Atelier animé par Yorick de Mombynes pour Tremplin (, association soutenue par la société Grandir SAS ( qui accompagne « les décideurs, les équipes et les organisations ». « Les cryptomonnaies et la “blockchain” constituent désormais un phénomène mondial incontournable. Mais, 12 ans après la création du bitcoin, les experts se déchirent toujours sur la portée de ces inventions. S’agit-il d’un tournant dans l’histoire d’Internet ? Avec quelles...
Read More »How and Why DeFi Is Hottest Plug in Blockchain Industry
The DeFi movement promises to provide a lot of benefits, including the elimination of regulators and intermediaries and making financial markets more accessible to retail investors.2020 was indeed an exceptional year for cryptocurrencies as so many of them outperformed most traditional assets, but 2021 seems more promising. From all indications, decentralized finance (DeFi) has proven to be one of the major drivers of cryptocurrency’s comeback for over two years now.In fact, its rate of...
Read More »4 Highest LTV Crypto-Backed Loans Platforms
Loan-to-value (LTV) simply means how much cryptocurrency you will need to put up as collateral before you get a loan.A crypto-backed loan is one of the most exciting marvels of blockchain technology. We know that banks always ask for collateral when lending you money, whether it is property, stocks, or any other kind of asset. A crypto-backed loan has very similar procedures, but the assets here are cryptocurrencies, and the lenders are modern and thrilling platforms where you can go over the...
Read More »Cook Protocol Completes Token Distribution to 6,700 Holders After DuckStarter IDO
[Press Release – Singapore, Singapore, 5th April, 2021, Chainwire] Cook Protocol, a cross-chain DeFi asset management protocol, has completed its Initial Decentralized Exchange offering on DuckStarter and has successfully distributed the COOK token on three blockchains. Cook Protocol is a decentralized platform for performing cross-chain asset management. The protocol allows anyone to create strategies for earning yield, which can be used passively by the Cook community. Fund...
Read More »Bitcoin kaufen: So funktioniert’s!
Schweiz: Bitcoin kaufen war noch nie so einfach. Das sind die 3 beliebtesten Bitcoin-Börsen Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie und wo man als Bitcoin-Einsteiger und Anfänger am einfachsten Bitcoin kaufen kann. Meine Antwort darauf lautet: Investiere in Know How und Wissen. Denn Wissen zahlt sich immer aus; irgendwann. Wer dennoch ein paar Franken übrig hat, welche im schlimmsten Fall auch verloren gehen dürfen, der findet in diesem...
Read More »US MLB to Employ NFTs for Bolstering Fan Insterest, Confirms Toronto Blue Jays’ CEO
The rapidly expanding popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has far exceeded the realm of the music industry and has reached the US Major League Baseball (MLB). The President and CEO of the Toronto Blue Jays recently said that his team and the entire league are actively looking for ways to employ NFTs to bolster fan interest in the sport. The MLB Heads for NFTs NFTs are arguably the hottest trend in the cryptocurrency space, perhaps only sharing the popularity crown with...
Read More »Cardano Partners with Orion Protocol to Bring Scalability to DeFi and NFTs
IOHK, the company behind Cardano, has partnered with Orion Protocol, becoming the first liquidity aggregator of the Cardano blockchain. Orion has provided a non-custodial gateway to the crypto market by aggregating liquidity from crypto exchanges into a single DeFi platform. The partnership with Cardano comes after a series of integration to other protocols, such as Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Elrond. Cardano’s Bridge to the Crypto Market This partnership provides...
Read More »DSLA Protocol Launches V1.0 Introducing Series of In-house Innovations
Having introduced and developed the necessary infrastructure, DSLA protocol has put in place such an aspect that makes the project key in the future growth prospects of various industries.DSLA Protocol has announced the launch of Version 1.0 that encompasses in-house innovations running on blockchain technology. DSLA is a peer-to-peer alternative to service level agreements (SLAs), outsourcing contracts that bring an extra layer of trust to the user-provider relationship, by guaranteeing...
Read More »Was ist DeFi? Decentralized Finance – Nur ein Hype oder die Zukunft?
Was ist DeFi – Kurze Übersicht Decentralized Finance, kurz DeFi, bilden herkömmliche Finanzprodukte mit Hilfe von Smart Contracts auf verschiednen Blockchains ab. DeFi bietet im Gegensatz zur Bitcoin HODL Mentalität, neue und vielfältige Möglichkeiten seine Coins einzusetzen. In 2019 und 2020 steigt die Zahl der Anwendungen und Nutzer insbesondere bei Ethereum stark an, doch Binance Smart Chain (BSC) und Tron (TRX) verzeichnen starkes Wachstum. Erfolgreichsten Projekte sind auf Ethereum...
Read More »IOTA Introduces Newer Version of the Pollen Testnet with Coordicide Modules
Just a few weeks after IOTA introduced Mana in its testnet platform, the blockchain project has enhanced its trials by releasing a newer version of the Pollen testnet. It will be integrated into two Coordicide modules, which should serve as a major step towards achieving complete decentralization. In a recent blog post, IOTA announced the release of Pollen v0.5.5, introducing several changes to its network. Most of them are concentrated towards the Coordicide modules, namely...
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