The masterminds behind the Squid rug pull are probably enjoying the good life after stealing more than $3 million in a matter of seconds. But Binance is doing everything it can to make sure their party is short-lived. Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange platform in the world, is tracking the scammers. According to Barron’s, an intelligence team is auditing the blockchain, gathering information to hand over to the authorities and help apprehend the scammers. Binance...
Read More »More than 400 people from within the international blockchain community participated in the second Swiss Blockchain Hackathon
The second Swiss Blockchain Hackathon led by a consortium made up of the Swiss Blockchain Federation, Trust Square, CVVC, CV Labs, SUPSI, and HSLU, and held as part of the NTN Innovation Booster – Blockchain Nation Switzerland program took place this weekend at Trust Square’s Rennweg hub in Zurich, at SUPSI in Lugano, at the University of Geneva and online. The NTN Innovation Booster program is supported by Innosuisse. 347 hackers in 69 teams worked on the diverse challenges provided by...
Read More »Quentin Tarantino Announces Secret Pulp Fiction NFT Collection
Quentin Tarantino – one of the greatest filmmakers of all time – recently announced that he would auction seven “secret NFTs” featuring uncut Pulp Fiction scenes. As the first of their kind, these non-fungible tokens feature content viewable only by their owners, making them extra special and valuable. Tarantino’s NFT Collection Tarantino’s collection will be distributed on SCRT Labs’ “Secret Network,” a layer 1 blockchain-focused on privacy. The director’s NFTs will utilize...
Read More »Blockchain Casino Tower Bet Celebrates Halloween by Giving Rewards Until November 8
[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer] Blockchain-based casinos have skyrocketed in popularity in the past few years because of their ability to provide customers with enhanced security relying on the groundbreaking technology features. With the growing competition among all available participants, many have resorted to compelling games and rewards to attract new clients. With Halloween 2021 recently taking place, one of the popular online casinos – Tower Bet – has decided...
Read More »Sectors That Are Getting Transformed With the Use of Blockchain
With the rise of technology and cryptocurrency, blockchains are one area of the IT field growing incredibly across the country. Because it is a transparent, consistent, and decentralized public ledger, it may be shared among multiple stakeholders participating in the transaction. The rising popularity of digital money has enabled technology to affordable and quicker payments employed by various businesses worldwide. With the use of PancakeSwap charting software, you can...
Read More »CODI Finance Announces Extension Of The Private Sale Of Its Native Token “$CODI.”
CODI aspires to be the preferred DeFi ecosystem by outperforming industry standards and incorporating integrity and customer-centricity with a new imaginative approach and we agreed to allow additional people to partake in this project by expanding the private sale phase. This is why we have partnered with Chainlink to monetize our data by either selling to the Chainlink Network or running a Chainlink Node to sell directly to blockchains. The $CODI Token The $CODI token...
Read More »Wie lange gibt es noch frische Bitcoins?
Knappheit: Gehen den Bitcoin-Börsen die Coins aus? Wie man in dieser Grafik sieht, nehmen die Bitcoin-Bestände auf den Hot Wallets der Bitcoin-Börsen ab. Nachdem der Bitcoin kürzlich ein neues Allzeithoch erreicht hat, befindet sich der Kurs aktuell in einer Konsolidierungsphase. Was aber viel brisanter ist: Wie lange gibt es noch Bitcoins? Von den 21 Millionen Bitcoins, welche insgesamt hergestellt werden können, sind bereits rund 18,9 Millionen...
Read More »Bitcoin is Generational Wealth – A Short Film by Matt Hornick and Tomer Strolight – World Premiere
“Bitcoin Is Generational Wealth” is a short film exploring the potential Bitcoin has to extend the timeframe of the projects humanity focuses on and actually achieves. Across recorded history, cycles of rise and fall, both of civilizations themselves and of what they use for money, repeat time and again. We are experiencing another fall now and it is horrifying to observe. However, for the first time in humanity’s existence, something unprecedented arrives – a money that...
Read More »How to Earn BTC By Mining Every Day
Introduction: What Is Crypto Mining!! Most people think of crypto mining simply as a way of creating new coins. Crypto mining, however, is the process of validating cryptocurrency transactions on a blockchain network and adding them to a distributed ledger. However, the challenge of a digital currency is that digital platforms are easily manipulated. Bitcoin’s distributed ledger, therefore, only allows verified miners to update transactions on the digital ledger....
Read More »BISON führt zwei weitere Kryptowährungen und Desktop-Version ein
BISON ist eine App der Börse Stuttgart und bietet einfachen, schnellen und sicheren Handel mit Kryptowährungen Kryptowährungen unkompliziert und zuverlässig über das Smartphone handeln: Das ermöglicht BISON, die Krypto-App der Gruppe Börse Stuttgart. Jetzt hat BISON Chainlink (LINK) und Uniswap (UNI) als weitere handelbare Kryptowährungen eingeführt. Auch die Übertragung der Kryptowährungen von BISON auf eine eigene Wallet ist möglich. „Wir sichten...
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