Mastercard Der Kreditkarten-Anbieter Mastercard will noch in diesem Jahr sein globales Netzwerk für Kryptowährungen öffnen. Und das wäre eine Sensation. Den dadurch könnten Händler mehr Kunden erschliessen, die bereits auf die digitalen Vermögenswerte setzen. Allerdings werde Mastercard nicht alle Kryptowährungen unterstützen, da einige der digitalen Coins noch unzureichende...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Bulls Remain In Control Above $175
Litecoin price started a fresh increase from the $145 support zone against the US Dollar.LTC price is now trading well above $175 pivot level and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours).There is a key bullish trend line forming with support near $175 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair remains supported and it is likely to accelerate higher above the $185 and $190 levels.Litecoin price is showing positive signs above $175 against the US Dollar, while...
Read More »Ethereum Surges to Reach Tallest Price Peak Yet
Ethereum – the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap and the number one competitor to bitcoin – has shot up like no other currency this week. The asset has lost much of the attention thanks to bitcoin once again rising beyond the $37,000 mark in the past few days, but it has still set a new precedent and has traders talking about what’s to become of the world’s primary altcoin.Ethereum Is Growing Like No Other CoinEthereum initially began in 2015, which makes it considerably...
Read More »PayPal startet Bitcoin-Abteilung
Man denkt immer, PayPal sei ein Internet Startup. In Tat und Wahrheit macht PayPal mehr Umsatz als Mastercard! Just sayin' Der Anbieter für Zahlungen PayPal steigt nun big in den Handel mit Kryptowährungen ein. Die Kunden aus den USA können in Zukunft über die Plattform PayPal Bitcoin und weitere Kryptowährungen verkaufen, kaufen und diese aufbewahren. Ab dem Jahr 2021 soll es nun möglich sein, bei Händlern über PayPal mit diesen...
Read More »Rekordmonat Januar : Bitcoin-Miner machen 1 Milliarde Umsatz
Bitcoin-Miner konnten im Januar 2020 einen Rekordumsatz verzeichne. Rund 1,12 Milliarden US-Dollar wurden in den vergangenen 31 Tagen erwirtschaftet. Das übersteigt sogar noch die Zahlen aus dem Rekordmonat Dezember 2017, als am Ende 1,25 Milliarden US-Dollar auf der Habenseite standen. Im Januar 2018 verzeichneten Bitcoin-Miner einen Umsatz von 1,02 Milliarden US-Dollar. Während diese Zahlen im letzten Monat knapp erreicht wurden, gab es im Bereich der Block-Subventionen...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Dips Likely To Remain Limited Below $140
Litecoin price started a fresh increase from the $125 support zone against the US Dollar.LTC price is now trading well above $140 pivot level and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours).There was a break above a major contracting triangle with resistance near $140 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could correct lower, but it is likely to remain stable above $145 and $142.Litecoin price is showing positive signs above $145 against the US Dollar, similar...
Read More »Bitcoin kaufen? Diese 3 Bitcoin-Börsen funktionieren am Besten
Coinbase, BTC Direct und Bitpanda: Mittlerweile gibt es einige Bitcoin Serices, die sich auch für Anfänger und Einsteiger eignen.. Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie und wo man als Bitcoin-Einsteiger und Anfänger am einfachsten Bitcoin kaufen kann. Meine Antwort darauf lautet: Investiere in Know How und Wissen. Denn Wissen zahlt sich immer aus; irgendwann. Wer dennoch ein paar Franken übrig hat, welche im schlimmsten Fall auch verloren...
Read More »LTC/USD Analysis: Litecoin Is About To Reverse The Trend
Litecoin, the 5th altcoin based on the total market cap, has been quiet recently in terms of new updates and partnerships. Litecoin brands themselves as the Silver of the crypto-assets, whereas Bitcoin is Gold.Litecoins price action for the past quarter, since the October’s MimbleWhimble update. The price is strictly bound to the crypto-market’s sentiment and Bitcoin’s price action. By the time of writing of this article, LTC/USD is traded at $133.50 and is currently traded below the moving...
Read More »Gene Simmons Lists Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Dogecoin among His Investments
From Gene Simmons’ list of digital assets, both XRP and Dogecoin have been involved in tremendous gains in the past few days mostly fueled by the WallStreetBets speculation frenzy.American musician, entrepreneur, and television personality Gene Simmons has listed some of his digital assets that he has chosen to include in his investment portfolio. According to tweets from his page, Simmons has invested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin and XRP.I’m not recommending any of this to...
Read More »Litecoin (LTC) Price Analysis: Testing Crucial Support at $120
Litecoin price started a fresh decline below the $135 and $130 support levels against the US Dollar.LTC price is trading just above the $120 support and it is well below the 55 simple moving average (4-hours).There was a break below a key bullish trend line with support near $136 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Coinbase).The pair could correct higher, but it is likely to face many hurdles such as $135 and $140.Litecoin price is showing bearish signs below $135 against...
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