Suite à l’action des avocats de Craig Steven Wright qui, la semaine ont sommé et de cesser de diffuser le white paper de Bitcoin alléguant que les droits de ce document seraient détenus par leur client, de nombreux sites ont se sont mis à héberger le document. Dernier en date : le site du projet e-Residency du gouvernement de l’Estonie. « Nous sommes heureux de...
Read More »India to Conduct Mock Trials for Remote Voting Using Blockchain Technology
India is looking towards adopting blockchain technology for remote voting. This comes despite the country’s stance against cryptocurrency trading.Blockchain Technology in India’s Voting ProcessAccording to The Wire, on Monday (Jan. 25, 2020), Sunil Arora, India’s Chief Election Commissioner (CEC), announced the plans to use blockchain technology in a mock trial for remote voting. The exercise is aimed at finding an effective way to make the voting process easier for residents in far-flung...
Read More »Despite Growth on Other Blockchains, DeFi Is Still Ethereum’s Forte
Ethereum has a major DeFi lead in several key metrics, including the overall number of DeFi apps, number of DeFi users, number of DeFi developers, and total value transacted through DeFi apps.As the race for decentralized finance (DeFi) supremacy heats up, Ethereum is still leaps and bounds ahead of the pack, and it doesn’t look like that’s about to change any time soon. In the last few months, a wide variety of other blockchains have seen DeFi development activity skyrocket, with platforms...
Read More »Why DeFi Trading Is Expanding Despite Harsh Economy
Companies like Nimbus have set the pace for an excellent year for DeFi. The Nimbus DeFi ecosystem delivers strategic solutions targeted at solving the shortcomings plaguing the DeFi space.DeFi (which is short for Decentralized Finance) was one of the top trends in the blockchain space in 2020. In January 2020, the entire DeFi space was valued at only 680 million dollars. By December 2020, the figure has skyrocketed, reaching a total of 15.34 billion dollars. The number of products, services,...
Read More »Bank of England: Current Cryptocurrencies are Unlikely to Last
The current frenzy in the crypto sphere has instigated arguments surrounding bitcoin’s capacity to replace fiat currency, and notable individuals in the conventional banking sector have recently expressed their opinions on the subject.Central Bank executives Weigh in on the Future of CryptoAbout two weeks ago, the president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, called for the regulation of bitcoin, claiming that the digital asset is being used to facilitate money laundering...
Read More »Grayscale Donates $1 Million to CoinCenter, Will Match up to $1 Million More in February
The leading cryptocurrency asset manager, Grayscale Investments, has donated $1 million to the non-profit think tank focused on public privacy in the crypto ecosystem – Coin Center. Additionally, Grayscale has vowed to match every other donation up to $1 million through February 2021.Grayscale Donates $1M To Coin CenterBased in Washington, DC, Coin Center is a non-profit research and advocacy center aiming to resolve public issues within the cryptocurrency field and decentralized computing...
Read More »XNO Token of Xeno NFT Hub listed on Bithumb Korea Exchange
[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer]Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 25th January 2021, // ChainWire //Xeno Holdings Limited ( ), a blockchain solutions company based in Hong Kong, has announced the listing of its ecosystem utility token XNO on the ‘Bithumb Korea’ cryptocurrency exchange on January 21st 2021.Xeno NFT Hub ( ), developed by Xeno Holdings, enables easy minting of digital items into NFTs while also providing a marketplace where anyone can securely trade NFTs.The...
Read More »Uhive, the New Crypto-Based Social Platform, Makes A Lot of Moolah
New social media platforms are popping up all over the place as of late, and one – Uhive – is powered by cryptocurrency.Uhive Is Doing Things a Little DifferentlyBased in the United Kingdom, Uhive is a unique social platform in that it is powered entirely by digital currency technology. Recently, the company set out on a funding round of 500,000 pounds, which it easily surpassed. Either people are terribly sick of the likes of Facebook and Twitter – which they probably should be, given how...
Read More »Will Bitcoin Price Rally Continue In 2021? 8 Key Considerations
A Fortune magazine story about bitcoin began making the rounds Friday. In it, senior Fortune and Data Sheet writer Aaron Pressman cops to tripling his money in bitcoin– then losing half of it.It’s a cautionary tale alike for prudent long-term investors in cryptocurrency and day traders who are very smart at getting very stupid with money. The endlessly interesting and complicated question: “Where is bitcoin’s price going next?” is no idle curiosity. It’s a question with a lot of zeroes on...
Read More »Assemblée Générale du Cercle du Coin
La prochaine assemblée générale ordinaire du Cercle du Coin, association francophone sur le Bitcoin, les monnaies décentralisées et les blockchains, se tiendra le jeudi 28 janvier à 16 h30 en vidéo conférence. L’ordre du jour comporte notamment l’approbation des comptes, la fixation du montant des cotisations, le bilan des actions menées en 2020 et les projets pour 2021. Cette vidéo conférence...
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