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Tag Archives: crypto

Floyd Mayweather Uses Recent Bout to Push Crypto Agenda

Legendary boxer Floyd Mayweather used his upcoming bout with YouTube star Logan Paul to push cryptocurrency. Floyd Mayweather Is a Big Crypto Fan Mayweather boasts an undefeated record of 50 and 0. At age 44, he has been retired from the ring for some time, but in a recent interview, claimed that he now fills up his hours with crypto investing and learning all he can about this developing industry. He says: Everybody should have their own mind and choose what...

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Author Federick Kaufman Has Published a New Book About Crypto

Frederick Kaufman – an English and journalism professor – has a new book out that talks about the rise of cryptocurrencies and their disruption of the money system as we know it. Kaufman: Crypto Has Really Changed the World of Money Titled “The Money Plot: A History of Currency’s Power to Enchant, Control and Manipulate,” Kaufman saw his book published as the coronavirus pandemic was taking hold. The pandemic proved to be a huge period of change for many people and...

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Decentralized Finance (DeFi) wird dein Verständnis von Finanzmärkten & Banken grundlegend verändern

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) wird einen signifikanten Einfluss darauf haben, wie Banken in Zukunft arbeiten werden. Das Potenzial birgt die Möglichkeit die gesamte Finanz- und Bankenwelt auf den Kopf zu stellen und vielleicht sogar zu ersetzen. Bevor wir uns das ein wenig näher ansehen, müssen wir noch einen kurzen Ausflug zu Decentralized Finance (DeFi) machen. Defi steht für dezentralisierte Finanzmärkte (engl.: Decentralized Finance). Es geht vor allem im Krypto Bereich darum, neue...

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Former SEC Head Bashes Crypto, Angers Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban has taken issue with some comments uttered by John Reed Stark, the former chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). According to Stark, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum bear “no utility,” something that Cuban seems to disagree heavily with. Mark Cuban Rushes to Crypto’s Defense Not long ago, Cuban stated that he owned bitcoin and believed it would be a serious hedge in the future against inflation...

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So You’re Getting a Divorce. Who Gets the Crypto Assets?

Getting a divorce is complicated. So is owning crypto. When you combine the two, there is a good chance you are going to be suffering from a few headaches here and there. Divorce Proceedings and Crypto Can Be a Hard Combo As more and more cryptocurrencies are bought by young married couples in America, the idea of splitting that crypto up can be rather difficult should that couple ever find themselves in divorce court – especially if one of those individuals tries to...

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Studie: Bitcoin ist zu kompliziert

29 Prozent der Studienteilnehmer gaben an, dass sie nicht wüssten, wie und wo sie die digitalen Währungen wie Bitcoin erwerben können und deshalb keine besitzen. Früher war häufig das Problem, dass Personen keine Bitcoins kauften, da sie nicht wussten, wie und wo diese sicher erworben werden können. Bis jetzt hat sich dies verändert und Studienergebnisse werfen eine Frage auf: Sind Bitcoin und Kryptowährungen zu kompliziert für den...

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PayPal Users Can Soon Move Their Crypto to Other Outlets

Crypto fans around the world were excited to hear last October that PayPal would soon be allowing users to purchase and store cryptocurrencies through the trading platform. In addition, PayPal said that it was on the verge of allowing customers to pay for items and services with digital currencies. PayPal Is Changing Things Up a Bit This got things hopping up and down and the bitcoin boom ultimately began, though things came with a catch as users soon began to find out...

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Huw van Steenis: Banks Aren’t Afraid of Crypto; They Just Want to Overpower It

Up to this point, the hidden narrative is that central banks are somehow threatened by bitcoin… That they are fearful of it, and that they will do all in their power to somehow keep it from spreading or reaching the top of the financial ladder. However, according to Huw van Steenis – a former top advisor to the Bank of England – this is not quite true. Huw vann Steenis: We’ve Got the Wrong Idea About Crypto and Banks Huw van Steenis presently works as a senior advisor to...

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NYDIG Is Making It Possible for American Banks to Offer Crypto

Hundreds of banks throughout the United States are about to offer bitcoin and cryptocurrencies to their customers thanks to their new partnerships with NYDIG. NYDIG Is Paving the Way for “Crypto Banks” NYDIG is stationed in New York and is a cryptocurrency custody firm. It is also a division of Stone Ridge, an institutional office that made headlines late last year after it invested more than $100 million into bitcoin. The firm has now partnered with Fidelity National...

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Christian Angermayer Invests in Crypto Simply Because He’s “Curious”

Christian Angermayer is a 42-year-old German billionaire that seems to have become a big fan of cryptocurrencies. Angermayer Probably Has Money to Throw Around To be fair, he is a big fan of many things, claiming that he invests primarily in things that he has grown “curious” about. Perhaps when you have billions to throw around like that, you do not have to think much about where the money goes. You can potentially place it anywhere and just stand by and see what...

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