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Tag Archives: ECB

Bitcoin Flat at $19K as ECB Raises Interest Rates by 75 Basis Points

In an attempt to fight the galloping inflation, the European Central Bank, similar to its counterparty overseas, raised the key interest rates by 75 basis points. Unlike the Fed’s interest rate hikes, though, this one has had no real impact on BTC’s price, at least for now. With the skyrocketing inflation across the Old Continent, the ECB was a little slow to react at first and failed to follow the Fed’s example for a while. However, the central banking authority changed its...

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CBDC Could Combat Market Dominance From BigTech: ECB

The European Central Bank unveiled a discussion paper this week on the pros, cons, and economics of implementing central bank digital currency (CBDC). It suggested that CBDCs could help stave off dominance from BigTech firms in the payments market due to “network externalities” surrounding the use of a medium of exchange.  Ultimately, the paper posits that CBDC may be “the only solution to guarantee a smooth continuation of the current monetary system.” The Threat of Digital...

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The European Central Bank (ECB): The most important paper about Central Bank Digital Currency

The European Central Bank (ECB) published a paper on ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies'. The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a paper on ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies‚ recently. In July 2021 the #ECB decided to launch a two-year investigation phase into a #digitaleuro project, starting on 1 October 2021. The expectation that #CBDCs will eventually be issued reflects the benefits of maintaining #centralbank #money in a world where...

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Europäische Zentralbank stellt sich Fragerunde und es ist kompliziert! #AskECB

Isabel Schnabel ist Mitglied des Direktoriums der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB). Unter dem Twitter Hashtag #AskECB stellt sie sich nun im Namen der EZB den Fragen der Twitter User. Es gibt im Web die Tradition von Fragerunden. Fragerunden wo sich Prominente, Unternehmende, Wissenschaftler und halt Betroffene, sich den Fragen von Migliedern im selben Social Network stellen. Das bekannteste Forrmat ist wahrscheinlich „Ask me Anything“ auf...

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The ECB Announces Plans to Digitize the Euro

The European Central Bank (ECB) says that it’s potentially looking to release a digital version of the euro fiat currency. The firm is about to hold a two-day annual forum, where plans and structural ideas revolving around the currency will be introduced to the world.The ECB Is Moving Forward with a Digital EuroWe are consistently hearing about the world’s banks looking to digitize fiat currencies. China has already done so and is now preparing to release a digital version of the yuan, while...

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EZB intensiviert Arbeit an digitalem Euro

Frankfurt am Main: Gebäudekomplex der Europäischen Zentralbank Foto cc 3.0 by Epizentrum, Wikipedia Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat heute einen umfassenden Bericht über die mögliche Ausgabe eines digitalen Euro veröffentlicht. Erstellt wurde dieser Bericht von der hochrangig besetzten Taskforce des Eurosystems zu digitalen Zentralbankwährungen. Der EZB-Rat hatte seiner Veröffentlichung zugestimmt. Ein digitaler Euro wäre eine...

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Deutschland: Ökonom fordert Corona-Bonds

Frankfurt am Main: Gebäudekomplex der Europäischen Zentralbank Foto cc 3.0 by Epizentrum, Wikipedia Von der Coronakrise besonders betroffene Staaten wie Italien oder Spanien sind zunehmend der der Auffassung, von der Europäischen Union allein gelassen zu werden. So verhindert beispielsweise Deutschland die Einrichtung gemeinsamer Staatsanleihen. Der Ökonom Lucas Guttenberg fordert angesichts der aktuellen Lage Corona-Bonds, um die...

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Euro-Zone Economy Crashes on Coronavirus Shutdowns,Tokyo Olympics Postponed for 1 Year

The economy of the euro zone is being brought down on its knees in a historic measure due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Olympic Games in Tokyo have been pushed forward for another year.The coronavirus pandemic has not spared the giant euro-zone economy. According to a post by Bloomberg, the euro zone is sinking into the biggest economic crisis ever recorded in recent financial systems. As the authorities rush to implement precautionary...

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Dow Surges 5.1% in the Biggest Gain since 2009 after Last Week Coronavirus Sell-off

The market bounce at the beginning of the week was partly driven by expectations that the Federal Reserve would step in to mitigate the coronavirus impact by cutting the key interest rates.Stocks made quite of a ricochet yesterday after their worst week since the financial crisis back in 2008. The Dow Jones Industrial Average posted its best gain in more than 10 years mostly boosted by the expectation that the Fed will lower interest rates.Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped over 1,290 points...

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Ripple-Backed MoneyGram Partners with Lulu Exchange to Expand in Asian-Pacific Region

Ripple‘s partner MoneyGram, a leading payment provider, has continued to position itself among the leaders in cross-border crypto payments. After its major deal with Ripple for On-Demand Liquidity in 2019 worth $50 million, the company has now announced a new collaboration with Lulu Exchange.The exchange ranks among the most prominent crypto and non-banking finance providers in the United Arab Emirates region. Lulu has its headquarters in Abu Dhabi and operates more than 180 active...

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