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Ethereum-Preis in dieser Woche auf 2’000?

9 Years of Ethereum Der Ethereum-Preis ist wieder über 1’900 US-Dollar. Einige Bitcoin-Nutzer scheinen ihre Coins gegen Etherums Ether einzutauschen, zumindest teilweise. Warum? Es gibt mehrere Gründe, warum einige Bitcoin-Nutzer teilweise auf Ethereum umsteigen. Hier sind einige der Hauptgründe: Smart Contracts: Ethereum bietet die Möglichkeit, sogenannte Smart Contracts zu erstellen, die programmierbare Verträge sind. Im Gegensatz zu Bitcoin, das...

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Besser als Bitcoin? Darum sind weltweite Geldüberweisungen mit Wise so günstig

Ein Problem, das viele Menschen auf der ganzen Welt betrifft, ist der hohe Preis für internationale Geldüberweisungen. Traditionelle Banken und Zahlungsanbieter erheben oft hohe Gebühren und bieten ungünstige Wechselkurse an, was den Geldtransfer über Ländergrenzen hinweg zu einer kostspieligen Angelegenheit macht. Glücklicherweise gibt es jedoch eine innovative Lösung: Wise (ehemals TransferWise). Wise hat sich als vertrauenswürdiger und kostengünstiger Anbieter für weltweite...

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Tether USDT: Das sind die 7 Pluspunkte der Genialen Digitalen Währung

Tether ist eine unregulierte Kryptowährung mit Token, die vom Unternehmen Tether Limited ausgegeben werden. Tether Limited wird von den Akteuren hinter der Börse Bitfinex kontrolliert. Tether ist eine Kryptowährung, die als „Stablecoin“ bekannt ist, da sie an den Wert eines realen Vermögenswertes, normalerweise einer Fiatwährung wie dem US-Dollar, gekoppelt ist. Hier sind sieben potenzielle Pluspunkte von Tether: Stabilität: Als Stablecoin ist...

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Justin Sun: Blockchain Prevents People from Being Poor

Earn Your First Bitcoin Sign up and get $12 Bonus Referral bonus up to $3,000 Sign up In a recent interview, Justin Sun – the crypto executive behind popular digital asset firm Tron – said he’s very confident blockchain technology can ensure global poverty is relieved in the coming years. Justin Sun on the Strength of Blockchain In the interview, Sun commented that blockchain will eventually be...

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CryptoPunks NFT Collection Turns Six: Here’s the Journey So Far

CryptoPunks, one of the first non-fungible token (NFT) collections on the Ethereum blockchain, has reached a significant milestone as it celebrates its sixth anniversary. Since its launch in June 2017, CryptoPunks has captivated the world with its 10,000 digital collectibles, leaving an indelible mark on the NFT realm as the largest NFT collection by market cap. According to data compiled by blockchain analytics firm Nansen, CryptoPunks currently has an estimated market cap...

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The 45 Universities that accept Cryptocurrency for Tuition Fees

Whilst there are a plethora of online and in person cryptocurrency courses available for students to study, the adoption of cryptocurrency by universities remains scarce. For instance, Cornell boasts the most cryptocurrency related courses on offer to students, with a staggering total of 38 courses, yet does not accept cryptocurrency. Everywhere from the University of Oxford to the National University of Singapore has started offering courses in blockchain technologies, with Cornell leading...

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Perpetual DEX Palmswap Joins Forces with Gotbit Ahead of Liquidity Event 

The upcoming Palmswap V2 is an enhanced iteration of the decentralized leveraged trading platform and is set to debut on July 5. Palmswap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) focused on perpetual futures trading, has partnered with crypto market maker Gotbit Hedge Fund in preparation for its upcoming liquidity program scheduled for next week. As part of the collaboration, Gotbit has allocated a certain amount of funds, the exact figure undisclosed, to provide liquidity through the minting and...

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Japan’s Biggest Bank Might Launch Global Stablecoins (Report)

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) – the largest finance institution in Japan – is reportedly considering issuing global stablecoins via its blockchain platform.  The bank has previously revealed plans to introduce such tokens tied to the value of the Japanese yen.  MUFG’s New Crypto Idea As reported by Bloomberg, the entity is in talks with industry leaders and other companies on minting stablecoins pegged to foreign currencies, such as the US dollar. To do so, it intends...

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Crypto Exchange Gemini Launches ETH Staking Pro in the UK

Leading cryptocurrency exchange Gemini has announced the launch of its Ethereum (ETH) staking program in the United Kingdom. Dubbed Gemini Staking Pro, the product will enable institutions and high-net-worth individuals to run validators on the Ethereum blockchain. The development aligns with Gemini’s expansion plans, as the staking program is already live in the United States (except New York), Hong Kong, Brazil, Singapore, Australia, and over 30 other countries. Gemini...

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Binance Hires Former Justice Department Prosecutor in Fight with SEC

Kendall Day led the department’s efforts to combat money laundering, including dealing with charges related to money laundering, deferred prosecution agreement, etc. Amid its ongoing legal fight with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), crypto exchange Binance has hired a former white-collar prosecutor of the Department of Justice (DoJ), as per the court filing on Thursday, June 22. M. Kendall Day, a partner at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher’s Washington DC office, will serve as...

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