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Tag Archives: ibm

Dow Jones Index: Wir befinden uns hier!

Es existiert folgende Börsenweisheit: Never buy an All Time High. Zu Deutsch: Kaufe nie auf einem Allzeithoch. Egal welches Asset, egal welche Investition. Allerdings entspricht dies nicht ganz der Wahrheit. Wer investiert, kauft sich das, wovon er sich Gewinn verspricht. Also steigende Kurse. Da ist die vergangene Kursentwicklung im Prinzip egal. Momentan stehen viele Aktienmärkte auf einem Allzeithoch. So auch der bekannte Dow Jones Index. Soll...

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LG Electronics tritt Hedera Blockhain-Gremium bei

Der Beitritt zum Verwaltungsgremium ermöglicht es LG, die Grenzen von Blockchain zu überwinden und die bevorstehende Ära schneller, fairer und sicherer Anwendungen einzuleiten LG Electronics Inc. (LG) und Hedera Hashgraph, eine Plattform für Distributed-Ledger-Technologie (DLT) im Unternehmensbereich, gaben heute bekannt, dass LG dem Hedera Governing Council beigetreten ist. Das Gremium, gegründet, um ein besonders dezentralisiertes...

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Could Quantum Computing Be Used to Crack Cryptocurrency?

The theory goes that quantum computing could be used to crack out cryptocurrency wallets. Is this true?What could quantum computing do to web services? Currently, there are supercomputers already in existence. They are so smart that they can find your Bitcoins by brute-forcing the seed phrases. The computers are so smart now that they can distinguish between two persons entering the same login and password on a login page, serving different e-mail inboxes. This is not a matter of what...

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Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook in Seattle Working from Home Due to Coronavirus

Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft are all encouraging employees in the Seattle area to work from home due to concerns about the coronavirus as the outbreak in Washington grows.The coronavirus grew more deadly in the United States, with the death toll climbing to 12 on Thursday. Throughout the country, more than 225 cases have been confirmed. Yesterday, U.S. Senate has agreed on an $8 billion emergency funding package that is headed to the President. Lawmakers across the country are...

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Is Artificial Intelligence Poised to Come of Age?

Once AI has transformed into a lifelong-learning system across industries, individual users and big corporations alike will notice its more than dynamic insights.Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2020 and beyond, with its seemingly limitless potential, is set to transform the world – or is it? To fully embrace and reap the rewards of this futuristic technological trend, industries as far afield as a business forecasting and online gambling security, predictive maintenance and customer service...

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Amazon Mulls Questioning Trump over Losing $10B Pentagon’s JEDI Contract

Amazon Web Services (AWS) said in the filing that it wants to depose President Donald Trump, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and former Defense Secretary James Mattis over a $10 billion Pentagon’s JEDI contract awarded to Microsoft.Amazon Web Services (AWS) spokesperson blames United States President Donald Trump for using his executive powers in order “to advance his personal agenda.” They also claim that the example of this was awarding of the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense...

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IBM Stock Jumps 5% as the Company Gets New Chief Executive Officer

An American technology leader IBM has shared positive news: IBM stock jumps 5%, which results from appointing a new CEO.On Thursday, IBM closed at $137.69 per share, 5% more than the day before. And it is continuing its growth, the price makes up $142.10.IBM stock jumps 5% after its announcement about the change in the board of directors. Arvind Krishna, the current IBM Senior Vice President for Cloud and Cognitive Software, will serve as CEO. Further, Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat’s former CEO,...

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Hyperledger Releases New Version of its Flagship Framework Fabric 2.0

Hyperledger Fabric, the thriving open-source brainchild of the Hyperledger Foundation, now has a second version, Fabric 2.0. It has become known from an official announcement of its release.Second Version, First of its KindHyperledger was created in 2015 by the Linux Foundation and has had support from the most prominent or influential institutions, even from diverse spaces such as IBM, SUP, Intel, JP Morgan and even engineering conglomerates such as Daimler. The open-source blockchain...

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Microsoft Stock Is Up as Company Beats Analysts’ Expectations with Revenue Growing 14%

American technology company Microsoft Corporation has managed to beat analyst projections. It has become obvious from the earnings that it reports for its second quarter for the year 2020. The company said revenue grew by 14% compared to the same quarter a year earlier, landing at $36.9 billion.Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella stated:“We are innovating across every layer of our differentiated technology stack and leading in key secular areas that are critical to our customers’...

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IBM Stock Rises Yesterday More Than in Last 10 Years

The New York Securities Exchange (NYSE) market shows the Wednesdays boost has resulted in a cool-down, with a visible 3% profit. IBM has its fourth-quarter sales stable from year to year, totaling $21.8 billion. However, IBM bought Red Hat on July 9, 2019. Then, promised a 60% premium bonus for the workers of Red Hat if they hurry up with developing the hybrid-cloud server software.IBM is showing a big interest in the open-source software company which is probably one of the few software...

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