Walmart has been making a real name for itself in the crypto space. Many analysts were thrilled when the retailer announced not too long ago that it was looking to hire a crypto product specialist for its new blockchain division, suggesting that the firm was following in the steps of Amazon, one of its biggest competitors. Walmart and Litecoin… If Only! According to a recent news release, the company had engaged in a partnership with leading altcoin Litecoin, which...
Read More »EY Taps Polygon Network to Improve Enterprise Clients’ Experience
Major multinational professional services company Ernst & Young (EY) announced the adoption of the Polygon protocol for the deployment of its blockchains to provide faster transactions and lower costs for its enterprise clients who transact on the Ethereum mainnet. EY Clients Can Now Access Polygon Network The “Big Four” consulting firm stated in the press release from earlier this week that it has integrated its flagship blockchain services such as EY Blockchain Analyzer...
Read More »We Are All Satoshi: Statue of Bitcoin Creator Erected in Budapest
Satoshi Nakamoto – the pseudonym for the yet undiscovered creator(s) of Bitcoin– has had a faceless bronze statue erected in ‘his’ honor in Hungary. Depicting Bitcoin’s Anonymous Creator The sculpture was unveiled in a technology-themed park in Budapest – the capital of Hungary – where also stands a statue of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Fans pose with Satoshi statue. Source: New York PostAs Nakamoto is an anonymous figure, some have compared the difficulty of designing...
Read More »Music Industry Giants Pour $5M Investment in Blockchain Platform Audius
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Steve Cohen Now a Fan of the Crypto Industry After Previously Doubting it
While attending Tuesday’s SALT conference, billionaire fund manager and New York Mets owner Steve Cohen discussed why he had taken a personal and financial interest in the cryptocurrency industry. Interestingly, this comes after dismissing the space for years previously. Cohen: From Skeptic to Supporter As reported by Bloomberg, Cohen says it was his “crypto maniac” son who convinced him to investigate the industry further. He has since spent a number of months meeting...
Read More »EU Allocates $177B to Invest in Blockchain and Emerging Tech
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Ethereum upgradet seine Blockchain: Asset ist nach London-Update bei Anlegern stark gefragt
BSDEX Marktkommentar vom 14. September 2021 Ethereum (ETH), nach Bitcoin das bekannteste Asset im Krypto-Anlageuniversum, hat am 5. August eines der größten und einflussreichsten Updates der vergangenen Jahre durchgeführt. Die auch als London-Upgrade bekannte Verbesserung wurde nicht umsonst sehnlichst von der Community erwartet. Das Update – formal als EIP-1559 bezeichnet – zielt darauf ab, die Kostenstruktur für Transaktionen auf der...
Read More »Advanced Blockchain AG startet Blockchain Pre-Accelerator mit führendem Inkubator in den nordeuropäischen Staaten
Die Advanced Blockchain AG freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass sie erfolgreich ein Büro in Stockholm eröffnet und ein Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) mit Stockholm Innovation & Growth (Sting), dem führenden Inkubator in den nordischen Ländern, unterzeichnet hat. Geleitet wird die neu gegründete Partnerschaft von Simon Telian, Vorstandsmitglied und Group Chief Investment Officer der Advanced Blockchain AG, der als treibende Kraft hinter den...
Read More »Knapp 5% aller neu geschürften Bitcoins stammen aus dem Iran
Da der jährliche Stromverbrauch um sieben Prozent gestiegen ist, erklärt die iranische Elektrizitätsagentur das Bitcoin Mining für illegal. Foto: Iranischer Safran. 80% des weltweit produzierten Safran stammt aus dem Iran. Foto CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay Digitale Währungen wie Bitcoin spielen eine weiterhin steigende Rolle in der Wirtschaft des Iran. Der Staat hat vielfältige wirtschaftliche Sorgen, sodass das Land auf Suche nach...
Read More »Venture Firm Raises $350 Million to Double Down on Its Cryptocurrency Involvement
Jump Capital – a Chigaco-based venture capital firm – decided to expand its cryptocurrency engagement by closing its latest fund at $350 million. The company has made 30 investments in the digital asset space in 2021 alone. Jump Capital’s Seventh Fundraise The American venture capital firm – Jump Capital – closed its largest fundraising round to date – $350 million. By doing so, the company intends to invest in cryptocurrency sectors like Web 3.0, DeFi, and blockchain and...
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