A crypto exchange known as Liquid – which is based in Japan – has been hacked, leaving it short of nearly $100 million in digital funds. Liquid Has Lost a Lot of Money The hackers involved in the incident have allegedly taken as much as $97 million in digital currency at the time of writing. Several assets – including bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin – have been stolen. Liquid has reported that the hacker is allegedly transferring this money to as many as four separate...
Read More »Crypto Trading Platform Liquid Hacked; Customer Data May Have Been Compromised
It’s happened again, folks. Another cryptocurrency exchange has confirmed a hack. This time, the alleged victim is the trading platform Liquid, which said in a statement that it’s still investing the specifics of the attack including how much was potentially compromised and who might be responsible.Liquid Is the Latest Subject of a CyberattackIn a blog post, the company’s man in charge Mike Kayamori mentioned what occurred:“On the 13th of November 2020, a domain name hosting provider that...
Read More »Sygnum becomes first bank to launch Tezos staking
Sygnum becomes first bank to launch Tezos staking and deliver stake rewards of up to 5 percent annually for its clients Sygnum is the first regulated bank to launch staking for Tezos (XTZ), an open-source protocol backed by a global community of 1300+ validators, researchers and developers. Secure custody, trading, credit and staking services for XTZ are available from today. For the first time, XTZ can be deposited and staked with a...
Read More »Diese Firmen finanzieren die Bitcoin Software
Studie: Wer finanziert die Open-Source-Entwicklung von Bitcoin und Lightning? Trotz des jüngsten Preisverfalls schreitet die Entwicklung von Bitcoin voran. BitMEX hat erst kürzlich in seiner Studie gezeigt, welche Unternehmen zu der Entwicklung am meisten beigetragen haben. Daraus geht hervor, dass die Firmen Lightning Labs und Blockstream die meisten Bitcoin-Entwickler finanzieren. Das heisst, dass diese beiden Firmen führend bei der...
Read More »Two Prime’s FF1 Token: New Asset Class with ‘Continuous’ ICO Model
Recently, Hong Kong saw setting up a new fintech startup Two Prime that focuses on the financial application of crypto by introducing a diversified investment model. As a new startup, Two Prime is trying to surprise the world and offer ingenious ideas. Yesterday, the firm announced the launch of FF Accretive Token (FF1) which is ‘a brand new asset crypto class’. According to the company, Two Prime’s FF1 Token combines the features of a close-ended fund, asset-backed token, and a secure store...
Read More »Native Token: How crypto exchanges use their own tokens
Native Tokens: "Haus" Token von Bitcoin-Börsen Crypto platforms are looking to find as many ways as possible to make a profit and have an impact on the cryptocurrency market. One of these methods is native tokens. Market leaders according to the TIE analysis; Forex market leaders eToroX and IQfinex, which have created separatetrading platforms for different crypto assets; Kyber.network, which, while not being exactly a cryptocurrency...
Read More »Native Token: How crypto exchanges use their own tokens
Native Tokens: "Haus" Token von Bitcoin-Börsen Crypto platforms are looking to find as many ways as possible to make a profit and have an impact on the cryptocurrency market. One of these methods is native tokens. Market leaders according to the TIE analysis; Forex market leaders eToroX and IQfinex, which have created separatetrading platforms for different crypto assets; Kyber.network, which, while not being exactly a cryptocurrency...
Read More »Dubai-Based Crypto Exchange BTSE Plans to Raise $50 Million Using Bitcoin Sidechain Liquid
In what seems like a plus for the cryptocurrency community, Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange BTSE has decided to raise $50 million of its token come March 2020. Sources also further indicated that the exchange plans to issue a total supply of 200 million tokens in the due course of time at $1 each and then to buy them back and burn 100 million. The pitch deck for the offering reads:“Funds raised will be allocated toward user acquisition to increase overall platform revenue, platform...
Read More »CryptoCompare Releases New Exchange Benchmark Report With Quite a Few Surprises
In what seems to be a weird turn of events, top cryptocurrency data and assessment firm CryptoCompare has released its data for cryptocurrency exchange rankings and there are a few surprises in its benchmark report. Firstly, Binance has been dropped from its top ten rankings which comes as a shock as it is currently in the top three cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of the trading volume. Secondly, most of the popular cryptocurrency exchanges didn’t receive the expected rankings as only...
Read More »Kim Schmitz: Jetzt kommt der KIM Token
KIM Kryptowährung basiert auf Bitcoin Der umstrittene Internetunternehmer und Hacker Kim „Dotcom“ Schmitz hat eine eigene Kryptowährung angekündigt. Der K.IM genannte Token soll ab dem 22. Oktober 2019 im Rahmen eines Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO) über die Handelsplattform Bitfinex angeboten werden. Ziel des Coins ist es, die Bezahlung von Medieninhalten im Netz zu vereinfachen. Künstlerinnen und Künstler sollen damit einen größeren...
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