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13% Of Bitcoin’s Money Laundering Transactions Happened Through Privacy Wallets

A recent report by a blockchain analytics company showed that criminals have started to utilize privacy wallets to hide their illicit bitcoin transactions. The usage of such wallets has skyrocketed since 2019, and now over 13% of all crime proceeds go through them.The Growing Role Of Privacy Wallets For Illicit ActivitiesThe UK-based analytics company Elliptic highlighted in its latest report the increase in the number of money laundering cases using bitcoin. However, it pointed out a...

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Bitcoin Whales And Institutions Buy Low And Sell High: OKEx Report

A recent report posted by the popular cryptocurrency exchange OKEx says that retail investors had chased BTC’s price when it was heading higher in the past few months. In contrast, whale traders and, possibly, institutions were taking profits and primarily buying the dips.Retail Traders Chase The Price; Large Investors Take ProfitsOKEx partnered with the blockchain data company Kaiko to analyze data from the most utilized trading pair on the exchange – BTC/USDT. The two organizations followed...

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Börse Chigaco emittiert Futures auf Wasser. Wann kommt der erste Wasser Token?

Wasser ist jetzt als Terminkontrakt in Chicago handelbar Ab sofort wird an der Börse von Chicago erstmals mit Wasser gehandelt. Beim Wasser handelt es sich um sogenannte «Futures», also Terminkontrakte: Der Käufer und der Verkäufer einer Ware verpflichten sich, diese zu einem vereinbarten Termin in der Zukunft zu einem bestimmten Preis zu handeln. Warum braucht es Futures auf...

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Surfin’ Bitcoin 2021

L’édition 2021 de Surfin’ Bitcoin devrait avoir lieu le vendredi 10 Septembre 2021, toujours à Biarritz. La date exacte sera communiquée dans les prochains mois. En attendant les organisateurs se tournent aujourd’hui vers les bitcoiners intéressés par l’événement pour construire le programme avec eux : « L’idée est de créer une conférence à votre image pour aborder les sujets qui vous intéressent...

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BitSport Blockchain Platform Bridges eSports and DeFi, BFI Token Presale is Now On

2020 has been a transitional year for many industries, with some struggling under the strain of COVID restrictions while others have been afforded a new found space to flourish. Two industries that have experienced growth due to global events this year are DeFi and eSports gaming. At the beginning of 2020, the total Decentralized Finance market was worth $680 million USD. Today the very same market is worth a staggering $6.68 billion, equating to almost 1000% growth in under a year. Although...

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Bitcoin-Branche schafft Jobs

Momentan gibt es fast keine Branche, in welcher Jobs geschaffen werden. Aktuell schaffen lediglich die beiden Branchen Blockchain und Fracking Jobs. Transferwise hat soeben 750 weitere Jobs angekündigt, welche global geschaffen werden. Aber vor allem auch die grossen Bitcoin-Börsen sind wahre Job-Wunder, wie das Magazin Cryptonews in einem Artikel aufzählt. Transferwise startete im Jahr 2011 mit 3...

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Announcement: The Launch of MATCH Token (De-Bet & DeFi)

[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer]Based on our observation, the combination of an attractive platform and financial modeling throughout a decentralized network can produce a priceless token for its holders. Therefore, the MATCH token exists as a result of months of planning and relentless effort to bring the most optimum value of a decentralized network through Decentralized Finance (De-Fi) and Decentralized Betting (De-Bet). The ultimate goal is to deliver a prominent token as part of...

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#1033 Milliardär Novogratz Bitcoin Investment, IOTA Rauswurf CoFounder David Sønstebø & Ende der Anonymität

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1033. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Mike Novogratz hat 50% seiner Milliarden in Krypto investiert, IOTA schmeisst CoFounder David Sønstebø raus & Frankreich Bitcoin Broker KYC Zwang. 1.) Bitcoin-Bulle Mike Novogratz hat 50% seiner Milliarden in Krypto investiert 2.) IOTA-News: Trennung von...

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Binance Smart Chain Now Supports Chainlink —With 0 Dependencies on Ethereum

Chainlink has just received another endorsement —this time on behalf of the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the ecosystem: BinanceBinance announced the successful integration between the decentralized oracle platform Chainlink and its smart contract blockchain, Binance Smart Chain.The integration is on a root level; that is, the Oracles would need no support for the Ethereum network since they would be running directly on the Binance Smart Chain. This constitutes a significant advance in...

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Singapore’s DBS Bank to Launch Crypto Trading Platform Next Week

The massive attention that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have received in past months called the attention of DBS Bank.Singapore’s largest bank, DBS Bank, announced the arrival of crypto trading next week, with the integration of DBS Digital Exchange as a subsidiary of the bank. According to a recent press release, the platform will work with blockchain technology – offering assets tokenization and cryptocurrency trading.The exchange services include the tokenization of assets...

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