Grammy award-winning music creator André Anjos is the latest artist to tap into the cryptocurrency space. Better known by his stage name RAC, Anjos has launched a new Ethereum based community token for artists.The token is also named RAC. With it, the music producer intends to free artists and content creators from the clutches of large-scale corporations that stifle their financial freedom.RAC Gives Back To The Community With Ethereum Based $RACIn the RAC token issuing platform Zora’s latest...
Read More »Atari Is Set to Release Its Own Digital Currency
Remember Atari, the old video game system? The original video game system? Well, it turns out the company is still around, and it’s entering the cryptocurrency arena.Atari Is Releasing Its Own CoinThe firm has announced the establishment of the Atari token, which is set to have a public sale in about a month on the exchange. Set for early November, customers or participants looking to take part in the sale can only purchase the coin utilizing five “mainstream” cryptocurrencies....
Read More »BitFlyer: Bitcoin mit PayPal kaufen dank japanischer Bitcoin-Börse
Mit PayPal Bitcoin kaufen: Endlich schliesst jemand die Lücke von PayPal zu Bitcoin. BitFlyer Europe ist eine Tochtergesellschaft einer japanischen Gesellschaft. Es handelt sich um eine Kryptowährungsbörse. Durch die Neueinführung der Möglichkeit von Einzahlungen über PayPal bei bitFlyer Europe wird eine echte Fiat Krypto-Brücke für europäische Nutzer geschlagen. Die Integration eines so bekannten...
Read More »Haben BitMEX und Trump den Kryptomarkt sinken lassen?
Okay, wir sagen nicht, dass es einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Ereignissen gibt, aber es gibt sicher einen Verdacht. Gestern Abend hat die CFTC, BitMEX mit einigen schwerwiegenden Anschuldigungen belastet. Der CFTC zufolge betreibt BitMEX eine nicht registrierte Handelsplattform und verstößt gleichzeitig gegen die Anti-Geldwäsche-Bestimmungen. Unmittelbar nachdem diese Nachricht bekannt...
Read More »50 Bitcoins Worth Over $500,000 Mined in May 2010 Mysteriously Moved to Bitfinex
Bitcoin worth roughly $500,000 was moved to one of Bitfinex’s hot wallets a couple of days back.This might seem like nothing but an ordinary transaction if it wasn’t for the fact that the BTC in question was mined back in May 2010, and it hasn’t been touched since. At the time, Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, was still active.50 BTC From Satoshi’s Time on the MoveAn exciting transaction took place a couple of days ago. On October 1st, 2020, someone sent 50 BTC, currently...
Read More »USPTO Grants Ripple Labs Patent for Smart Contracts System that Uses Oracles
The patent presents interesting use cases for data transactions between the Ripple ecosystem with the outside world. It also provides a new opportunity for Ripple to develop interesting smart contract apps for tangible and as intangible assets.On Friday, October 2, San Francisco-based blockchain startup Ripple Labs added yet another feather to its cap. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted Ripple Labs the patent for a smart contract design that collects data from the...
Read More »Q3 Ends with BitMEX Fiasco and KuCoin Hack, More to Come? The Crypto Weekly Market Update
To say that a lot has happened over the past seven days would be an understatement. Starting off with Bitcoin’s price, it’s currently trading at around $10,500, down $150 over the week.Everything was going relatively well for BTC. It peaked above $10,900, giving many people hopes that we will finally see a breach above $11,000 and a restart to the bull run. However, it was yesterday when things took a turn for the wors.As CryptoPotato reported, the US Commodity and Futures Trading Commission...
Read More »6X Bitcoin: Ethereum Miners Made $166 Million from Gas Fees in September
It pays to be a miner and process cryptocurrency transactions on a proof-of-work blockchain. The Ethereum miners know this especially well as they made a record $166 million last month from transaction fees. Bitcoin miners, however, could barely manage to scoop up $26 million.Ethereum Miners Made 6X More Money Than Bitcoin Miners in SeptData from on-chain insights provider Glassnode shows that miners operating on the second most popular blockchain platform made a hefty $166 million from...
Read More »Dfinance: Layer 2 Blockchain Network
With all the benefits and options available, Dfinance has high chances to become one of the leading platforms in DeFi by 2021.The Dfinance project is not exactly the WING foundation was aiming to create from the start. Rather it was born out of necessity while researching and analyzing extensively for new potential market fit.The crypto market was realizing the growth potential of decentralized finance (DeFi) back in late 2018. However, the WING team noticed a glaring reality – in the...
Read More »Crypto Adoption Index: So weit ist die Bitcoin-Adoption weltweit fortgeschritten
Crypto Adoption Index von Chainalysis Kennt jemand Chainalysis? Chainalysis ist sozusagen der Bernhard Russi unter den Skirenn-Analysten. Also kurzum, Chainalysis ist seit Jahren die kompetenteste Firma wenn es um Analysen rund um die Nutzung von digitalen Währungen wie Bitcoin geht. Und soeben veröffentlichte Chainalysis eine hochinteressante Grafik, welche die Verbreitung...
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