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Stream Coin (STRM) Support Increasing as Public Sale Approaches

StreamLive is working on a blockchain-based streaming platform — a unique idea, initially unheard of. This streaming platform will help provide users with a faster and better streaming platform. The generation today, as many would say, has witnessed the smooth transition from traditional and old school media towards an innovative digital transformation. Millennials and Gen Z, have all taken part in pushing the digital era to its peak — for the market to reach technical...

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Alexandre Stachtchenko et Nicolas Dufrêne sur France Culture – « Le bitcoin est-il une monnaie ? »

Alexandre Stachtchenko, Directeur Blockchain & Cryptos chez KPMG France, Nicolas Dufrêne, directeur de l’Institut Rousseau, et Ludovic Desmedt, professeur d’économie à l’université de Bourgogne étaient les invités de Tiphaine de Rocquigny pour l’émission « Entendez-vous l’Eco » du 17 décembre 2021 consacrée à Bitcoin. Source : franceculture.fr

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Paris Blockchain Week Summit Returns April 12-14th 2022

[PRESS RELEASE – Paris, France, 16th December 2021] December 15th, 2021 – Paris Blockchain Week Summit (PBWS), a leading international conference dedicated to professionals in the blockchain and crypto assets space, has announced its 2022 edition will take place as a hybrid event from the 12th – 14th April 2022. In addition to Tim Draper and Emin Gün Sirer, the noteworthy roster of headline speakers at the event also includes James Wo, CEO and Founder of Digital Finance...

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Jay Clayton Says He Is Huge Believer in Blockchain Technology

Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...

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ConsenSys Partners with Mastercard to Bring Scalability Solutions to Ethereum Blockchain

Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...

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Why Cardano? Ardana’s Blockchain of Choice

Ardana is a stablecoin ecosystem, consisting of a liquidity pool, a DEX (decentralized exchange), and asset-backed stablecoins, built on the Cardano blockchain. The project looks to develop a DeFi ecosystem that can deliver on the promise to give everyone access to DeFi. Cardano’s mainnet saw significant growth recently, with several new projects already launched or in the process of being onboarded on its blockchain. The team behind Ardana is helping Cardano better...

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Changing the Approach to Smart Contracts with SupraOracles

SupraOracles, a powerful decentralized cross-chain oracle, is poised to rise to the top within the oracle ecosystem — given their uniquely innovative consensus algorithm and novel blockchain structure. These two features make it easier for Supra to work closely with multiple projects, as their algorithm helps bridge real-world data to both public and private chains, enabling interoperable smart contracts to automate, simplify, and secure the future of financial markets....

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Bitcoin-Preis auf 98’000?

PlanB: Er glaubt nicht, dass die Marke von 69'000 Dollar das Maximum des bisherigen Bullruns darstellen könne. Der Bitcoin-Preis habe das neue Allzeithoch noch vor sich. PlanB bewertet Bitcoin in Rekordhöhe: Laut dem Analysten PlanB soll ein Kursziel von 98’000 US-Dollar pro Bitcoin schon bald zur Realität werden. Zwar ist diese Vorhersage im letzten Monat nicht eingetreten, trotzdem zeigt sich der Analyst optimistisch. Ende Dezember dieses Jahres...

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Londoner Bitcoin Bank investiert in Hamburger Privatbank

Die Londoner BCB Group, Zahlungsdienstleister für die Digital-Assets-Industrie, steigt bei der Max Heinr. Sutor OHG (Sutor Bank) ein. Sie investiert zunächst einen substanziellen Betrag und übernimmt die Privatbank nach der Zustimmung der Bafin. Die Sutor Bank wird damit Teil der internationalen BCB Group, zu der bereits regulierte Unternehmen in der Schweiz und UK gehören. BCB Group is delighted to announce today that Hamburg-based @SutorBank is joining the group! Find out more:...

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Tesla Merch: Tesla akzeptiert Dogecoin

Elon Musk kündigte via Twitter an, dass Tesla Dogecoin akzeptieren wird. Elon Musk bewegt einmal mehr den Markt der digitalen Währungen. Auf Twitter kündigte Elon an, dass Tesla Dogecoin akzeptieren wird. Kunden werden aber wohl nur eine beschränkte Auswahl an Merchandise des Autobauers mit DOGE bezahlen können. Ob andere Produkte folgen werden, ist nicht klar, kann aber angesichts der Launen eines Elon Musks in Zukunft nicht ausgeschlossen werden....

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