The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has announced that a new way of tricking crypto fans and investors is making its way through illicit circles. The FBI Says the Latest Crypto Scam Targets Gamers The agency, in a statement, said many new pay-to-earn crypto platforms are ultimately stealing digital assets from those willing to try and invest or take part in company services. The way they do this is by offering fake rewards in both online and mobile games that users...
Read More »29 Participants in Egyptian Crypto Scam Hogg Pool Arrested
Residents of Egypt are angry after being taken advantage of and falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam last August known as Hogg Pool. Hogg Pool Was Probably Never Real A promotional video for the company said it was founded in the year 2019 in the state of Colorado, though regulators believe this is false information. It was touted as a presenter of crypto and blockchain technology investments. Plans through the company allowing customers to invest their cash and...
Read More »Three Men Arrested for Operating Illegal Crypto ATMs in Ohio
Three individuals – along with one business – have been charged with running a string of illegal cryptocurrency ATMs across the northern region of Ohio. The people arrested are 45-year-old Sonny Meraban, 75-year-old Reza Meraban, and 69-year-old William Suriano. Several Crypto ATMs Have Been Confiscated Two of the men were arrested in Chicago, while the other was arrested in Miami. Overall, the case was handled by 28 law enforcement agents who had garnered more than 50...
Read More »Patricia Ibarra Is the World’s Latest Crypto Scam Victim
Patricia Ibarra is the most recent victim of a crypto scam. She feels bad about the situation, but even worse is that she got some of her own friends and family members involved in the scheme, which means she probably has guilt alongside the anger of being duped. Patricia Ibarra Was the Victim of a Crypto Scam The venture that stole money from Ibarra was called Crypto FX LLC. Based in Texas, the company promised anywhere between 15 and 20 percent returns to its...
Read More »Estonian Pair Arrested for Running $500 Million Crypto Scam
Two 37-year-old Estonian citizens named Sergei Potapenko and Ivan Turogin have been arrested after potentially defrauding hundreds of thousands of people in an alleged crypto scheme. The money lost at the time of writing is believed to exceed $575 million. Two Estonian Men Arrested for Crypto Fraud The scheme involved several false rental contracts, along with a fake bank and a crypto mining facility. The pair tricked customers into engaging in equipment rental contracts...
Read More »Avraham Eisenberg Arrested for Mango Markets Crypto Scam
Avraham Eisenberg – a man from Puerto Rico – is set to face charges in a New York City courtroom after allegedly invoking a crypto fraud scheme that cost investors more than $110 million. Avraham Eisenberg Faces 40 Years in Jail The scam in question is known as Mango Markets, and it’s believed Eisenberg manipulated the prices of various assets and futures contracts to give customers and traders the idea that their portfolios were spiking. At the time of writing,...
Read More »Zahl der Cryptocoin-SCAMS auf YouTube explodiert
Obwohl YouTube angekündigt hatte, Inhalte mit Cryptocoins intensiver unter die Lupe zu nehmen, ist die Anzahl der SCAMs im Zusammenhang mit Bitcoin und Co. auf der Plattform in diesem Jahr deutlich gestiegen. Crypto News: Zahl der Cryptocoin-SCAMS auf YouTube explodiertEine IT-Sicherheitsfirma aus Singapur berichtet in einem Report von einem Anstieg von 335 Prozent in der ersten Jahreshälfte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Allein 2.000 Domains wurden in Beschreibungen und Cards in YouTube-Videos...
Read More »Vorsicht bei Elon Musk Deepfake Cryptocoin-Betrug
Deepfakes werden immer detailverliebter. Inzwischen fällt es zusehends schwerer die Fakes von authentischen Aufnahmen zu unterscheiden. Dies hat leider auch die Tür geöffnet für Betrugsfälle, bei denen Prominente wie Elon Musk vermeintliche Crypto-Angebote bewerben. Crypto News: Vorsicht bei Elon Musk Deepfake Cryptocoin-BetrugIm Cryptomarkt ist der Name Elon Musk wohl der einflussreichste. Daher überrascht es nicht, dass vor allem Musk immer wieder in Deepfakes auftaucht. In vielen dieser...
Read More »New “Pig Butchering” Crypto Romance Scam Emerges in Florida
Residents of Florida are being warned about a new crypto romance scam that’s operating under the names “pig butchering” and “pig slaughtering.” The names alone should be enough to make anyone run away, though for some reason, the scam has managed to permeate several online dating platforms and social media sites, meaning it is the latest scam of its kind to fully take form. A New Online Crypto Scam Is A-Brewin’ These kinds of scams are nothing new, yet the fact that...
Read More »Randa Cranford Is the Latest Victim of a Crypto Scam
Randa Cranford – a 78-year-old grandmother – is the latest victim of a crypto scam, having lost as much as $7,000 in the process. Randa Cranford Lost a Lot of Money The situation began when Cranford received a strange message on her computer screen claiming that something had been compromised and that she should call the number featured on the screen to get things resolved. In an interview, she stated: All of a sudden, these windows flashed up and a message that read,...
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