Opinion Leader, im deutschen auch Meinungsführer, sind Personen, die innerhalb einer Gruppe kommunikativ und persönlich einen hohen Einfluss auf die anderen Gruppenmitglieder haben. In den letzten 10 Jahren sind Influencer dank Social Media sehr mächtig geworden. Man spricht oft auch von Key Influencer oder gar Early Adopter. Wer heute eine virale Werbekampagne plant oder einfach ein neues Produkt lancieren möchte, ist auf die Hilfe von Influencer angewiesen. Die Kundschaft von...
Read More »Bitcoin fête ses 12 ans
Le premier bloc de transaction de la blockchain Bitcoin, nommé Bloc Genesis, a été créé il y a douze ans, le 3 janvier 2009 à 18h15. Un « coinbase » pouvant contenir des données arbitraires, Satoshi Nakamoto a inséré dans ce premier bloc le titre d’un article issu du Financial Times du jour :The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks Cet article, qui horodate le bloc...
Read More »Rekord: Bitcoin-Kurs auf über 30’000 US-Dollar
Rekordhoch: Der Bitcoin-Preis erreicht auf einigen Bitcoin-Börsen 30'000 US-Dollar Heute durchbrach der Bitcoin-Kurs die psychologisch wichtige Grenze von 30’000. Das Jahr 2021 hat somit offiziell begonnen, wie einige Twitter User und Bitcoin-Enthusiasten meinten. Der Bitcoin-Preis hat sich letztes Jahr vervierfacht. Weitere, auch ziemlich grosse Kursgewinne, sind jetzt nicht nur möglich, sondern auch realistisch. Es gibt zudem weitere...
Read More »Did You Use Stimulus Funds to Buy BTC? You’re Reeling in the Rewards, Now
A battle is waging for the second stimulus in America. Despite President Donald Trump signing off on the bill and the House quickly approving $2,000 checks for each qualifying American, the bill is still facing a lot of barricades in the Senate, which believes that most of the country is not in dire need of the money.What a Ride This Stimulus Train Has Led Us On!While this fight will more than likely continue into the new year, we have an opportunity right now to direct our thoughts to the...
Read More »Black Rock Is Looking for a New Crypto Executive
The crypto job sector has seriously grown over the past few years. There is now an unprecedented need for developers, designers and executives in the crypto space, and with a little help from Black Rock – one of the largest investment firms in the world – it looks like things are about to get a whole lot bigger.Black Rock Is Looking for a New Crypto VPBlack Rock put out a job advertisement last week saying it was looking to hire a “crypto and blockchain-focused” executive. This person would...
Read More »Sapien Mainnet Launches on Matic Network Layer 2
The Ethereum-based social network Sapien has partnered with Matic Network, Biconomy, and Torus Labs to enhance mainstream adoption of Web3 social media. The collaboration between the projects will enable gasless transactions and the automatic creation of non-custodial Ethereum wallets on the social platform.Gasless Fees On Sapien’s Ethereum NetworkThe blockchain-based social platform describes itself as a humans-oriented project that doesn’t collect users’ personal data or track their click...
Read More »Better Than This Year: Bitcoin Price to Hit $120,000 in 2021, Tom Lee Predicts
As BTC looks to end 2020 with massive gains of about 300%, Fundstrat’s Tom Lee believes that next year will be even more bullish for the cryptocurrency. Lee predicted that bitcoin could skyrocket by more than 300% from this point in 2021, which will take the asset into a six-digit price territory.Tom Lee Sees Massive Gains for BTC in 2021Bitcoin entered the new century with a price level of about $7,200. Despite highly volatile periods, including a vigorous dip beneath $4,000 in the mid-March...
Read More »Ripple to Confront US SEC in February 2021
As per the court order from the US District Court of New York, both the parties have been asked to submit a joint statement with the case’s legal arguments, potential motions and likelihood of settlements.The battle is just getting started for Ripple as the blockchain startup is to confront the US SEC earlier next year in February 2021. The confrontation will happen after the SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple last week on charges of selling unregistered XRP securities.As per the recent court...
Read More »Can You Cancel or Reverse Bitcoin Transaction?
Now your Bitcoin transaction can easily be canceled with the help of the Blenderwallet.io platform with the help of the RBF mechanism.Let’s say you’ve made a mistake and sent your BTC to the wrong address. After googling for a solution and reading FAQ sections on Coinbase and Blockchain, you will most likely decide that your Bitcoin transaction is lost forever. But, in truth, you still have time to reverse it: recently Blenderwallet.io (wallet from the creators of the largest bitcoin mixer)...
Read More »#1045 NFL Spieler Gehalt in Bitcoin, Autohaus Bitcoin Käufer Ansturm & Grayscale verkauft XRP Bestände
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1045. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: NFL Spieler bekommt Gehalt in Bitcoin, Las Vegas Autohaus sieht Ansturm von Bitcoin Käufern & Grayscale verkauft XRP und XLM Bestände. 1.) Das Gehalt in Bitcoin: NFL-Spieler wird anteilig in BTC entlohnthttps://bitcoin-kurier.de/das-gehalt-in-bitcoin-nfl-spieler-wird-anteilig-in-btc-entlohnt/ 2.) Las Vegas luxury auto dealership rakes in Bitcoin...
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