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Tag Archives: Allgemein

JustAnswer: Expertenwissen auf Abruf

JustAnswer: Haben Sie Fragen aus dem medizinischen Bereich? Fragen Sie jetzt einen Arzt online! JustAnswer ist eine Online-Plattform, die Ratsuchende mit qualifizierten Experten auf verschiedenen Fachgebieten verbindet. Das Prinzip ist simpel: Nutzer stellen ihre Fragen und erhalten Antworten von Experten, die ihr Wissen und ihre...

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Integrierte Solana-Links auf herkömmlichen Websites: Ein Schritt in die Zukunft des Web3

Solana ist ein öffentliches Blockchainprojekt. Es ist quelloffen und dezentralisiert, wobei der Konsens durch Proof of Stake und Proof of History erreicht wird. Ihre interne Kryptowährung trägt das Kürzel SOL. Die Plattform wird auch mit Projekten wie Ethereum verglichen Die Blockchain-Technologie hat das Potenzial, die Art und Weise,...

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Affenpocken via Geldnoten? Ein genauerer Blick auf die Übertragungswege

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Blockchain Africa Conference 2024: Celebrating a Decade of Blockchain Innovation Across the Continent

Cape Town, South Africa – 13 August 2024 – Prepare yourself for the most thrilling African Web3 event of the year! The Blockchain Africa Conference is back, celebrating its monumental 10th anniversary. This year marks a decade of groundbreaking innovation, transformative conversations, and game-changing solutions that are propelling Africa to the forefront of the global blockchain revolution. Since its inception, the Blockchain Africa Conference has been the epicenter of dynamic discussions...

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eSIM-Karte: Das sind die besten Anbieter

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Kartenüberweisungen in 70 Ländern mit Revolut Business einfach gemacht

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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