Stock market research firm Fundstrat published a bullish 71-page report promoting the IOTA cryptocurrency to its clients. Something doesn’t add up when you compare this to a public disclosure found on its retail portal. The IOTA project already has a shifty reputation, and Fundstrat isn’t doing itself any favors. The stock market research firm founded by notorious bitcoin price prediction “expert” Tom Lee has been spotted promoting the controversial IOTA...
Read More »Bitcoin’s Consolidation Past $8,000 Price Levels Strengthens Its Safe-Haven Status
BTC/USD is presently trending at $8,091 (-1.1% from the start of the day). The coin retreated from an intraday high of $8,195.81, although the trend is quite bullish.As per Arcane Research, Bitcoin volumes have more than increased in seven days. The organization found that the 7-day normal every day exchanging volume spiked 126% all through the underlying seven day stretch of 2020 and came to $1.5 billion, exchanged on January 8, contrast with a dismal $192 million as of January 1. This...
Read More »Thomas Lee Predicts Gains of Over 100% for Bitcoin in 2020
The crypto community is on the fence regarding the May 2020 halving. Fundstrat founder Thomas Lee believes that the halving along with two other catalysts will push bitcoin to greater heights. Other analysts are also bullish on the orange coin as they predict that a new all-time high is on the horizon. There’s an ongoing debate in the crypto community regarding the May 2020 bitcoin halving. Many are claiming that the bullish catalyst is already priced in. In other...
Read More »Fundstrat Studie: Millenials lieben Bitcoin
Eine aktuelle Fallstudie von Fundstrat prognostiziert, dass das verfügbare Einkommen für Millennials innerhalb des nächsten Jahrzehnts auf über 7 Billionen Dollar wachsen wird, und bis 2030 werden sie fünfmal so viel Vermögen besitzen wie heute In den kommenden Jahrzehnten sollen die sogenannten „Millennials“ zur wohlhabendsten Generation der gesamten Geschichte werden. Da die...
Read More »Fundstrat ‘s Tom Lee Sets $25k Price Target for Bitcoin Comparing It to FAANG Stocks
On 15 November, during an interview for CNBC journalists, Tom Lee gives price prediction to set some fire. Cryptocurrency will show its potential as a “network value asset”, according to Tom. He said Bitcoin is similar to FAANG stocks that represent the top companies of the U.S. economy: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. By referring to the shares of the companies above, Tom inkles that cryptocurrencies are gaining their value from supportive crowds:“Cryptocurrencies are network...
Read More »Wann ist der richtige Zeit zum Kaufen oder Verkaufen?
Erst fiel der Bitcoin-Preis, dann stieg er wieder. Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, um Bitcoin zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen? Die einfache Antwort lautet: Kaufen Sie Bitcoin, wenn Sie Lust dazu haben, aber handeln Sie nicht mit den Coins. Finden Sie unten heraus, warum! Der größte Preisanstieg in nur zehn Tagen Sagt Ihnen der Begriff „FOMO“ etwas? Dabei handelt es sich um die Angst, etwas zu verpassen (engl.: Fear Of Missing Out). In der Krypto-Szene kennt man dieses Gefühl nur...
Read More »Bitcoin Perma-Bull Tom Lee Rings Warning Bell on ‘Treacherous’ BTC Trading
Amid a volatile week for bitcoin, Fundstrat’s Tom Lee has come out urging against anyone considering trading BTC in the foreseeable future. Tuesday marked a three-month low for bitcoin as a 17% freefall weakened underlying support significantly, leading BTC to breach well into $8,000 territory. As if to pour salt in the wound, yesterday saw another critical level of support cave in, as BTC fell into the $7,000 region. BTC’s three-month low following this week’s dreary performance. | Source:...
Read More »Thomas Lee: Bitcoin Price Cannot ‘Blast Off’ Without Record S&P 500
As the bitcoin price languishes at $8,300, down more than 12% on the day, Fundstrat Co-Founder Thomas Lee has an unfortunate truth for crypto bulls. Lee does not believe bitcoin is a safe haven; in fact, quite the opposite as he forecasts that the S&P 500 will need to hit fresh highs this year before BTC can.S&P 500 May Be Bitcoin Price's Key FundamentalThe fundamental reasoning behind the strategist's claim is sound. He and his team at Fundstrat believe that retail investors, not...
Read More »Tom Lee: Another Big Leap for BTC Is Coming
Well, it looks like Tom Lee is back in the news, and when you really think about it, why shouldn’t he be? The year is almost over – we only have about 3.5 months to go before 2020 rings in – and bitcoin has ultimately underperformed and come up short regarding bitcoin bulls’ expectations. Lee, naturally, is claiming that BTC is about to enter a rally. So, is he right or wrong?Lee: Another Price Bump Is ComingIn an interview with CNBC, Lee comments that the S&P is likely to shoot up by...
Read More »Tom Lee: Der Bitcoin-Preis könnte bald ansteigen
Tom Lee: Der Misery Index deutet auf einen Anstieg beim Bitcoin-Preis hin. Seit Juli schwankt der Kurs für den Bitcoin von 9’500 bis 10’500 US-Dollar. Abweichungen davon, ob nach oben oder nach unten gibt es kaum. Unter anderem wurde Tom Lee dazu interviewt und sagte, es gäbe viele Hinweise dafür, dass der Kurs für der Kurs für den Bitcoin jedoch bald wieder ansteigen könnte. Viele Zeichen deuten darauf hin. Indikator: Der Bitcoin Misery...
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