Ethereum price started a fresh increase from the $3,650 support against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading above $4,200 and near the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $4,400 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could start a fresh rally if it clears the $4,400 resistance zone. Ethereum price is showing positive signs above $4,000 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could start a major...
Read More »Bitcoin-Preis: Rücksetzer von bis zu 40 % in einem Bullrun normal
Bitcoin-Preis: Bei einem Bullenlauf sind Rücksetzer von bis zu 40 % immer wieder vorgekommen. Bitcoin-Preis: Bei einem Bullenlauf sind Rücksetzer von bis zu 40 Prozent immer wieder vorgekommen. Wer sich den Bitcoin-Preis Chart vom grossen Bullrun, der im Herbst 2015 begann und sich im damaligen Allzeithoch vom Dezember 2017 manifestierte, sieht, dass es immer wieder Rücksetzer im zweistelligen Prozentbereich gab. Oftmals gleichen sich die Muster und...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Aims Fresh Rally To $5K
Ethereum price started a fresh increase from the $3,915 support against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading above $4,300 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $4,480 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could start a fresh increase if it clears the $4,500 resistance zone. Ethereum price is showing positive signs above $3,300 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could start a major...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Struggles Near $4K
Ethereum price started a fresh decline from well above $4,400 against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading below $4,200 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $4,250 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could start a fresh increase if it clears the $4,250 resistance zone. Ethereum price is showing bearish signs below $4,250 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could decline heavily if...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Trims Gains, $4k Holds The Key
Ethereum price started a fresh decline from $4,800 against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading below $4,500 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break below a major bullish trend line with support near $4,580 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could extend its decline towards the $4,100 and $4,000 levels. Ethereum price is showing bearish signs below $4,500 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could extend losses below the $4,200...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Could Soon Visit $5K
Ethereum price started a fresh increase above $4,500 against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading above $4,500 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There was a break above a key bearish trend line with resistance near $4,500 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could extend its rally towards the $4,900 and $5,000 levels. Ethereum price is showing positive signs above $4,500 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could extend gains above the $4,850...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Aims Fresh Rally
Ethereum price started a fresh increase above $4,200 against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading above $4,200 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a major contracting triangle forming with resistance near $4,350 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could start a fresh rally if it clears the $4,350 resistance zone. Ethereum price is showing positive signs above $4,200 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could gain pace above the $4,350...
Read More »BISON führt zwei weitere Kryptowährungen und Desktop-Version ein
BISON ist eine App der Börse Stuttgart und bietet einfachen, schnellen und sicheren Handel mit Kryptowährungen Kryptowährungen unkompliziert und zuverlässig über das Smartphone handeln: Das ermöglicht BISON, die Krypto-App der Gruppe Börse Stuttgart. Jetzt hat BISON Chainlink (LINK) und Uniswap (UNI) als weitere handelbare Kryptowährungen eingeführt. Auch die Übertragung der Kryptowährungen von BISON auf eine eigene Wallet ist möglich. „Wir sichten...
Read More »Bitcoin kaufen: Die Schweizer Liste
Ich werde immer wieder gefragt, wie und wo man als Bitcoin-Einsteiger und Anfänger am einfachsten Bitcoin kaufen kann. Meine Antwort darauf lautet: Investiere in Know How und Wissen. Denn Wissen zahlt sich immer aus; irgendwann. Wer dennoch ein paar Franken übrig hat, welche im schlimmsten Fall auch verloren gehen dürfen, der findet in diesem Blogpost 3 Bitcoin-Börsen, die besonders einfach zu bedienen sind und sich daher für Bitcoin-Neulinge bestens eignen: Eines vorweg: Ein Investment in...
Read More »Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Could Extend Rally
Ethereum price started a fresh increase above $4,000 against the US Dollar. ETH price is now trading above $4,000 and the 55 simple moving average (4-hours). There is a major bullish trend line forming with support near $4,120 the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase). The pair could start a fresh rally if it clears the $4,260 resistance zone. Ethereum price is showing positive signs above $4,000 against the US Dollar. ETH/USD could gain pace above the $4,250 and...
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