It’s happened again, folks. Another crypto exchange hack is in the books. This time, the alleged victim is Bit Mart, which appears to have lost $150 million in digital currency funds at the time of writing, though some firms – such as Peck Shield, a blockchain analytics company – believe the company may have lost closer to $200 million. Bit Mart Has Been Compromised Peck Shield was the first entity to notice the breach. Analysts saw that around $100 million in crypto was...
Read More »Kickstarter to Build Open-source Protocol, Plans to Shift Its Crowdfunding Operations to Blockchain
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Kickstarter To Launch a Blockchain Project Running on Celo
Kickstarter, the world’s most famous crowdfunding platform, wants to dive headfirst into the blockchain world, changing the technology behind its business model while still offering the same user experience. The firm explained in an official blog post that this decision is part of an effort to find better tools to fulfill its mission of bringing creative projects to life through community collaboration. Kickstarter Wants to be Decentralized —And Green Kickstarter is not...
Read More »Former Google CEO Becomes Strategic Advisor At Chainlink
Chainlink Labs – a smart-contract oracle service provider – recently signed on former Google CEO Eric Schmidt as a strategic advisor. Schmidt’s duty will be to help guide Chainlink in building “a world guided by truth.” Schmidt Joins Chainlink Chainlink announced its recruitment of the Ex-Google chief in a statement this Tuesday. The team is focused on aggregating and implementing real-world data to be used as smart contracts built on various blockchains. This is accomplished...
Read More »Crypto Lottery Game Lucky Block Launches for Pre-Sale
Pre-sale runs until February 1, 2022 LuckyBlock, a cryptocurrency lottery, has launched a pre-sale of their Lucky Block token. The Lucky Block lottery uses blockchain technology and voting polls on every purchase to ensure transparency and fairness, allowing everyone to be a winner. The internet has created a demand for online gambling, with companies offering easily accessible online wagering. Lucky Block envisions a worldwide crypto lottery with players using...
Read More »Bitcoin Crash: El Salvador nutzt die Möglichkeit zum Nachkaufen
Die Regierung von El Salvador hat den Bau einer Bitcoin-Stadt angekündigt. El Salvador ist schon seit einiger Zeit bekannt für seine Bitcoin-freundliche Regierung und Politik. Es ist das erste Land der Welt, in dem Bitcoin als offizielle Währung angesehen wird. Nachdem der Kurs der führenden Kryptowährung vor kurzem von 68’000 US-Dollar auf zwischenzeitlich sogar 43’000 US-Dollar gesunken war, nutzte der salvadorianische Präsident die Möglichkeit...
Read More »Wie funktioniert Cardano?
Cardano ist eine mehrschichtige Blockchain-Plattform, die auf Proof-Of-Stake basiert, in der Programmiersprache Haskell geschrieben ist und für die Erstellung dezentraler Anwendungen auf der Grundlage von Smart Contracts entwickelt wurde. Es ist sinnvoll, dass der Schöpfer von Cardano, der Mathematiker Charles Hoskinson, das Projekt Cardano nannte, um eine flexible und interoperable Art von programmierbarem Geld zu schaffen, das auf wissenschaftlichen Methoden basiert, die auf mathematischen...
Read More »“Meta” Blockchain Exec David Marcus Announces Exit
David Marcus – head of the blockchain department at Facebook, now known as Meta – has stated he will be exiting his position and leaving the social media giant at the end of 2021. David Marcus Is Taking a Different Path Marcus is a former PayPal executive that joined forces with Facebook to release a new cryptocurrency that people could use to pay for goods and services. Known as Libra, the currency would be tied to a wallet system called Calibra, which would store...
Read More »The Sandbox – virtuelle Realität der Zukunft
Die Idee eines „Metaverse“ existiert nicht erst seit kurzer Zeit, aber ist momentan in aller Munde. Erstmals wird dieser Begriff von dem Autor Neal Stephenson in einem seiner Science-Fiction-Romane im Jahre 1992 erwähnt. Von Stephenson wird das Metaverse als virtueller Raum beschrieben, der getrennt von der tatsächlichen Realität existiert. Viele Firmen und Investoren gehen bereits die ersten Schritte in Richtung Metaverse, so auch Mark Zuckerberg, welcher mit der Umbenennung von Facebook zu...
Read More »Grand Angle : Entretien avec Alexandre Stachtchenko
Dans cet entretien mené par Richard Détente pour Grand Angle Entrepreneur, Alexandre Stachtchenko revient sur son parcours de la création de Blockchain France à l’intégration de Blockchain Partner à KPMG France.
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