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Tag Archives: credit suisse

China’s Bitcoin Mining Firm Canaan Creative to Launch Its IPO Next Week on Nasdaq

Canaan Creative, the Chinese Bitcoin mining company is all set to go public by listing its shares on the Nasdaq trading platform next week on November 20. As we have already reported, Canaan filed for its U.S. IPO on October 28, with Galaxy Digital, Credit Suisse, Citigroup and four other underwriters.Canaan is one of the biggest rivals of Bitmain in the crypto mining space. As per the report, Canaan is planning to raise around $400 million from its IPO. However, it is unclear at this stage...

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Canaan Officially Files for $400 Million IPO on Nasdaq

One of the biggest bitcoin miner manufacturers, the Avalon Bitcoin miner Canaan Creative, publicly filed for a U.S. Initial Public Offering (IPO) on Monday, with big names as underwriters. Credit Suisse, Galaxy Digital, Citigroup, China Renaissance, CMBI, Huatai Securities and Tiger brokers are obliged to pay for and accept delivery of the ADSs offered by this prospectus.The second-largest manufacturer of ASIC mining hardware after Bitmain, Canaan plans to list its shares on Nasdaq under the...

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Highest Number of World’s Richest People Live in China, Not U.S: Global Wealth Report

Americans have stood the test of time by making the so-called “American Dreams” a reality. Not just ones, twice or thrice, but for several decades by producing the highest number of wealthy people globally.But according to the recent annual wealth survey conducted by Credit Suisse, America is in for a rude shock after China has overhauled them as the new residence of the growing population of wealthy people around the globe.There’re 99 million Americans among the 10% wealthiest individuals in...

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Schweizer sind laut Credit Suisse die reichsten Menschen

Credit Suisse Report: Niemand häuft Vermögen an wie die Schweizer Welches Land ist durchschnittlich am reichsten? Diese Frage lässt sich nun dank einem neuen Bericht der Schweizer Bank Credit Suisse beantworten. Seit nun bald zehn Jahren veröffentlicht die Grossbank jährlich den sogenannten Global Wealth Report, in dem der weltweite Reichtum analysiert wird. Vermögen wächst...

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Oswald Grübel: ‚Money is not worth anything anymore‘

“Money is worthless”, says Oswald Grübel, the ex-CEO of Credit Suisse. “Money is worthless”, says Oswald Grübel, the ex-CEO of Credit Suisse. During his banking career, Oswald Grübel headed both major Swiss banks, UBS and Credit Suisse. His interview in the NZZ am Sonntag (paywall article) was picked up by international media outlets from London to Australia: Negative...

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Oswald Grübel: „Geld ist nichts mehr wert“

„Geld ist nichts mehr wert“, so das markante Statement von Oswald Grübel, dem EX-CEO der Credit Suisse. Oswald Grübel führte in seiner Bankerkarriere gleich beide Schweizer Grossbanken, die UBS und die Credit Suisse. Sein Interview in der NZZ am Sonntag (Paywall-Artikel) wurde von den internationalen Medien von London bis Australien aufgegriffen: Negative Zinsen sind verrückt. Das heisst, Geld ist nichts mehr wert. Solange wir negative Zinsen haben, wird die Finanzindustrie...

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Minuszinsen? Nicht bei Coinbase!

1,25 % Jährliche Rendite erhalten US-Nutzer von Coinbase auf alle Einlagen in USD Coin. Die Krypto-Börse Coinbase hat am 2. Oktober ihr bisheriges Geschäftsmodell um ein Programm erweitert, das Nutzern Zinsen in Höhe von 1,25 Prozent pro Jahr verspricht. Die Rendite übertrifft dabei klassische Tagesgeld- und Sparkonten, wie große Banken sie anbieten. 1,25 Prozent jährliche...

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SIX Launches Digital Asset Exchange Pilot

Swiss stock exchange SIX announced that they have launched a pilot version of its exchange and central securities depository (CSD) for digital assets.This prototype platform, launched under SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) which is its digital assets branch, is expected to experience the even better performance as it will be proceeding towards a full launch slated for Q4 2020.According to Jos Dijsselhof, who is the head of SIX, the existing system could be completely replaced by the SDX within just...

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