The hype ahead of the launch of the Chia Network is making waves, and it is already starting to affect non-cryptocurrency-related sectors all around the world, especially from southeast Asia. The project, which uses the storage space as a transaction validator, has grown by leaps and bounds and is already causing a shortage of high-performance SSDs and HDDs. Buy All The SSDs! According to a report from the Hong Kong technology news website HKEPC, investors are buying up as...
Read More »How Epicenter Will Improve Globalization through Blockchain Technology
Epic Cash is a product that is planning to improve globalization through blockchain technology.Blockchain technology is one of the greatest innovations in the world of finance. The interest in blockchain has grown massively in the past few months, and it is almost reaching a stage that nearly anyone in the world can easily own a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency that was created in 2009. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer network that allows transactions between two...
Read More »NFFT, The Only Fillable NFT Token Prepares To Reveal Block Rarity joins the NFT craze and becomes the first platform to offer fillable NFT tokens to the blockchain community. The decentralized community-driven platform managed to sell over 70% of the 9112 available NFFT blocks in just 24 hours after launch. In short, the NFFT is a non-fungible fillable token, which means that, unlike regular NFTs, it is refillable. This opens a whole new world of capabilities to the industry and introduces adaptability to the outside world’s...
Read More »How Did Bitcoin Grow So Much Faster Than the Tech Industry?
When compared with some of the world’s biggest tech startups, bitcoin is one of the fastest-growing industries the world has ever seen. The currency reached a $1 trillion valuation in half the time it took leading tech companies such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Bitcoin Has Reached $1 Trillion in 12 Years According to Crypto Parrott – a trading simulator in Ireland’s capital city of Dublin – Amazon took a whopping 24 years to reach a $1 trillion valuation. Microsoft...
Read More »Lever.Network Successfully Closes a $600K Seed Funding Round
[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer] Lever.Network, the number one AMM-based decentralized margin trading platform is excited to announce the successful completion of a $600,000 seed funding round led by NGC Venture, ArkStream Capital, LD Capital and AU21 Capital, along with contributions from DAOMaker, YBB, DFG Crypto and other top VCs in the field. The fund raised from the seed round will be committed to the continuous growth and expansion of the Lever Network protocol...
Read More »Introducing DAO1: The Newest Challenger to The Traditional Financial Status Quo
18th of April 2021, Singapore – The Decentralised platform DAO1 is developing the most futuristic community-led Socio-economic infrastructure for seamless financial services without intermediaries. DAO1’s Entry into the Alternate Finance Market Blockchain-based financial solutions have come a long way in the past few years, registering a growth of 143% in 2021 alone. That equates to $37.69 billion combining lending protocols, decentralized exchanges, derivatives,...
Read More »Become a Bitcoin Entrepreneur!
Become a Bitcoin Entrepreneur! Announcing the #BlockchainChallenges This is your opportunity to become a blockchain entrepreneur! Are you a creative mastermind? Or do you have an idea in mind where blockchain technology could be applied and which you would like to share and further develop? Within the framework of the NTN Innovation Booster – Blockchain Nation Switzerland, co-funded by the Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse, the Swiss...
Read More »Enecuum Brings Mobile Cryptocurrency Mining to the Masses
[Featured Content] Cryptocurrency mining is becoming increasingly profitable as the market continues to grow in its valuation. However, investing in mining equipment, setting up mining rigs, joining a mining pool, or going forward on your own is all incredibly challenging for most users to handle. With this in mind, Enecuum brings forward a mobile blockchain-based protocol that enables everyone to take part in decentralized finance. Users are able to pool their untapped data...
Read More »Die Neobank Bitwala verspricht bis zu 4,3% Zinsen – was steckt dahinter?
Bitwala: Dieses Bankkonto gibt 4.74 % Zins Diese Nachricht scheint in einer Phase der Niedrigzinsen beinahe aus einer anderen Zeit zu kommen. Die Neobank Bitwala wirbt derzeit mit einem Angebot von 4,3% Zinsen (*) auf die dortigen Einlagen. Während andere Banken Strafzinsen erheben, scheint dieses Angebot zu schön um wahr zu sein. Ein genauer Blick darauf ist daher angebracht. Der Name Bitwala ist vermutlich noch nicht jedermann bekannt....
Read More »Axa Schweiz: Grösste Versicherung der Welt setzt auf Bitcoin!
AXA Schweiz: Bitcoin als neue Zahlungsoption Die Schweizer Gruppe der AXA-Versicherung akzeptiert Bitcoin als Zahlungsmittel, wie AXA diese Woche auf dem Firmenblog bekannt gab: Als erste Allbranchenversicherung der Schweiz bietet die AXA ihren Versicherten neu die Möglichkeit an, ihre Rechnungen in Bitcoin zu bezahlen. Damit investiert sie in ihre digitale Entwicklung und reagiert auf das wachsende Kundenbedürfnis nach mehr Wahlfreiheit...
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