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Draper Goren Holm’s LA Blockchain Summit Celebrates Going Virtual With A $1 Million Bitcoin Giveaway

Los Angeles, CA – June 1: The unforeseen COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the world of business conferences into a whole new dimension.Draper Goren Holm, a blockchain venture studio co-owned by billionaire Tim Draper, has decided that the safety of LA Blockchain Summit attendees comes first and therefore is sending the event into cyberspace. Initially, to be held in the Los Angeles Convention Center the two-day event will now be held virtually from October 6-7, 2020.To prevent discouragement...

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#894 Bitcoin muss 10.500 USD überwinden & Chaos und Zerstörung in den USA

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 894. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin muss 10.500 USD überwinden, bevor es zu einer Rallye kommt &  Amerika wacht nach einer Nacht voller Chaos und Zerstörung auf. 1.) Bitcoin muss 10.500 USD überwinden, bevor es zu einer Rallye kommt 2.) Amerika wacht nach einer Nacht voller Chaos und...

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Ted Nelson: Only I Know Who Satoshi Nakamoto Is

The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto still has many bitcoin and crypto fans everywhere scratching their heads. Who is this man, and why has he never come out to garner the respect and praise he deserves for creating one of the world’s most revolutionary financial tools?Satoshi Nakamoto: The Mystery ContinuesTechnology expert and philosopher Ted Nelson has now emerged to say that he knows darn well who Nakamoto is, and it’s someone nobody’s ever thought of. He’s pointing the finger at Shinichi...

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Messari: ETH Share On Ethereum’s Blockchain Contentiously Declines, Might Soon Tumble Below 50%

The value of ETH stored on its own Ethereum blockchain has been continuously decreasing in the past year, new research shows. While numerous ERC-20 tokens operate on the network, the growth of stablecoins presents the most substantial threat to cause a future “flippening.”ETH’s Role On Ethereum Blockchain DecreasesPer the research provided by Messari’s Ryan Watkins, ERC-20 tokens are rapidly approaching 50% of the total value stored on the Ethereum network.ERC20 Tokens On Ethereum Blockchain....

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The U.S. and China Duke It Out; BTC Is in the Middle

Tension between the U.S. and China is spiking, and many are worried about what will happen with bitcoin.China Is Being Eyed by the U.S.On Thursday, President Trump explained to a room full of reporters that he and fellow regulators are looking into what their options are for dealing with China. The nation is widely blamed for the release of the coronavirus on the world, and Trump is potentially looking to initiate economic strikes against China in the form of further sanctions and tariffs.The...

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Binance Announced Its New Binance Smart Chain Testnet Rialto Goes Live

Binance Smart Chain will run parallel to the company’s existing Binance Chain. But in comparison with BC, it brings numerous features to the Binance ecosystem, the main of which is the support of smart contracts.Digital exchange Binance has launched Rialto — a testnet of its new Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Binance Smart Chain will serve as a parallel blockchain of the current Binance Chain to retain the high performance of the native DEX blockchain as well as enable smart contracts.#Binance...

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Litauen will noch in diesem Jahr sein Blockchain-Projekt veröffentlichen

Wird Litauen zum Vorreiter für Staaten, die einen zentralisierten Cryptocoin veröffentlichen wollen? Das kleine Land im Nord-Osten Europas hat großes vor mit seiner LTChain. Die litauische Zentralbank bereitet seine staatliche Blockchain für einen Launch noch in diesem Jahr vor.Cryptocoin News: Litauen will noch in diesem Jahr sein Blockchain-Projekt veröffentlichenIn dieser Woche hat die Central Bank of Lithuania die dritte und letzte Phase seines LBChain Projektes erfolgreich abgeschlossen....

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Trump’s Social Media Executive Order Draft Highlights Bitcoin’s Censorship Resistance

The latest debacle of social media giant Twitter flagging tweets of the US President Donald J. Trump resulted in the draft of an executive order on Preventing Online Censorship. If anything, this highlights one of the core principles behind Bitcoin’s technology – censorship resistance.Twitter Flagging President Trump’s TweetsThe riots in Minnesota’s largest city, Minneapolis, escalated yesterday as entire buildings were set ablaze following the death of George Floyd – an African American who...

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LG Electronics tritt Hedera Blockhain-Gremium bei

Der Beitritt zum Verwaltungsgremium ermöglicht es LG, die Grenzen von Blockchain zu überwinden und die bevorstehende Ära schneller, fairer und sicherer Anwendungen einzuleiten LG Electronics Inc. (LG) und Hedera Hashgraph, eine Plattform für Distributed-Ledger-Technologie (DLT) im Unternehmensbereich, gaben heute bekannt, dass LG dem Hedera Governing Council beigetreten ist. Das Gremium, gegründet, um ein besonders dezentralisiertes...

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Samsung integriert bekannte Bitcoin-Börse

Samsung und die Börse Gemini gehen Partnerschaft ein: ein bisher einmaliger Deal in den USA. Der bekannte südkoreanische Elektronik-Konzern Samsung ist eine Partnerschaft mit der US-Exchange Gemini eingegangen. Dadurch sollen Nutzer der Samsung Blockchain Wallet neue Möglichkeiten erhalten. Börse Gemini soll auf Samsung Handys integriert werden Durch die Verbindung ihrer...

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