On 15 November, during an interview for CNBC journalists, Tom Lee gives price prediction to set some fire. Cryptocurrency will show its potential as a “network value asset”, according to Tom. He said Bitcoin is similar to FAANG stocks that represent the top companies of the U.S. economy: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. By referring to the shares of the companies above, Tom inkles that cryptocurrencies are gaining their value from supportive crowds:“Cryptocurrencies are network...
Read More »OneConnect Financial Technology Files for IPO in the U.S.
It has been evident in the last few years that companies within the blockchain, cryptocurrency and fintech space are receiving a lot more institutional backing after years of being rather niche sectors of the business world. This is evidenced by the fact that many more prominent firms are taking on blockchain technology such as MasterCard, Air Canada, Barclays and so on. It is also evidenced by the fact that many private firms such as Facebook and JP Morgan are embracing cryptocurrency and...
Read More »Facebook Pay: Kommt jetzt der Joker für den Onlinehandel?
Facebook Pay wird den Online Zahlungsverkehr massiv vereinfachen! Facebooks geplante Kryptowährung Libra läuft keineswegs so, wie sich das Unternehmen dies vorstellte. Unabhängig davon bringt der Branchenprimus in Sachen Social Media nun ein neues digitales Zahlungssystem an den Start: Facebook Pay. Keine Berührungspunkte mit Libra Der neue Zahlungsdienst Facebook Pay, welcher direkt in das soziale Netzwerk, den Nachrichtendienst WhatsApp,...
Read More »Paxos Launches Fiat Gateway with Binance as the First Client
Photo: ShutterstockOn November 12, 2019, Paxos debuted its Fiat Gateway and have announced that Binance will be its first client in this regard. Its Fiat Gateway means that customers can swap out U.S. dollars for stablecoins on a one-to-one basis and this is one of the first of its kind within the cryptocurrency industry.While this unique service is seeing more widespread attention since its association with Binance, it has actually been available to Paxos users since May 2019 and according...
Read More »Despite Libra Hurdles, Facebook Announces Its All-App Payments Service Facebook Pay
Social media giant Facebook Inc. has now decided to consolidate all of its payment services under a single umbrella. On Tuesday, November 12, Facebook announced its Facebook Pay platform which would facilitate ” a convenient, secure and consistent payment experience across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp”.Facebook’s announcement comes just in a week’s time after it announced a new parent company logo as part of its rebranding efforts. The social media giant said that a lot of its...
Read More »#748 Royal Bank of Canada Bitcoin Konto und Exchange, Digitaler Yuan anonym & Facebook Pay statt Libra
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 748. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Royal Bank of Canada will Bitcoin Konto und Krypto Exchange starten, China verspricht Anonymität beim digitalen Yuan & Facebook startet Facebook Pay. 1.) Kanadischer Banken-Riese will Bitcoin Bankkonto und Kryptowährungs-Börse an den Start bringenhttps://cryptomonday.de/kanadischer-banken-riese-will-bitcoin-bankkonto-und-kryptowaehrungs-boerse-an-den-start-bringen/...
Read More »Doesn’t Wait For Libra: Facebook Introduces Facebook Pay
Facebook has faced a maelstrom of criticism ever since it announced the Libra cryptocurrency. Lawmakers and bankers have been quite vocal in their negative views towards the developing stablecoin. However, it seems that Facebook is not waiting for Libra to launch a global payment platform as they have now introduced Facebook Pay.Cross-Platform PaymentsFacebook Pay is not a virtual currency. It is a payment system that uses credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal as options.Users can use...
Read More »John McAfee Isn’t a Huge Fan of Libra
Antivirus mogul John McAfee – who has repeatedly touted bitcoin, saying it will reach $1 million by the year 2020 – has a few harsh words for Libra.McAfee: Libra Is the Opposite of CryptoThe Facebook cryptocurrency appears to be getting on everybody’s nerves lately. Members of Congress have repeatedly taken aim at the project, saying that it could potentially open the door to money laundering and other malicious activity. They are also unclear as to how (or whether) Libra could potentially...
Read More »Daniel Daianu: Libra Could Hurt Finance
Libra just can’t seem to catch a break. Following months of haggling by U.S. lawmakers and European officials, a Romanian bank chief is adding his negative opinions to the mix, saying that Libra is “dangerous” and likely to do irreparable damage to the global financial infrastructure.Libra Is Getting Hit from All SidesDaniel Daianu, president of Romania’s Fiscal Council, says that if Libra ever does reach full potential, banks are likely to disintegrate overnight. He states:Cryptocurrencies...
Read More »Was ist eine CBDC?
Bitcoin Preis der letzten 30 Tage CBDC ist die Abkürzung für Central Bank Digital Currency, also eine Zentralbankkryptowährung. Derzeit gibt es noch keine klare Definition, was genau eine solche Währung ist. Jedoch gibt es einige Eigenschaften, die immer wieder aufgeführt werden: In irgendeiner Form wird eine Art Blockchain verwendet. Die Währung wird von einer Zentralbank verwaltet. Geschäftsbanken und Zwischenhändler werden umgangen....
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