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Tag Archives: Allgemein

Gedenkmünzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Überblick über Geschichte, Design und Sammlerwert

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Airalo: Der beste Anbieter von eSIM-Karten?

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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PayPal-Aktie: Eine Investition mit Potenzial?

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Experiment: Ich habe 632 Poodlana Token gekauft und bin jetzt unsicher. Mehr dazu in diesem Blogpost:

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Die Flaggentheorie: Maximierung der persönlichen Freiheit und finanziellen Flexibilität

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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AirBnB-Aktie: grosse Chance zum Einstieg?

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Neues Feature: Revolut mit sofortigen Kartenüberweisungen in 70 Ländern

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These...

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Gold au dem Mars?

Die Frage, ob es auf dem Mars Gold gibt, ist faszinierend und weckt die Vorstellung von interplanetaren Bergbauprojekten. Der Mars, der als der erdnächste Planet bekannt ist, hat in den letzten Jahren viel Aufmerksamkeit von Wissenschaftlern und Raumfahrtenthusiasten auf sich gezogen. Doch wie steht es um die Möglichkeit, dass es auf dem Roten Planeten Gold gibt? Geologische Bedingungen auf dem Mars Der Mars unterscheidet sich in vielerlei Hinsicht von der Erde, insbesondere in Bezug auf...

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Psyche-Asteroid: Warum Gold auf dem Riesenmetall-Asteroiden vermutet wird

Der Asteroid Psyche, der sich im Asteroidengürtel zwischen Mars und Jupiter befindet, hat das Interesse von Wissenschaftlern und Weltraumforschern auf der ganzen Welt geweckt. Dies liegt vor allem daran, dass man vermutet, dass Psyche eine ungewöhnlich hohe Konzentration an Metallen aufweist, darunter auch Gold. Doch warum gehen Wissenschaftler davon aus, dass auf Psyche Gold zu finden ist? Herkunft und Zusammensetzung Psyche, benannt nach der griechischen Göttin der Seele, ist ein...

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Planet Merkur: 16 kilometerdicke Diamantschicht?

So könnte der Planet Merkur aussehen, wenn man die dünne, äusserste Schicht abträgt. Bildquelle: Robert Lea (erstellt mit Canva)/NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington Die MESSENGER-Mission der NASA hat ein erstaunliches Geheimnis des Merkurs enthüllt: Wissenschaftler haben anhand von Daten der Raumsonde festgestellt, dass unter der Kruste des kleinsten Planeten unseres Sonnensystems eine 16 Kilometer dicke Diamantschicht...

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