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Gemini: Börse der Winklevoss-Zwillinge Gemini expandiert nach Grossbritannien

Gemini ist eine Börse für Kryptowährungen mit Hauptsitz in New York. Geführt wird sie von den Winklevoss-Zwillingen, die als Pioniere für Kryptowährungen und insbesondere Bitcoin bekannt sind. Gemini ist dabei, in das Vereinigte Königreich zu expandieren und seine Dienste dort anzubieten. Eine Lizenz der Financial Conduct Authority in London ist bereits erteilt. Damit wird Gemini in London als...

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Will Bitcoin Drop Lower on Trump’s Positive Covid-19 Test News?

Following a positive Covid-19 test result from one of Donald Trump’s closest aides, the POTUS himself took the test which produced the same result for him and the First Lady. He tweeted the news a couple of hours ago.Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2020Global stock markets have already reacted in a heavy slide, and crypto markets...

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#983 CFTC BitMEX Anklage, Bitcoin Regulierung & World-of-Value-Investmentkonferenz

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 983. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: CFTC klagt BitMEX wegen unrechtmäßigem Derivathandel an, Bitcoin vor den Behörden sicher bis zu diesem Preis & World-of-Value-Investmentkonferenz. 1.) CFTC klagt BitMEX wegen unrechtmäßigem Derivathandel an 2.) Stärkere Regulierung – Bis zu diesem Preis ist...

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Criticizes Coinbase for No-Politics Stance

Bitcoin, the mother of cryptocurrencies, has laid a strong foundation for global leaders to follow in solving the hard society challenges. As the world grows through the recent society challenges, Silicon Valley companies are playing a vital role in the future society setups. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, a strong supporter of the blockchain technology and the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, disagreed with Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong on the matter of how companies should handle the social challenges and...

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Nxt Blockchain Creator Jelurida Wins Its Copyright Case Against Apollo in Amsterdam

The Amsterdam court sided with Jelurida by finding Apollo to have acted in violation of the JPL by copying 75% of Nxt’s code.In a landmark ruling, Jelurida, the company behind the first proof-of-stake blockchain Nxt, has emerged victorious in a Dutch case concerning copyright violations by the Apollo blockchain. Apollo was found to have broken the terms of the Jelurida Public License (JPL) through using the Nxt software without attribution and modifying it without authorization. It was...

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Flash Loans on Aave Protocol Close to Half a Billion Dollars

The Aave Flash Loans service enables users to borrow instantly and easily, no collateral needed provided that the liquidity is returned to the pool within one transaction block. The renowned decentralized finance (DeFi) lending protocol Aave has issued close to half a billion dollars in flash loans. In figure terms, the total flash loan the protocol has issued since launched in January is $495,375,961.70 according to Aavewatch, an analytics platform for the Aave protocol.The world of DeFi...

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Jack Dorsey: Twitter will in Zukunft auf Bitcoin- und Blockchain-Technologie setzen

Twitter-CEO Jack Dorsey hat jüngst über Cybersicherheit geredet. Dabei sprach er darüber, dass die Bitcoin ein Positivbeispiel hierfür sei. Die Blockhain-Technologie ist längst nicht mehr nur auf die Anwendung im Finanzwesen beschränkt. Jack Dorsey, der CEO von Twitter, unterstreicht dies, indem er es in Betracht zieht, Blockchain für den bekannten Kurznachrichtendienst zu nutzen. Am 25. September hat es Jack Dorsey auf dem Virtual Oslo...

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Australia Earmarks AUS$800 Million to Boost Tech Growth Including Blockchain

The Australian government’s investment in tech and blockchain is viewed as a way to provide jobs for the citizens in these troubled times.The government of Australia through the Prime Minister’s Office has earmarked about AUS$800 Million (US$575 Million) as part of its efforts to boost tech growth including blockchain post-COVID-19 pandemic. Per the official release from Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s office, the plan by Australia to fund tech and blockchain firms are part of this year’s...

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Analysis: Almost $20 Million of KuCoin Stolen Funds Already Sold Through DEXs

Almost $20M of the $281M worth the tokens drained from the KuCoin exchange are already sold on decentralized exchanges (DEX). This is the standpoint of London-based blockchain analysis provider Elliptic.DEXs Were The Only Route For The Hackers   According to a recent report, KuCoin hackers have sold $17.1 million of the $281 million in cryptocurrency tokens on DEXs.The official analysis reads that the hours after the theft, the hacker attempted to sell part of the tokens at two regular...

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#982 DeFi Token 1000 Prozent, E-Sports Firma zahlt Spieler in XRP & Bitwise Fonds

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 982. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: DeFi Token 1000 Prozent am ersten Tag, Japanische E-Sports Firma zahlt Spieler in XRP & Bitwise Fonds Wachstum  1.) Dieser neue DeFi-Token legt an einem Tag 1000 Prozent zu! 2.) Japanese esports company to pay its players in...

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