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Tag Archives: Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin Miner Stronghold Returns 26,200 Mining Rigs to NYDIG to Clear $67M Debt

Publicly-traded Bitcoin mining company Stronghold Digital Mining (SDIG) said it plans to return more than 26,000 mining rigs to New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG) to reduce its debt significantly. NYDIG is a leading bitcoin firm that helps miners finance mining equipment and power infrastructure. The mining company also intends to restructure a convertible note for cash after receiving a binding commitment letter from private credit investment manager WhiteHawk Capital...

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Heatwave Causes Texas BTC Miners to Slow Down

There is a rapid heatwave spreading through the state of Texas. This means everybody’s air conditioning units are going to be on, and electricity is going to be short. As a result, crypto miners in the Lone Star state are expected to shut down here and there to at least calm their operations for a while. Texas Is the Crypto Mining Hotspot Texas, for the past several months, has caught the eye of crypto miners across the globe. Not only does the region offer vast amounts...

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Norwegian BTC Miner Moves Beyond the Arctic Circle to Cut Energy Costs (Report)

The Norwegian bitcoin mining company – Kryptovault AS – reportedly plans to move its operations north of the Arctic Circle. The relocation is prompted by the rising electricity costs in the country, while the northern regions are still relatively unaffected by the crisis. Over the past few years, Norway has turned into a cryptocurrency mining center for the European region due to its green policies. According to estimations, 98% of the energy production in the nation comes...

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Crypto Miners Have Seen Their Profits Plunge

The crypto winter is really wreaking havoc on crypto miners everywhere. While large scale miners are still doing “ok” in the general scope of things, those who have simply made mining a hobby and who are doing it from home have either been forced to leave the industry completely or really scale back so they can save money on their operations. Crypto Miners Have Seen Profits Really Fall Many of the at-home crypto miners to emerge in recent years say they have seen their...

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New York Governor Hochul Facing Real Pressure to Sign Crypto Moratorium

Kathy Hochul – the current governor of New York – is facing real pressure to hurry up and sign the crypto moratorium that her state’s Assembly passed. Environmentalists Want Hochul to Move It is interesting to see such a liberal leader so hesitant to sign the moratorium. The bill calls for a two-year ban on all digital currency mining businesses thinking of setting up operations in the Empire State. Perhaps Hochul sees something wrong with the bill… Or perhaps, unlike...

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Mehr als die Hälfte des Bitcoin-Minings aus erneuerbarer Energie

Der Gesamtmarkt für Kryptowährungen ist in den letzten sieben Tagen um 9,37 Prozent gesunken, wie die Daten von CoinMarketCap belegen. Der Bitcoin sank in der vergangenen Woche um 5,7 Prozent und Ethereum schnitt noch einmal 10 Prozent schlechter ab. Damit war es nicht getan: Die Inflation im Vereinigten Königreich erreichte mit 9,4 Prozent einen 40-Jahres-Höchststand, wozu vor allem die steigenden Energiepreise beitrugen, die im Oktober voraussichtlich weiter stark ansteigen werden. Während...

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New York Governor Seeks to Close Bitcoin Mining Firm

Kathy Hochul – the governor of New York – and her administration is moving to shut down a crypto mining operation in the Finger Lakes, claiming it is creating too much pollution. New York Has Suddenly Become So Anti-Crypto In a recent statement, DEC commissioner Basil Seggos explained: We are applying a new law to a new operation which had significant increases in emissions, almost tripling emissions. The company itself was unable to demonstrate that it could come into...

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Nach Insolvenzwelle: Nun auch Bitcoin-Miner vor der Pleite?

Bitcoin Minining Nach Insolvenzwelle: nun auch Bitcoin-Miner vor der Pleite? Konzerne verkaufen bis zu 80 % der BTC-Bestände um laufende Kosten zu decken Immer mehr Mining-Konzerne stossen erhebliche Teile ihrer Bitcoin-Bestände ab, um den Betrieb weiter aufrechterhalten zu können. So gab zuletzt beispielsweise „Core Scientific“ bekannt, fast 80 Prozent des Gesamtbestandes an BTCs verkauft zu haben. Auch andere Unternehmen trifft die...

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Bitcoin Miner verdienen wieder mehr als Ethereum Miner

Die Kurse habe sich zwar stabilisiert, sind jedoch im gesamten Markt weit von ihren Höchstständen entfernt. Alle größeren Cryptocoins verloren deutlich an Wert, darunter auch Bitcoin und Ethereum. Interessant wird es jedoch, wenn wir den relativen Wert der beiden Cryptocoins miteinander vergleichen. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Miner verdienen wieder mehr als Ethereum MinerBis Mitte Juni ging es für den Bitcoin-Preis im Vergleich zu Ethereum runter, doch in den letzten drei Wochen gewann ETH sogar...

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New York Suggests Two-Year Moratorium on Crypto Mining

The state of New York has introduced a new bill that if passed, would officially end all future proof of work (PoW) mining operations that want to call the Empire State home. New York Could End Crypto Mining for a While Right now, the bill is being discussed by the New York State Assembly in Albany, the region’s capital. The bill calls for a moratorium of not less than two years on all crypto mining operations within the state’s borders. The idea is to further study the...

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