Software giant Microsoft is developing a new way to ensure newly created cryptocurrency tokens are easy to audit and much harder to fabricate.Microsoft Brings Azure to the TableKnown as Azure Blockchain Tokens, the platform has been utilized by several video game companies to create tokens that players can earn through gameplay. Now, Microsoft is taking the system to new heights and spreading its services to companies like General Electric, which is now among the first major conglomerates...
Read More »Binance Coin Price Analysis: Despite The Latest Bullish Binance Announcements, BNB Struggles At $21
Binance Coin saw a slight decrease of around 1% over the past 24 hours and it currently trades at $20.31. Despite the recent decline, BNB is still up by a total of 21% over the past two weeks and a 60% increase over the past 30 days. The cryptocurrency struggles despite the constant announcements that come from Binance. In fact, just recently, the CEO of the exchange, Changpeng Zhao, shared a tweet that outlines the accomplishments of the company in the past 24 hours alone.1/2 The $BNB...
Read More »Facebook’s David Marcus Sells Libra as a Currency, Because Bitcoin Apparently Isn’t
Facebook Libra lead David Marcus doesn’t believe bitcoin is a currency. Its volatility keeps it from becoming a currency, he explained. Bitcoin is more aking to ‘digital gold’, according to the Facebook executive. Facebook’s crypto frontman David Marcus, provided bitcoin with a backhanded compliment on Wednesday. According to the Libra lead, bitcoin is a dead ringer for digital gold, but not an appropriate currency. Speaking at the New York Times DealBook Conference, Marcus praised...
Read More »USA: Zentralbank sucht Bitcoin-Experten
Die US-Notenbank sucht in einer Stellenausschreibung nach Bitcoin-Experten. In einer Stellenausschreibung sucht die US-Notenbank einen Experten im Bereich Kryptowährungen. Die Idee einer digitalen Zentralbank wird somit immer konkreter. US-Notenbank sucht Krypto-Experten Am 4. November gab die US-Notenbank eine Stellenbeschreibung heraus. Mit dieser nehmen die amerikanischen...
Read More »Türkei will 2020 eigenen Cryptocoin herausbringen
Das Jahr 2020 wird uns viele große Nachrichten aus der Welt der Cryptocoins bescheren. Facebooks Libra, Chinas Cryptocoin und nun auch ein offizieller Cryptocoin der türkischen Regierung wurden allesamt für das kommende Jahr angekündigt.Crypto News: Türkei will 2020 eigenen Cryptocoin herausbringenChinas Cryptocoin könnte zwar noch in diesem Jahr auf den Markt kommen, jedoch ist auch hier der Launch für 2020 wahrscheinlich. Später im selben Jahr folgt dann Facebooks Libra. Und nun hat sich...
Read More »EU plant Alternative zu Libra
Frankfurt am Main: Gebäudekomplex der Europäischen Zentralbank Foto cc 3.0 by Epizentrum, Wikipedia Die europäische Zentralbank bekommt weiche Knie: Facebooks Libra bringe das bisherige Finanzsystem ins Wanken. Deshalb rüstet die Zentralbank zum Gegenangriff und überlegt, eine eigene Digitalwährung auf den Markt zu bringen. Hervor geht dies aus einem Entwurf der finnischen...
Read More »Joseph Lubin: Facebook Shouldn’t Be Controlling Libra
Someone should tell Joseph Lubin, the co-creator of Ethereum, that he needs to make up his mind about Libra.Lubin: Libra Is a Good SystemSeriously, in a new interview with CNBC, Lubin states that he likes Libra, but that Facebook isn’t the company who should be behind the wheel. This completely differs from an interview he gave in late October in which he describes the cryptocurrency as a “weapon of mass societal manipulation.”In his latest discussion, Lubin explained:I’m a big fan of...
Read More »EU Wants to Compete with Facebook’s Libra Instead of Just Banning It
The G7 meeting participants state that things like stablecoins including Facebook‘s Libra should be strictly regulated and the risks connected with them are not yet studied well. Per EU lawmaker and a German conservative Markus Ferber:“At the very least, we need a robust regulatory framework to deal with virtual currencies. The (executive EU) Commission has been way too complacent on the issue so far. With the threat of Libra on the horizon, it is time for action now.”The draft text of the...
Read More »Zuckerberg was Right. China ‘Fast-Tracks’ Cryptocurrency With Huawei, Tencent
The People’s Bank of China signed a partnership with Huawei, reportedly to develop blockchain technology for China’s sovereign digital currency. It comes just a week after Xi Jinping pledged that China would “take the leading position” in blockchain. Zuckerberg’s ominous warning – that China could erode America’s “financial leadership” – is slowly materializing. Last month Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared before Congress and delivered a warning to lawmakers: get behind digital currency...
Read More »Rivaling Facebook’s Libra: EU Draft Suggests Creation Of A New Coin
The European Central Bank is reportedly considering to launch its public digital currency. This move may be regarded as a direct response to the announcement of Facebook’s Libra.EU to Launch A Digital Currency?As reported by Reuters, the draft states that the European Union should consider launching a public digital currency by working closely with the European Central Bank. Purportedly, an official from the ECB has said that such a project would allow customers to use electronic cash, which...
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