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Telegram May Delay Token Launch as SEC Halts U.S. Sales

In an unfortunate turn of events, messaging giant Telegram is facing major resistance from the U.S. SEC for token-sale of its native Gram (GRM) tokens. This has further resulted in the delay of the launch of the Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain.Last Friday, the SEC issued an order calling Telegram’s token sale as “unlawful” under the agency’s securities laws. As a result, Telegram has push-ahead its plans of TON blockchain launch and GRM token issuance.Appraising the investors of this...

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OpenLibra – die freie Alternative zu der Blockchain von Facebook

OpenLibra: Konkurrenz für die Facebook-Währung? Vom Mitbegründer des Start-ups Wireline Lucas Geiger kam die Nachricht, dass mit OpenLibra eine offene Alternative zur angekündigten Facebook Blockchain Währung in den Startlöchern steht. Das passierte auf der Konferenz für Ethereum „Devcon 5“. Auf diesen freien Zugang zur Libra-Technik kann man gespannt sein. Plattform frei für...

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Bringing in Blockchain to Third World: the Pattern and Ambition of Distributed E-Commerce BitCherry

Photo: BitCherryThe Black Panther movies produced by Marvel Studios shows us an African country that has never been colonized and raid. As shown in the film, they are using the rare mineral called “Vibranium” to modernize and prosper the growth of their countries under a self-supporting condition. Such scenarios are leading the audience to have full delusions towards another possibility in Africa. But, is it possible for African countries, in reality, to use their natural resources to...

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#727 Krypto Rubel Ende, Telegram Token Verbot SEC & Fiat System Crash dann Goldstandard

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 727. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen:  Ende für den Krypto Rubel, Telegram reagiert auf Verbot der US-Börsenaufsicht, Fiat System Crash und Neuanfang mit Goldstandard. 1.) Russland: Aus für den Krypto-Rubel? 2.) Telegram reagiert auf Verbot der US-Börsenaufsicht

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Greta Thunberg, the new ECO strategy and AQUIX coin, what is in common?

Everyone has heard about the greenhouse effect. Some of them know that it is generally caused by the emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide) which the human activity leads to. And few people have noticed a news report made the NASA research laboratory, according to which the level of carbon dioxide in the Earth atmosphere has exceeded the mark of 400 PPM (PPM – a unit of concentration, a millionth share).  But only the scientists have been worried by this news. It is great that a simple Swedish...

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Paper: Telegram-Netzerk in 5 Jahren mehr als 20 Milliarden wert

Ein Bitcoin im Messenger: Am 31. Oktober startet der beliebte Messengerdienst Telegram mit seinem GRAM Token. Bei über 20 Milliarden US-Dollar soll der Wert des Telegram Open Network (TON) binnen der kommenden fünf Jahren liegen. Eine Untersuchung des digitalen Vermögenswertfonds und Blockchain-Unternehmens Decentral Park Capital legt diesen Schluss nahe. TON-Kryptowährung Gram besitzt ausreichend viel Potential Das zur Untersuchung...

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Ethereum and FAT Brands Partner Over Digitized Stocks

Would you have ever thought that cryptocurrency and fast food would go together? Neither did a lot of people, but as it turns out, it’s happening. Through a new partnership with Ethereum and popular burger joint Fatburger…Fatburger and Ethereum: A Perfect Match?To be fully clear, it’s not just Fatburger itself, but the corporation that owns it. This corporation owns several restaurants and fast food joints, including Bonanza Steakhouse and Ponderosa Steakhouse. They all exist under the name...

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Is Samsung on the Verge of Partnering with Justin Sun?

Samsung’s announcement that TRON CEO Justin Sun would speak at the company’s forthcoming Developer Conference took many by surprise. The San Jose event, to be held over two days from October 29, will play host to developers, creators and technologists, with blockchain certain to be a major talking point.What to make of the Samsung-Sun linkup? Or is it premature to refer to it in such terms? After all, Sun is ostensibly in town to be a guest speaker tasked with discussing how the future of...

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Bitcoin : la mise au point de Sébastien Gouspillou lors de l’Innovation Week 2019

Organisée par La Roche-sur-Yon Agglomération et la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Vendée, l’Innovation Week 2019 a consacré deux tables rondes à Bitcoin, aux cryptomonnaies et aux blockchains. Réalisée par TV Vendée, la vidéo sur la table ronde consacrée à Bitcoin et aux cryptomonnaies est disponible ici : En supplément voilà un petit extrait...

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#726 World Digital Mining Summit 2019 Frankfurt Eindrücke

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 726. Heute noch ein paar Videozusammenschnitte vom World Digital Mining Summit 2019 in Frankfurt. 4.) Bitcoin Informant bei iTunes als Podcast 5.) Der Bitcoin Informant Inside Telegram Kanal Sonnige GrüsseDennis “Bitcoin-Informant” Koray

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