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IBM and Bank of Thailand Launch World’s First Government Savings Bond on Blockchain

The central bank of Thailand has leveraged blockchain technology running on IBM Cloud to launch the world’s first DLT-based platform for government savings bonds.Within the first two weeks of operations, the blockchain-based platform has issued a total of $1.6 billion of such bonds. The announcement from the International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation reads that the platform enables investors to “benefit from speedy bond issuance, reducing a process that previously took 15 days to two...

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#984 Der E-Euro kommt, Bitcoin Nutzung Ägypten & Bitcoin Volatilität auf 2 Jahres-Tief

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 984. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Der E-Euro kommt – möglicherweise vielleicht bald, Bitcoin Nutzung steigt in Ägypten & Bitcoin Volatilität auf 2 Jahres-Tief. 1.) Der E-Euro kommt – möglicherweise vielleicht bald 2.) Bitcoin use rise in Egypt amid economic...

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Trump Health News Challenges BTC’s Safe Haven Status

It looks like the idea that bitcoin is a “safe haven” of sorts has been challenged this weekend. News of Donald Trump and his hospitalization due to the coronavirus infection has brought an end to the electric surge stocks were experiencing, and as a result, bitcoin is also showing signs of weakness, suggesting that the correlation between the S&P 500 and bitcoin is still there and as strong as ever.News Regarding Trump Brings Down Stocks… and BTCFor the longest time, many industry...

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Donald Trump Health Token Now Available on Uniswap

Trump may not like crypto, but the crypto-verse sure doesn’t miss a chance to mess with him. As proof that anything can be tokenized – no matter how trivial or influential – a derivative has just appeared on Uniswap to track the President’s health: Please welcome the Trump Health Index (THI).Little is known about this “project” beyond its name and evolution (and, of course, its smart contract). For purists, it should be an index that goes up when the market has a positive perception of the...

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So funktioniert das Polkadot-Netzwerk

Polkadot-Netzwerk Durch die immer weiter voran schreitende Technologie steht aktuell eine neue Blockchain Generation vor dem Durchbruch. Es handelt sich um das sogenannte Polkadot-Netzwerk, welches eine Lösung für die meisten Probleme eines gewöhnlichen Blockchains parat hat. Dabei wird ein neues Ökosystem generiert, welches vor allem vom KILT Protocol beeinflusst wird. Vor-...

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Music On The Blockchain: RAC Issues A New ERC20 Ethereum Based Token

Grammy award-winning music creator André Anjos is the latest artist to tap into the cryptocurrency space. Better known by his stage name RAC, Anjos has launched a new Ethereum based community token for artists.The token is also named RAC. With it, the music producer intends to free artists and content creators from the clutches of large-scale corporations that stifle their financial freedom.RAC Gives Back To The Community With Ethereum Based $RACIn the RAC token issuing platform Zora’s latest...

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Atari Is Set to Release Its Own Digital Currency

Remember Atari, the old video game system? The original video game system? Well, it turns out the company is still around, and it’s entering the cryptocurrency arena.Atari Is Releasing Its Own CoinThe firm has announced the establishment of the Atari token, which is set to have a public sale in about a month on the exchange. Set for early November, customers or participants looking to take part in the sale can only purchase the coin utilizing five “mainstream” cryptocurrencies....

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BitFlyer: Bitcoin mit PayPal kaufen dank japanischer Bitcoin-Börse

Mit PayPal Bitcoin kaufen: Endlich schliesst jemand die Lücke von PayPal zu Bitcoin. BitFlyer Europe ist eine Tochtergesellschaft einer japanischen Gesellschaft. Es handelt sich um eine Kryptowährungsbörse. Durch die Neueinführung der Möglichkeit von Einzahlungen über PayPal bei bitFlyer Europe wird eine echte Fiat Krypto-Brücke für europäische Nutzer geschlagen. Die Integration eines so bekannten...

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Haben BitMEX und Trump den Kryptomarkt sinken lassen?

Okay, wir sagen nicht, dass es einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Ereignissen gibt, aber es gibt sicher einen Verdacht. Gestern Abend hat die CFTC, BitMEX mit einigen schwerwiegenden Anschuldigungen belastet. Der CFTC zufolge betreibt BitMEX eine nicht registrierte Handelsplattform und verstößt gleichzeitig gegen die Anti-Geldwäsche-Bestimmungen. Unmittelbar nachdem diese Nachricht bekannt...

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50 Bitcoins Worth Over $500,000 Mined in May 2010 Mysteriously Moved to Bitfinex

Bitcoin worth roughly $500,000 was moved to one of Bitfinex’s hot wallets a couple of days back.This might seem like nothing but an ordinary transaction if it wasn’t for the fact that the BTC in question was mined back in May 2010, and it hasn’t been touched since. At the time, Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, was still active.50 BTC From Satoshi’s Time on the MoveAn exciting transaction took place a couple of days ago. On October 1st, 2020, someone sent 50 BTC, currently...

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