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Japanese Giant Sony Taps Blockchain To Develop a Database Platform

The multinational corporate giant Sony announced its common database platform – Blockchain Common Database (BCDB), which will use Blockchain technology for Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Independently developed by Sony, it will serve as a next-gen digital service integrating multiple transportation systems and services.BCDB to Improve The Means of TransportationMaaS integrates a variety of transportation, including trains, buses, car sharing, on-demand mobility services, and even bike rentals....

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Crypto Bitcoin Bookmakers

Introduction If you reside in a country where sports betting is illegal, then it is impossible to place a bet regardless of how advanced the website of your preferred sportsbook is. The reason this happens is because you will eventually need to stake using the country’s currency. Fortunately, this needs not to be an issue ever again, thanks to cryptocurrency. This blockchain technology has transformed the gambling industry, and it is no surprise these two industries are experiencing...

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Libra: Facebook passt Konzept an und beantragt eine Lizenz von der FINMA

Libra: Die neue Weltwährung von Facebook. Rund um die geplante Stablecoin von Facebook gab es lange Zeit keine neuen Informationen. Nun hat sich allerdings die Libra Foundation diesbezüglich gerührt. Die in Genf beheimatete Firma hat nun ein neues Whitepaper erstellt, sowie ein FINMA Gesuch gestellt. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Gesuch zur Bewilligung als Zahlungssystem. Virtual Asset Service Provider Das Whitepaper zeigt die Kategorien...

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Business Owners Can Now Monetize Their Zoom Calls With Cryptocurrency

The large American communications technology company, Zoom Video Communications, has integrated a blockchain-based app for the first time. Developed by 2key.Network, SmartSessions is built on top of the Ethereum network and will allow business owners to monetize video calls with cryptocurrencies. Blockchain Enters Zoom The popular communications company announced the integration of SmartSessions earlier today. The latter utilizes SmartLink technology and will enable business owners to...

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Vidéo : Lightning et ses enjeux

Troisième table ronde virtuelle du Cercle du Coin, association francophone sur Bitcoin, les monnaies décentralisées et les blockchains, consacrée aux enjeux du Lightning Network. A programme : Lightning d’un point de vue technique : qu’est ce que c’est ? Comment ça marche ? Quelles sont les difficultés ? Quels sont les enjeux liés à la sécurité ?Lightning d’un point de vue fonctionnalités et usages : Quelles sont les fonctionnalités apportés par Lightning (scalabilité,...

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Meet rICO: German Regulators Approved Reversible ICO

The new reversible ICO model, rICO, which is approved by German regulators, allows investors to reserve tokens in the first phase of the offering and purchase them during the second phase.Unlike the regular pattern of Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), German regulators are begging to change the order by giving the green light to reversible ICO (rICO). rICO is regarded as an advancement to ICO structure with a more secure system that guarantees investors of their investment through blockchain.The...

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BTCS Improves Cash Position with $500,000 Funding

Management Implements Cost-Cutting Initiatives Silver Spring, MD – (Globe Newswire – April 21, 2020) – BTCS Inc. (OTCQB: BTCS) (“BTCS” or the “Company”), a digital asset and blockchain technology focused company, today announced it strengthened its cash position in response to and to capitalize on economic dislocations as a result of COVID-19.BTCS has strengthened its cash position by raising $500,000 in a convertible note financing and applying for a $42,000 loan through the CARES Act...

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The Newly Discovered Mysterious Post From 1999 That Might Have Been Written By Satoshi Nakamoto

The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin (BTC), remains one of the unsolved mysteries in the cryptocurrency industry. However, a recently discovered email from 1999 suggests that Nakamoto might have spent ten years to implement his idea of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.  The 200-words email, which was shared by Blockstream CEO Adam Back, is similar to the modern Bitcoin’s idealogy, including the anonymity of the creator. This perhaps suggests that it...

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Argentina’s Central Bank (BCRA) Testing Blockchain-Powered Solution For Interbank Settlement Layer

The Central Bank of Argentina, BCRA, has joined a pilot scheme that will see RSK’s blockchain technology used to create a decentralized system for overseeing account debit claims. The project was given the go-ahead by the 2019 Financial Innovation Roundtable, of which BCRA is a member, as well as several other banks including Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba, Banco Santander, and BBVA. The latter two banks are part of the Blockchain Group, which includes Grupo Sabra and RSK parent company...

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NewsCrypto Joins Forces with KuCoin in New Blockchain Education Push

The new Crypto School Program is now available to access directly on the NewsCrypto platform and has five different topics available, including the basics, trading strategies, and charts.NewsCrypto, a platform designed to provide traders and investors with market insights and indicators, trading know-how and market tracking tools, has just teamed up with the popular cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin to launch a new blockchain education initiative.Making Education RewardingAccording to the...

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