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Epic On-Stage ‘Satoshi T-Shirt’ Trolling of Craig Wright Earns Community Praise

In Crypto Twitter (CT), your standing within the community can change very quickly. One day you may feel like you’re on the top of the world but one erroneous call or poor judgment can instantly rob you of your fame. Arguably, no other personality in CT knows this better than trader Tone Vays. The crypto trader has managed to amass a following of over 193,000 followers despite being the target of ridicule and contempt by many big accounts. Before Vays attended the London Blockchain...

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Amun and Binance Launch BNB ETP on Swiss SIX Stock Exchange

Photo: Binance BlogBinance has partnered with premier exchange-traded product Amun AG to create an ETP that has the BNB token as the primary asset but listed in US dollar value. This development was announced today by the leading cryptocurrency exchange. Trading of the newly developed product (the Amun BNB ABNB) has started on the Swiss SIX exchange today.Changpeng Zhao CEO Binance indicated this in a tweet as well.A MAJOR step. Now you can trade $BNB ETP on Swiss Stock Exchange (Ticker:...

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Libra Association Claims It Has 180 Candidates to Join the Row of Its Members

After it seemed all the big-ones were leaving Facebook‘s backed cryptocurrency, it seems it still has its faithful believers. On Monday, in Geneva, Switzerland, 21 associations agreed to sign the Libra Association charter at last. The Libra Association named its board of directors as well a decision about people who will sit at the executive chairs.The first chair will be, as expected, Calibra’s CEO David Marcus who named 4 more people as his board fellows. That people are a partner with...

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5 Major Automakers Beginning Field Testing of Automatic Blockchain Payments System

The world’s leading car producers — BMW, General Motors, Ford, Renault, and Honda — have been working on the blockchain car identification and payment system under the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) since last year. Next month, automobile giants will start testing a vehicle identification network in the United States.As Nikkei Asian Review has reported, the car producers have an aim to integrate the blockchain system to automatically make payments on typical commuting routes. This...

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Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Is Not a Threat to Bitcoin and Blockchain

Google‘s latest attempt of attaining supremacy in quantum computing is giving jitters to crypto enthusiasts across the globe. Experts from the tech world say that quantum computing could likely make cryptography redundant which comes as a huge threat to the crypto industry.After Google’s recent talks on attaining quantum supremacy, Bitcoin enthusiasts are concerned whether it can pose a direct threat to the world’s largest cryptocurrency. Blockchain expert and author, Andreas Antonopoulos,...

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STO: BaFin kritisiert BTC-Echo Security Token Offering

Die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) ist eine rechtsfähige deutsche Bundesanstalt mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main und Bonn. Sie untersteht der Rechts- und Fachaufsicht des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen. Startups aus dem Bereich Bitcoin und Blockchain sind oft einige Millionen mehr wert, wenn die Investoren bei ihrer Recherche Artikel im Internet über eben diese Firmen finden. Daher können insbesondere grössere...

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#728 Coinbase E-Money Lizenz, Monero neuer POW Algorithmus & Unstoppable Domains

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 728. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Coinbase erhält E-Money-Lizenz in Irland, Monero nimmt neuen PoW-Algorithmus an & Unstoppable Domains bringt neue Domainendungen. 1.) Bitcoin-Börse Coinbase erhält E-Money-Lizenz in Irland 2.) Monero nimmt einen neuen PoW-Algorithmus zur Abwehr von Asic-Minern...

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Mark Zuckerberg Holding Private Dinners with Conservative Influencers

Photo: Alessio Jacona / FlickrIt seems that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to go other way and against everything he once was talking about. Since he is loosing all the biggest supporters at the enormous speed, he has started turning to the white supremacists, leaders and journalists who have been known for supporting, well, white race to be exact.Politico reported Zuckerberg has been organizing dinners with conservative leaders as, for example, is Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham,...

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FC Bayern München bringt Panini-Bildchen auf die Blockchain

FC Bayern München bekommt eigenen Fan Token Bald wird auf dem digitalen Rasen gekickt, gegrätscht und gefoult; denn Neuer, Coutinho, Lewandowski und Co. sollen als digitale Sammelkarten auf der Blockchain verewigt werden. Anlass ist die Lizenzpartnerschaft von FC Bayern München und Stryking Entertainment vom 10. Oktober. Doch Stryking plant noch Größeres: Das Unternehmen will...

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London Blockchain Conference Pulls Headline After Crypto Community Threatens to Boycott Faketoshi

A London blockchain conference has pulled the headline for one of its most controversial talks after the crypto community rallied in defiance against its speaker – the self-proclaimed creator of bitcoin Craig Wright, AKA ‘Faketoshi’. The CC Forum scheduled to take place Oct. 14-16 has a number of high-profile figures attending, including the infamous anti-crypto advocate Nouriel ‘Dr. Doom’ Roubini. Wright’s Fireside chat was controversially titled, “What Was Your Purpose as Satoshi Writing...

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