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Telegram vor ungewisser Zukunft

Schnelles und sicheres Messaging verspricht Telegram mit seinem Blockchain-Projekt. Die aktuelle Lage bedroht nun jedoch dieses Projekt und könnte es zum Aufgeben zwingen. Es wird berichtet, dass bereits einige Großinvestoren ihr Investment zurückfordern, was in der momentanten Finanzlage Telegram zerstören könnte.Crypto News: Telegram vor ungewisser ZukunftEine russische Seite berichtet, dass die Investoren abspringen und das Telegram Open Network (TON) verlassen wollen. Angeblich haben sie...

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Decentralized AI Alliance Launches Hackathon To Support COVID-19 Medical Community

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread as IItits currently present in almost all countries on the planet. However, this also tends to bring up the good in people as numerous companies from different fields have already done a lot of charity work to support both the victims of the disease and the medical community fighting against it.The Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Alliance (DAIA) is also joining the battle, launching the very first Decentralized AI hackathon to support...

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Ripple Labs Donates $200k to Help Fight with Coronavirus Pandemic

Ripple Labs is donating $200,000 to two different non-profits to help them amid teh spread of the COVID-19 at the time when scammers are looking for opportunities to cause problems too.Ripple Labs has donated about $200,000 to help halt the spread of coronavirus. The blockchain startup indicated this in a recent tweet. In these challenging times, Ripple is committed to being part of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re starting in our own backyard with $100K donations each to...

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Ethereum 2.0 Will Impress Public with Totally Audited Code

Blockchain ventures could not issue new code and hope that the ‘community’ will handle it. Ethereum developers know that and put enormous amounts of time into improving the Ethereum 2.0.Let’s dig into what is currently happening with the long-awaited Ethereum 2.0 update? It appears that Phase 0 has been completed in a path towards code review. The Ethereum developer Danny Ryan and Least Authority are performing the code audit. The Least Authority is a security consultant firm. So far, they...

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What Will $6 Trillion in Monetary Expansion Do To Cryptocurrency? (Opinion)

The pressure’s on for Congress to pass a $2 trillion spending bill to thaw the frozen economy. While they negotiate the largest ever emergency relief bill in US history, markets are getting restless. Stock futures have been volatile as the bill makes progress and stalls, then makes progress and stalls again. Voters are getting restless too. Both sides are badgering each other to “Hurry!” while negotiating a $2 trillion transaction with other people’s money.Any time either side of the partisan...

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Bill Gates Explains How He Would Fight Coronavirus if He Were U.S. President

Bill Gates, Microsoft сo-founder, shared his thoughts about the current state of the healthcare system and ways to fight coronavirus. He explained what measures he would implement if he were the U.S. president.Although not a one-man show, coronavirus is proving problematic to many nations, and a strict leader needed to keep people safe. One man who has been at the forefront of coronavirus pandemic outbreak in the world is none other than Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates. In...

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#843 Bitcoin & Ethereum Dreamteam, Bitmain Antminer S19 ausverkauft & BTC Mining Difficulty Crash

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 843. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin & Ethereum bald das neue Dreamteam, Bitmain: Antminer S19 innerhalb von 24 Stunden ausverkauft & BTC Mining Difficulty fällt 16% 1.) Bitcoin & Ethereum bald das neue Dreamteam? – Buterin will eine Verbindung ohne Dienstleister

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Why Zoom Video (ZM) Shares Fell Sharply on Tuesday but Started Rising Today

Zoom Video Communications (ZM) shares fell 15% to hit $135.18 on March 25. Although having risen over 100% in the past year, the sudden fall is being attributed to President Trump calling on businesses to resume. Today, ZM stock is up again.Zoom Video Communications Inc (NASDAQ: ZM) shares are among the stocks which have been defying the gravitational pull from the coronavirus pandemic. The company which offers remote conferencing services has seen an uptick in the use of its services, as...

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CasperLabs Partners with to Conduct Innovative Exchange Validator Offering (‘EVO’)

CasperLabs, a next-generation, secure and scalable Proof-of-Stake blockchain, is collaborating with, a Singapore registered digital asset trading platform, to conduct its private validator token sale in the form of an Exchange Validator Offering (“EVO”).Private Validator Token Sale OpportunityCasperLabs will conduct its validator token sale in collaboration with The purpose of this Exchange Validator Offering (“EVO”) is to promote greater network decentralization by...

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Amazon (AMZN) Stock Down 2% Now But It Still Could Be King of Market

Is Amazon (AMZN) stock still the king of the markets? Only time will tell us as the world goes topsy-turvy due to Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) stock on a normal day used to be a “must-buy” for many investors. Today, the stock could as well rule the markets. The COVID-19 pandemic has sent markets south to incredibly new lows.This has created a new paradigm. Top-performing stocks are difficult to spot and the losers are everywhere across the board. The volatility of the markets has...

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