Today, more than 60% of global transactions involving Bitcoin have a connection with the gambling industry. One of the main factors that can be used to explain this popularity is the anonymity that crypto offers to the network participants.In a business running on estimation and predictions, observation and critical analysis of trends – of past, present, and future – play the central role. All the profits and losses incurred by its participants depend entirely on this object of detail and...
Read More »John McAfee Interview 2020 – Cryptocurrency, Regulation, Privacy and Freedom
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show. Heute im Interview der legendäre John McAfee. Telegram Kanal: Sonnige GrüsseDennis „Bitcoin Informant“ Koray
Read More »#821 Moneygram 60 Millionen Verlust, Börse Stuttgart Bitcoin Short ETP & Tim Draper All in Bitcoin
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 821. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Ripple-Partner Moneygram mit 60 Millionen US-Dollar Verlust, Börse Stuttgart bietet Short-Position auf Bitcoin als ETP an & Tim Draper All in Bitcoin. 1.) Ripple-Partner Moneygram mit 60 Millionen US-Dollar Verlust 2.) Börse Stuttgart bietet Short-Position auf Bitcoin als ETP...
Read More »Amazon (AMZN) Stock Down 4% Yesterday, Cost Jeff Bezos $4.8 Billion of Net Worth
Amazon stock crashed more than 4% yesterday, causing CEO and founder Jeff Bezos to lose nearly $5 billion of his personal wealth.The effects of the coronavirus outbreak are still being felt all over the world. With each passing day, these effects are worsening and are getting harder to ignore. Stock markets all over the world are taking a plunge and a lot of money is being washed down the drain. This problem has hit the world’s richest man and Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) CEO Jeff Bezos, who...
Read More »Is Artificial Intelligence Poised to Come of Age?
Once AI has transformed into a lifelong-learning system across industries, individual users and big corporations alike will notice its more than dynamic insights.Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2020 and beyond, with its seemingly limitless potential, is set to transform the world – or is it? To fully embrace and reap the rewards of this futuristic technological trend, industries as far afield as a business forecasting and online gambling security, predictive maintenance and customer service...
Read More »Ripple Transfers $54 Million in XRP to Mexico in One Week, Inks Useful Partnerships
Ripple’s XRP price may be on the road to the next big move, as the company is actively expanding the scales of its activities and joined the Top 100 Remittance Companies list being the only crypto-related company there.Ripple network sent 54 million in one week from the U.S. to Mexico, according to the reports. Such a big volume level pushes XRP price greatly, even though the recent downfall. With the company reaching the top 100 cross-border payment corporations chart, new horizons are...
Read More »Bitcoin Price and Stocks Lose Strength as Coronavirus Comes to Italy
The U.S. markets show a significant drop on Monday morning due to the coronavirus fears and uncertainty. People rush to sell the coins, experts now expect Bitcoin price to go below 9,000.The Dow index, as well as top stocks, S&P 500 and Bitcoin price, have all started losing as coronavirus is conquering new territories. Even more, value vanishes since the virus reaches Italy: one of the world’s biggest travel and trading mecca. The COVID-19 also visits Iran, South Korea, Bahrain, Kuwait...
Read More »Tom Lee: Der Bitcoin-Preis wird explodieren!
Tom Lee, Gründungsmitglied des Investmentfonds Fundstrat, erklärte, dass Investoren den Preis für Bitcoins in die Höhe treiben, wenn die Kryptowährung groß genug wird. Auf der Coingeek-Konferenz 2020 erläuterte er in seiner Rede außerdem, dass der Krypto-Markt nach wie vor „winzig“ sei. Im Verhältnis zu traditionellen liquiden Mittel beträgt der Krypto-Anteil lediglich 0,1 Prozent und sei demnach...
Read More »OneCoin Followers: How the CryptoUnit MLM Network Lures Into the Trap
Unfortunately, the crypto industry is still widely associated with illegal activities, scams and frauds. Though the measures are taken, such projects as CryptoUnit still exist.The scandal erupted around the OneCoin project reached its peak in the fall of 2019. According to the top management of the project, OneCoin was a cryptography-based digital currency, an analog of bitcoin. However, a targeted review revealed that a fraudulent scheme underlined OneCoin. First of all, despite the numerous...
Read More »Bank of Korea: Südkorea will Staatsanleihen via Blockchain verkaufen
Südkoreas Zentralbank möchte in Zukunft das Potential der Blockchain nutzen. Die Bank of Korea, kurz BOK, plant den Einsatz der Blockchain im Bereich der Anleiheabwicklung. Das Portal Business Korea berichtete, dass die BOK eine Machbarkeitsstudie ihres Projektes am 18. Februar bestätigt hat. Die Studie soll überprüfen, ob ein Anleiheemissionssystem basierend auf der Blockchain durchführbar ist. Sie wird etwa bis zur Mitte des Jahres 2020 andauern, wobei eine bankinterne...
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