Commerzbank Die Commerzbank-Aktien sind derzeit so günstig wie nie. Ein Grund für das Tief ist das Coronavirus, welches die Aktien des Bankhauses nach einem Hoch zu Anfang des Jahres in Richtung Allzeittief steuern lässt. Das Coronavirus beschäftigt aktuell nicht nur die Gesundheitsbranche. Auch auf die Wirtschaft hat das Virus erheblichen Einfluss. So hat die US-Notenbank den...
Read More »Split Operation: Damit bekämpft die Credit Suisse das Coronavirus
Das Coronavirus macht auch vor den Schweizer Grossbanken nicht Halt. Die Credit Suisse und Konkurrent UBS haben unterschiedliche Massnahmen ergriffen, um Mitarbeiter und Kunden zu schützen. Die wichtigste Massnahme von Credit Suisse hört auf den Namen „Split Operation“ und soll die wichtigsten Prozesse der Schweizer Großbank aufsplitten. Im Falle einer Ausbreitung des Coronavirus wird dann in der Theorie nur ein einzelner Bereich lahmgelegt, anstelle des gesamten...
Read More »Market amid Coronavirus: When Investing in Times of Crisis, Think Long-Term
There is nothing so far to suggest that there will be a permanent impact on businesses, or that earnings will not eventually recover. But when you want to invest during the crisis, you need to think about long-term benefits.As coronavirus is spreading at an incredibly fast pace, people all over the world are watching eventual developments in the markets to find stocks for investing. However, it is important to stress that making an investment just because the markets are down and/or you are...
Read More »All of Italy under Lockdown Due to Coronavirus
The Italian government has announced extraordinary measures to contain the coronavirus. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Monday declared the entire country a “red zone,” meaning people should stay home except of work needs and emergencies.In a pretty bizarre move, all of Italy and its 60 million residents have been placed under lockdown due to coronavirus. First, it was only the Lombardy when on Saturday, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed a decree to impose quarantine and limit...
Read More »Coronavirus Taiwan: Perfekte Vertreilung der Schutzmasken dank Blockchain-Technologie
In Taiwan werden die Schutzmasken gegen Corona knapp. Deshalb verteilt der Blockchain-Dienstleister FiO die Masken über die Blockchain; so werden Engpässe umgangen und Hamsterkäufe vermieden. Blockchain hilft beim Schutz vor Viren Taiwan hat ein Versorgungsproblem: 23 Millionen Einwohnern stehen nur 4 Millionen Masken gegenüber. Damit die Masken nicht leer gehamstert werden, rationiert das Central...
Read More »Coronavirus Taiwan: Perfekte Verrteilung der Schutzmasken dank Blockchain-Technologie
In Taiwan werden die Schutzmasken gegen Corona knapp. Deshalb verteilt der Blockchain-Dienstleister FiO die Masken über die Blockchain; so werden Engpässe umgangen und Hamsterkäufe vermieden. Blockchain hilft beim Schutz vor Viren Taiwan hat ein Versorgungsproblem: 23 Millionen Einwohnern stehen nur 4 Millionen Masken gegenüber. Damit die Masken nicht leer gehamstert werden, rationiert das Central...
Read More »Bullish For Crypto? WHO Encourages More Contactless Payments Amid The Spreading Coronavirus
The coronavirus outbreak has pushed some world central banks to quarantine physical cash bills. The World Health Organization (WHO) encourages the adoption of contactless payments. As such, it raises a legitimate question – could cryptocurrencies seize this opportunity to receive a larger market share for online payments?Caution On Physical BillsThe COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak continues to escalate. The number of confirmed cases worldwide exceeds 110,000. The serious effects on people’s...
Read More »Oil Companies Stock Down as Dow Jones Plummets 1,800 Points, Biotech Stocks Also Bleeding
Dow Jones has lost over 1,880 points due to a row of factors including Saudi’s oil price slash as well as the coronavirus that is quickly spreading. More bleeding is expected.All over the world, markets have been feeling terrible effects of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. In recent times, the epidemic has caused stocks to plunge considerably, with a lot of companies seriously bleeding. Projections for the coronavirus have been quite pessimistic with forecasts that things will get worse....
Read More »Bitcoin Halving Is Just 63 Days Away while BTC Price Down 10% Due to Oil War
During the meeting in Vienna on Friday, Russia, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC participants were talking about the oil price and possible decrease of supply. Bitcoin price is down.Per the plan, the world economy supposes to receive a boost thanks to the collective decrease in oil production. If all the major players would shorten oil extraction, the price would rise. However, not all the countries were happy with the OPEC plan. Russia said they don’t have to make any more moves regarding the...
Read More »Dow Jones Futures Dropped Due to Coronavirus, Other Markets Follow Similar Trends
The Dow Jones Futures dropped Monday morning. This comes are investors are bracing for more bad news about COVID-19.Sources say that the Dow Jones Futures dropped to 1,236 points. United stats Treasuries are down too. Yields have fallen below 0.5%. many within the treasuries markets say that the US FED may drop rates even further.The markets seem to be going in this direction as well. Saudi Arabia has reportedly led the oil price wars. The Saudis reduced oil prices for April deliveries. This...
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