Le Cercle du Coin, association francophone sur le Bitcoin, les monnaies décentralisées et les blockchains, vous convie à sa quatrième table ronde virtuelle qui aura le mercredi 29 avril de 17h00 à 19h00. Le format est semi-participatif, les intervenants discuteront d’un sujet et les spectateurs pourront interagir via le chat Youtube. Les modérateurs auront alors le loisir de faire remonter les...
Read More »Ernst & Young: Ethereum Can Do A Lot for Businesses
In a recent online seminar, Ernst & Young – one of the Big Four accounting firms across the globe – just explained to all its viewers and listeners how it wants to empower financial ventures and other businesses with the Ethereum blockchain.Ethereum Has a Lot to OfferEthereum is the second largest cryptocurrency in the world. It is one of the primary competitors to bitcoin, but is also still relatively new, having emerged in 2015. Thus, it is younger than Litecoin, which emerged following...
Read More »Samsung Galaxy Store Adds Dedicated Section For TRON DApps
The partnership between TRON and the technology giant Samsung continues to reap benefits. As of today, the popular blockchain company with have a dedicated section in the Samsung Galaxy Store, featuring applications built on top of the TRON network.TRON Apps On Samsung Galaxy StoreBack in 2019, both firms announced the initial partnership agreement when Samsung’s Blockchain Keystore integrated TRON. Earlier today, the latter informed that it had become the first blockchain project to have a...
Read More »#869 Diese Kryptowährung ist der Staking King, Weiss Ratings Cardano vor Ethereum & Hive 800 Prozent in 6 Tagen
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 869. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Diese Kryptowährung ist der Staking King, Weiss Ratings Cardano vor Ethereum & Hive marschiert über 800% in 6 Tagen. 1.) Tezos (XTZ) überholt EOS – Keine Kryptowährung hat mehr Anleger im Stakinghttps://bitcoin-kurier.de/tezos-xtz-ueberholt-eos-keine-kryptowaehrung-hat-mehr-anleger-im-staking/ 2.) Weiss Ratings Puts Cardano Ahead of Ethereum in “Technology”...
Read More »How Blockchain Could Help Governments to Cope with Coronavirus Pandemic
Here’s how blockchain could help governments all around the world to improve efficiency in all processes amid coronavirus outbreak.The coronavirus spoke the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, to a whole sector of the real-world economy, both across the globe and on the internet.Thousands of airports have stopped transporting passengers. My colleagues joke that the environment without flying planes has improved so much that, when the COVID-19 pandemic is over, Greta Thunberg can finally go to...
Read More »Surpassed EOS: Tezos Is Now The Biggest Staking Network, 93% Of All XTZ Is Locked
The tenth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, Tezos (XTZ), has the most assets locked in staking with over $1.8 billion. The popular blockchain protocol has been especially attractive to investors lately and has surpassed the former leader of staking – EOS.XTZ Locked In StakingPer data from the monitoring website, Staking Rewards, Tezos became the leading in terms of assets locked in staking over the past month. As of April 24th, the total amount equaled to $1.81 billion. Interestingly, as...
Read More »Enquête sur l’impact de la crise actuelle sur les acteurs des actifs numériques et de la blockchain
L’ADAN [1] lance une grande enquête auprès acteurs des actifs numériques et de la blockchain afin d’évaluer l’impact de la crise sanitaire et économique actuelle sur ce secteur d’activité. Les réponses obtenues seront utilisées « dans le cadre du dialogue déjà engagé entre l’association, les autorités françaises et les acteurs institutionnels pour leur donner une meilleur vision de la situation du...
Read More »Yele Bademosi: Blockchain Will Give People the Financial Power They Need
Yele Bademosi is the 29-year-old director of a venture capital firm known as Bundle. A division of Binance – the world’s largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchange by daily trading volume – the venture is based in Africa, which appears to be a growing hub for cryptocurrency activity.Bademosi: Using Blockchain to Help OthersAmong the most recent “African adventurers” touting crypto include Jack Dorsey, who stated a few months ago that he would spend anywhere between three and six months...
Read More »#868 WordPress-Plugin für Krypto-Handel, Millionen für Lieferketten-Blockchain & Bitcoin Halving Interesse
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 868. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Tim Draper startet WordPress-Plugin für den Krypto-Handel, Berliner Startup erhält Millionen von EU für Lieferketten-Blockchain & Bitcoin Halving Interesse steigt enorm. 1.) Tim Draper startet WordPress-Plugin für den Krypto-Handelhttps://www.btc-echo.de/tim-draper-startet-wordpress-plugin-fuer-den-krypto-handel/ 2.) Berliner Startup erhält Millionen von EU für...
Read More »Hearts Break as Crypto News Entrepreneur Toni Casserly Has Died
Toni Lane Casserly – affectionately referred to as the “Joan of Arc of Blockchain” and the co-founder of crypto news site Coin Telegraph – has passed away at the age of 29. The news was confirmed by members of her family, including her husband, late last week.Toni Casserly Will Be RememberedCasserly earned her nickname by being one of the biggest crypto advocates younger generations had witnessed. She spoke at numerous blockchain events and supported blockchain technology with all her heart...
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