blockchain Nation Switzerland

SEBA Bank supports Blockchain Nation Switzerland SEBA Bank, a FINMA licenced Swiss Bank providing a seamless, secure, and easy-to-use bridge between digital and traditional assets, is proud to announce its partnership with the NTN Innovation Booster – Blockchain Nation Switzerland. The multi-year funding instrument is led by the Swiss Blockchain Federation and combines relevant actors from the industry and academia to promote a new...

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Maison Reserve Builds Its Own Rewards Token with Help from Ethereum

Dallas-based Maison Reserve & Co. has chosen Ethereum to build a new cryptocurrency that is tied to the supply and demand of various products. Maison Reserve Unleashes a New Rewards Token Based on Ethereum Maison was attracted to Ethereum for several reasons. For one thing, the blockchain boasts smart contract capabilities, making it relatively easy to establish new decentralized applications (dapps) and digital tokens. In addition, Ethereum has allegedly been on a...

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Passives Einkommen mit Bitcoin? So funktioniert Staking!

Mittlerweile hört man überall von Kryptowährungen. Insbesondere durch den steigenden Kurs der beliebten Währung Bitcoin ist in den letzten Monaten wieder ein regelrechter Hype um die Thematik entflammt. Explizit der Begriff Staking taucht im Zusammenhang mit dem Aufbau eines passiven Einkommens durch Kryptowährungen immer wieder auf. Doch was ist das überhaupt und wie funktioniert das Staking? Die Antworten darauf gibt es im folgenden Beitrag. Und wer selber Staking...

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Copyright: Alibaba startet NFT-Marktplatz

Der weltumspannende chinesische E-Commerce-Konzern Alibaba steigt in den Rechtehandel für geistiges Eigentum ein. Mit dem neuen Geschäftsbereich namens Blockchain Digital Copyright and Asset-Trade sollen Künstler die Nutzungsrechte an ihren Werken monetarisieren können, indem sie Lizenzen in Form nicht austauschbarer Tokens (NFT) an interessierte Investoren verkaufen. Der neugeschaffene Lizenzen-Marktplatz ist bereits über die allgemeine Alibaba-Auktionsplattform aufrufbar. Die...

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Ethereum Will Outperform Bitcoin Within Five Years, Says DeVere Group’s CEO

Nigel Green – CEO of the financial advisory firm deVere Group – believes Ethereum would surpass Bitcoin and become the leading digital asset within five years. He argued that the former has more tech advantages than its rival, which would be the key to its rally. ‘Ethereum Is More Useful Than Bitcoin’ According to Nigel Green – the founder of the digital service provider deVere Group – Ethereum would exceed Bitcoin’s value by 2026. The chief executive pointed out that Vitalik...

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