Welche innovativen Geschäftsmodelle ermöglicht die Tokenisierung von Rechten und Gütern über die Blockchain? Wo liegen Effizienzgewinne für Unternehmen und Chancen für Privatanleger? Und wie lassen sich Kryptowährungen und Token als digitale Assets angemessen regulieren? Das waren nur einige der Fragen, zu denen sich die über 100 Teilnehmer der regulatorischen Konferenz „Finpulse“ der Börse Stuttgart austauschten. „Die Blockchain ermöglicht es, bestehende Finanzprodukte in die...
Read More »France to Include Bitcoin Literacy in High School Curriculum
High school students in France will have an opportunity to gain basic knowledge of workings of blockchain and virtual currencies in the framework of their everyday studies.The French education ministry, Le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, is said to include Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the high school syllabus. Such a move is expected to help students understand the benefits of decentralized currency and its influence on mainstream financial systems.Bitcoin will be added to Economics...
Read More »Bitcoin Scam: Akademiker fordern neue Disziplin „Ethik für die Blockchain“
Auch mit der Einführung der Blockchain-Technologie sind, wie bei sonstigen Risikotechnologien – sei es Bio-, Nuklear- oder auch KI-Technologie – diverse, ungeklärte ethische Fragen verbunden. Bitcoin selber ist kein Betrug, aber viele dubiose Gestalten nutzen die Unwissenheit der Menschen über diese neue Technologie für ihre zwielichtigen Angebote aus. Das soll jetzt aufhören: So forderte ein Zusammenschluss von Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern, Juristen und Wissenschaftlern...
Read More »Ripple Labs Expands RippleNet as the First Vietnamese TPBank Joins It
Ripple Labs Inc. has already started making inroads in the financial space in Asia as sources indicate that TPBank based in Vietnam is the first financial institution in the country to join the blockchain payments network. RippleNet allows international remittances to take place in mere minutes rather than in days unlike traditional networks such as SWIFT and at much less cost as well.This was stated on the bank’s website which indicated the bank’s first foray into blockchain technology and...
Read More »ARPA vs CRE: Binance Community Coin Vote’s Second Round Officially Begins
Binance has now officially begun a survival of the fittest battle between two strongly emerging protocols in what is now the second round of the Community Coin Vote’s (CCV) new format. The Binance community is expected to vote between the ARPA protocol and the Carry protocol, two networks that have more than a few things in common.Voting DetailsThe process kicked off at 4:00 AM (UTC) today Nov. 5, and will run continuously for 24 hours, before closing on November 6, at 4:00 AM (UTC) as well....
Read More »Microsoft Introduces Blockchain Platform for Minting Enterprise Tokens on Azure
In a move that has seen Big Tech enter the crypto space on a whole new level, Microsoft has launched a platform on its Azure cloud infrastructure to make token deployment to become as easy as possible.Referred to as the Azure Blockchain Tokens platform, the platform aims to make the issuance and existence of blockchain tokens to become cloud-based and to also enable the operating environment of such blockchain projects to become seamless and as easy as possible.This was revealed at the...
Read More »Kritiker sieht Ethereum auf Weg zur Zentralisierung
Die Kritik an Ethereum nimmt nicht ab. Und wieder geht es um den Einfluss, den User tatsächlich auf den ETH und das Netzwerk haben können. Besonders Bitcoin Entwickler Tuur Demeester gilt als intensiver Kritiker von Ethereum, und genau dieser meldete sich nun auf Twitter erneut zu Wort.Ethereum News: Kritiker sieht Ethereum auf Weg zur ZentralisierungDemeester zitierte Tweets, unter anderem auch von Ethereum Gründer Vitalik Buterin, die andeuten, dass es beim Ethereum Projekt immer mehr in...
Read More »Stellar Foundation Burns 55 Billion XLM Tokens, Half of the Total Supply
During the Stellar Meridian conference on Monday, November 4, the Stellar Development Foundation CEO Denelle Dixon disclosed that they have burned 55 billion Lumens (XLM) tokens which is half of the overall cryptocurrency supply.Earlier there were a total of 105 billion tokens of which 20 billion were in circulation. With the recent burning, the total supply has reduced to only 50 billion XLM tokens. In its latest Medium blog post, the Stellar Foundation noted that token burning was part of...
Read More »#742 Hongkong bekommt Immobilien-Blockchain, Afrika will Bitcoin & Stellar XLM Token Burn
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 742. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Hongkong bekommt Immobilien-Blockchain, Afrika will Bitcoin & Stellar XLM hat 55 Millionen Token verbrannt. 1.) Hongkong bekommt Immobilien-Blockchainhttps://www.btc-echo.de/blockchain-statt-papierkram-hongkong-bekommt-immobilien-blockchain/ 2.) Afrika will Bitcoin – Nigeria an der Spitzehttps://bitcoin-kurier.de/afrika-will-bitcoin-nigeria-an-der-spitze/ 3.) Stellar’s...
Read More »ARPA’s Binance Community Voting Round & Growing Momentum Following President Xi’s Comments
Photo: ARPA OfficialARPA – the layer two privacy-preserving computation protocol – is set to square off against Carry Protocol, a data purchase platform on Ethereum, in Binance’s second round of the Community Coin Vote (CCV). Voting will begin at 4 AM 5 November (UTC) and will incorporate Binance’s new rules for the CCV that allocates a BNB rewards pool to the runner-up and reduces the BNB holding period of 9 to 7 days. ARPA winning voters will split a rewards pool of 15 million ARPA tokens,...
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