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The Oldest Private Bank In UAE Taps Blockchain To Enhance Client Security

The oldest privately owned bank in UAE, the Mashreq Bank, will utilize blockchain, according to the bank’s Executive VP. By using the technology’s security and easier integration, they will create a platform for smart banking.Mashreq Bank To Use BlockchainFounded in 1967, Mashreq Bank has been a pioneer in many different aspects in the banking sector. Aside from being the first UAE bank to install ATMs and the first to issue debit and credit cards, the large bank will lead in blockchain...

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#819 IOTA Foundation Tangle Start März & Bitcoin bei den Simpsons

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 819. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: IOTA Foundation startet den Tangle wieder im März & Bitcoin wird bei den Simpsons erklärt. 1.) IOTA Foundation startet den Tangle wieder am 2. März 2020 2.) Bitcoin bei den Simpsons – Wissen die Simpsons wieder mehr als alle...

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SIX Digital Exchange: Partner können Anteile erwerben

SDX Digital Exchange: Service mit allen Funktionalitäten wird erst im Herbst 2020 ausgerollt. Die Schweizer Börse bietet strategischen Partnern an, Anteile von 30% an ihrer neuen Handelsplattform für digital Vermögenswerte zu kaufen. Der SIX Digital Exchange soll bis Ende Jahr den umfangreichen Handel mit digitalen Assets aufnehmen. Also Aktien, Anleihen und andere Vermögenswerte, welche ausschliesslich auf der Blockchain basierten...

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Norwegian Air: Können Flugtickets bald mit Bitcoin bezahlt werden?

Boeing 737-800 der Norwegian Air International Foto CC 2.0 by Alan Wilson, Wikipedia Kryptowährungen haben weltweit mittlerweile längst einen Status als Zahlungsmittel erlangt. Gerade in der Anfangsphase des digitalen Alternativgeldes war fraglich, ob sich dieses auf der Blockchain basierendes Projekt durchsetzen würde. Nachdem jedoch viele Länder Kryptowährungen bereits als...

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Cash Of The Future? The Simpsons Use Jim Parsons To Explain Cryptocurrency And Blockchain

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain recently received significant mainstream exposure. One of the most popular TV Shows, the Simpsons, ran a whole segment about both. It explained in a simple language their features and purpose, and referred to cryptocurrencies as “cash of the future.”Cryptocurrencies On the SimpsonsThe Simpsons is one of the longest-running television shows in the world. Starting in December 1989, it has since captured the hearts of millions of fans globally. Naturally, to be on...

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Privacy Coins Are Used By Criminals And It’s A Good Thing, Says John McAfee

Famous American entrepreneur and cryptocurrency proponent, John McAfee, recently spoke of the implementation of privacy coins. He believes that criminals are using them because of their technological value, and authorities cannot keep up.Privacy Coins Used By Criminals: McAfeeAside from being a successful businessman, John McAfee is also a well-known Bitcoin proponent. Until recently, at least, when he changed his stance towards the largest cryptocurrency. He went from a bold $1 million...

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Dow Jones Drops 280 Points Dragging Down Stocks as Coronavirus Fears Rise

Dow drops 280 points, stocks down thanks to coronavirus panic in the U.S. investors pour cash into treasuries and gold. Market analysts predict corporate and personal income fall in the next months. Favipiravir needs tests to cure coronavirus.Chinese people are fighting the virus in a closed source model and many people keep their concerns regarding the coronavirus spreading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls, and experts claim that stagnation is coming.COVID-19 is not as deadly as some...

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Binance Office Situated ‘on Mars’, Seychelles, Cayman Islands or Really in Malta?

On February 21, the Malta Financial Service Authority made an official post about the Binance exchange office address. The cryptocurrency market received a hit.A bunch of news media was referring to Binance as to ‘Malta-based exchange’. The fact is that nobody saw that office of Binance situated in Malta. Some crypto journalists like Cryptomedication were asking people in Telegram chats for months: Where is Binance’s office? So far, cryptocurrency enthusiasts had nothing to answer.Despite the...

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Comment Bitcoin Optech a contribué à la réconciliation de l’écosystème

Traduction d’un article d’Aaron van Wirdum publié dans Bitcoin Magazine le 18 février 2020. Bitcoin Core et d’autres projets open source ont, au fil des ans, mis au point une série de technologies permettant d’améliorer la scalabilité de Bitcoin et l’expérience des utilisateurs de Bitcoin. Avec des avancées telles que Segregated Witness (SegWit), Replace-By-Fee et le Lightning Network, les utilisateurs de Bitcoin ont un certain nombre...

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Ripple’s Xpring Is Going to Create ‘Bridge to Ethereum’

Ripple’s Xpring is allocating money for three inventors or teams seeking for a solution to XRP Ledger-Ethereum interoperability.Xpring wants to develop a ‘bridge’ between Ethereum and Ripple‘s XRP without having to transfer XRP onto ERC-20 standard. Ethereum developers have joined the bad company – Ripple welcomes all of them to build a bridge between two competing economies. Ripple is looking for a new way of operating with mainstream assets, and the move towards Ethereum is obvious. Despite...

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